Fw: [閒聊] 172條關鍵電玩產業統計:2021年巿場統計

看板Steam標題Fw: [閒聊] 172條關鍵電玩產業統計:2021年巿場統計作者
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172 Key Video Games Industry Statistics: 2021 Market Share Analysis & Data


Video Games Industry Statistics

Digital Game Distribution Industry

PC Gaming Industry Statistics

Console Gaming Statistics

Mobile Gaming Statistics

XR: VR/AR Gaming Statistics

Video Game Streaming Statistics

eSports Statistics




手機設備 69%
桌機/筆電 41%
遊戲主機 25%
平板電腦 21%
手持設備 12%
串流設備 6%

There are around 2.7 billion gamers in the world in 2020. (Wijman, 2020)

Gamers make up 26% of the world’s population. (Beattie, 2021)

The Asia Pacific region has the most number of gamers in the world with 1.4
billion. (Wijman, 2020)


Gaming is so popular that 58% of people aged 55-64 game on any device and 91%of people aged 16-24 do the same. (GWI, 2020)


Around 48% of gamers claim that they play video games to escape from everydaylife. Only 26% claimed that they do this to explore worlds and storylines.
(Newzoo, 2020)


Worldwide video game sales saw an increase of 63% during the COVID-19
pandemic outbreak. (RENTCafe, 2020)


The top five video game-related sales on Amazon in 2020 are (1) $100
PlayStation Store Gift Card, (2) $10 Xbox Gift Card, (3) $10 Nintendo eShop
Gift Card, (4) $10 PlayStation Store Gift Card, and (5) Animal Crossing: New
Horizons. Incidentally, Animal Crossing has been used as a shared activity
for online daters. (Amazon, 2020)


1. 100美元PS商店禮物卡
2. 10美元XboX禮物卡
3. 10美元任天堂eShop禮物卡
4. 10美元PS商店禮物卡
5. 集合啦!動物森友會



It was reported that Steam had 120 million monthly active users in 2020.
(Steam, 2020)


Also, the platform had 62.6 million daily active users in 2020, with a peak
of 24.8 million concurrent players. (Steam, 2020)


In 2020, registered 2.6 million new purchasers every month and 21.4% more
games purchased in the previous year. (Steam, 2020)


Moreover, the leading distribution channel saw a 50.7% increase in hours
played in 2020 compared to 2019. (Steam, 2020)


By February 2021, Steam reached a peak of 26.4 million users. This is a 38.2%increase from the 19.1 million posted in February of last year. (Steam, 2020)


As of March 2021, the number of Steam users in the US used 80.2PB. Chinese
gamers used more reaching 90.7 PB. (Steam, 2021)


Asia is the region with the least bandwidth use at 5.7 Tbps. (Steam, 2021)

亞洲是頻寬使用最少的地區,只有5.7 Tbps。

China leads when it comes to traffic, accounting for 19% overall. The US
follows with a share of 16.8%. (Steam, 2021)


The language most used on Steam is English (38.8%) and is followed by
Simplified Chinese (19.8%). Other popular languages used include Russian
(11.3%), Spanish from Spain (5.25%), and German (3.87%). (Steam, 2021)


英語 38.8%
簡體中文 19.8%
俄語 11.3%
西班牙語 5.25%
德語 3.87%

When it comes to ratings, as of this writing, Portal 2 is the highest-rated
game on Steam in early 2021 with 97.60%. (Steam, 2021)

This is followed by Factorio (97.44%), Hades (97.43%), The Witcher 3: Wild
Hunt (97.10%), and Terraria (97.09%). (Steam, 2021)

至本文截止,Portal 2是Steam上評分最高遊戲為97.60%好評。

接下來是Factorio (97.44%),Hades (97.43%),巫師3狂獵 (97.10%)和Terraria

The most played game on Steam is Counter-Strike: Global Offensive with a peakof logged-on players of 1.19 million. The most hours played were more than
537.97 million. (Steam Charts, 2021)





It is difficult to communicate a life with words.


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ltytw04/18 21:01難怪遊戲商賺快錢都會選擇手機平台

hsparrot04/18 21:37人多,平均智商又低,我開發商也選手機

Sunerk04/18 21:38正常 手機最容易入啊

commandoEX04/18 23:06排名2是"桌機/筆電",我還在想為何家機出現兩次= =

※ 編輯: wizardfizban ( 臺灣), 04/19/2021 05:55:31

aaron6803204/19 07:20因為每個人都有手機 然後不知為啥人對手遊課金不會手

aaron6803204/19 07:20

RuinAngel04/19 08:13Steam 上西語人數比想像中少好多,然後為啥這麼多德語?

Angesi04/19 08:59十抽保底1張SSR 大家都當課長了

TotalBiscuit04/19 09:46不是說大家都買遊戲主機沒人在用電腦玩遊戲

pppli04/19 10:16手機課5鎂連屎都抽不到 PC花5鎂就有打到骨折的3A大作

kurtsgm04/19 10:55asia跟china分開看的喔?

s90052704/19 11:04看天堂m賺多少就知道 要開發難的要死的電腦 還是弱智手游

freeblade04/19 11:56花大錢開發3A幹嘛 最刁的玩家族群 花最少錢 都等特價

freeblade04/19 11:57我只能盡我棉薄之力 想玩的都買首發

ssarc04/19 12:01手遊課金立刻就有圖卡,鑽石數字立刻增加,遊戲買了還要玩

ssarc04/19 12:01,我這麼忙當然課手遊

ssarc04/19 12:07我只是想花錢開心一下,不想再開電腦,下載,破關,傷腦傷

ssarc04/19 12:07手,花錢買挫折

seemoon200004/19 12:16看原神就知道 稍微有點品質的手遊 幾乎都賺到發爐了

ggghalo204/19 14:18比起德語我比較好奇法語人數居然輸給德語

suleyman04/19 14:22法語第七 還輸葡語呢

suleyman04/19 14:24抱歉應該是輸巴西葡語 發現巴西葡語跟葡語是不同區的

sg198704/19 14:49PC玩家數量已經贏家機這麼多了喔

bluewaveocea04/19 15:22"the leading distribution channel"指的是steam

bluewaveocea04/19 15:24該句意思是,steam注意到了與2019年相比,遊玩時間

bluewaveocea04/19 15:24增加了50.7%

CreamP04/19 15:58’16-24 do the same‘是指和55-64的人做一樣的事

CreamP04/19 15:58也就是都有在任何設備上玩遊戲

lolicat04/19 16:17因為手遊課金的回饋感還有人類心理等等因素

alinwang04/19 16:33你們沒有手機嗎真是大哉問

zitoneverwin04/19 18:02以後殘體中文要統治世界了 慘

kenkenken3104/19 18:22推個,手遊真的魔鬼,STEAM金額破1000就開始計較

kenkenken3104/19 18:23手遊卻不小心一天就2.3千下去,只為了一個腳色...

natsusa04/19 19:14手遊課金還有賭博的刺激加成

Angel072404/19 19:18課金抽池賭博機制真的很可怕

seemoon200004/19 19:48人性就是很難克服賭的慾望

hitsukix04/19 20:14現在多數人要故事情節就是看串流片,手遊就是拿來爽的

aaaa824704/20 01:33手遊就課金賭博。然後人就愛賭。哈哈 可撥

sondbe04/20 04:40家雞黨爭結果發現自己是1/4仔 同溫層有夠厚蒙蔽雙眼

sondbe04/20 04:46真的就算gris本人也手殘崩潰過 真是花錢傷腦傷指又挫折

soapmactony04/20 12:47do you guys not have phone?

jnaqhae04/20 14:48希望那些遊戲廠別再支援簡體了 要馬大家一起看英文

jnaqhae04/20 14:49也別讓大家看那些破翻譯 和殘體字

ssarc04/20 16:19英文和簡體字我選簡體字,另外繁體字只有台灣在用,人家肯

ssarc04/20 16:19給我就很感激了