[情報] Humankind將登上XGP for PC!

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Humankind will launch straight into Xbox Game Pass on PC

Amplitude's much-anticipated Humankind will launch into Xbox Game Pass on PC
next week.

The 4X strategy game will finally roll out next Tuesday, 17th August, after
several delays. It had originally been due in 2020.

Last month, Amplitude announced it would pull the controversial Denuvo DRM
from Humankind before launch,
based on data from the game's closed beta and
feedback from fans.

"We've been working on this game for more than four years now and personally
it's been my dream project for 25 years," Romain de Waubert, boss of
Amplitude said. "That being said, our priority is always the best possible
experience for the players who buy our games and support us. Denuvo should
never impact player performance, and we don't want to sacrifice quality for
you guys."


震驚! Humankind居然要直接登上XGP

是要模仿CK3的模式嗎? 這樣對Steam的銷量不知道影響多大




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kaj198308/10 18:52謝謝微軟爸爸

by135tw08/10 18:53不錯喔來爽玩一下

dk248624808/10 18:55今年最期待的作品耶 爽喔

sunshinecan08/10 19:03XGP訂閱大多不含DLC? 反而是steam開始有dlc訂閱制

kaj198308/10 19:06steam有訂閱制了?

yuehxian08/10 19:08等了大半年

asdf194408/10 19:11還好吧,先玩先爽

moswu08/10 21:20Steam什麼時候有訂閱制了?

zxcasd32808/10 21:38steam有啊,DLC訂閱用於那些DLC海量的遊戲

zxcasd32808/10 21:38不過好像也就王國風雲2有而已

RaiGend051908/10 21:41哇靠

astrophy08/10 21:50steam有些遊戲有訂閱

moswu08/10 21:50所以就一款叫steam有dlc訂閱「制」?

leo1998108/10 21:55Steam只有+1制

sunshinecan08/10 21:59有一款當然算"開始有"dlc訂閱制啊...

articlebear08/11 06:31有一款當然算有阿,有訂閱制不等於"steam是訂閱制"

benson86111908/11 08:01國文老師QQ

HorseWing08/11 09:51先觀望,畢竟文明6完整版已經出了,再次特價也只是遲

HorseWing08/11 09:51早的問題

zondacinque08/11 10:19先推移除DRM 光這點就讓我想買了

tsstho08/11 14:03但是這類遊戲DLC有差

Turas08/19 21:44同意,一款當然算開始有,字用的好

Alanetsai08/20 08:28對還在觀望想試玩或是XGP長期訂戶有意義,不然精神時光

Alanetsai08/20 08:28屋型遊戲上XGP意義倒是不大