[情報] FTC對三大巨頭展開AI投資夥伴的調查

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FTC Launches Inquiry into Generative AI Investments and Partnerships

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4. 內文:

FTC Launches Inquiry into Generative AI Investments and Partnerships

Agency Issues 6(b) Orders to Alphabet, Inc.,, Inc., Anthropic PBC,Microsoft Corp., and OpenAI, Inc.

The Federal Trade Commission announced today that it issued orders to five
companies requiring them to provide information regarding recent investments
and partnerships involving generative AI companies and major cloud service

The agency’s 6(b) inquiry will scrutinize corporate partnerships and
investments with AI providers to build a better internal understanding of
these relationships and their impact on the competitive landscape. The
compulsory orders were sent to Alphabet, Inc.,, Inc., Anthropic
PBC, Microsoft Corp., and OpenAI, Inc.

“History shows that new technologies can create new markets and healthy
competition. As companies race to develop and monetize AI, we must guard
against tactics that foreclose this opportunity, “said FTC Chair Lina M.
Khan. “Our study will shed light on whether investments and partnerships
pursued by dominant companies risk distorting innovation and undermining faircompetition."

The FTC issued its orders under Section 6(b) of the FTC Act, which authorizesthe Commission to conduct studies that allow enforcers to gain a deeper
understanding of market trends and business practices. Findings stemming fromsuch orders can help inform future Commission actions.

Companies are deploying a range of strategies in developing and using AI,
including pursuing partnerships and direct investments with AI developers to
get access to key technologies and inputs needed for AI development. The
orders issued today were sent to companies involved in three separate
multi-billion-dollar investments: Microsoft and OpenAI, Amazon and Anthropic,and Google and Anthropic. The FTC’s inquiry will help the agency deepen
enforcers understanding of the investments and partnerships formed between
generative AI developers and cloud service providers.

The FTC is seeking information specifically related to:

-Information regarding a specific investment or partnership, including
agreements and the strategic rationale of an investment/partnership.

-The practical implications of a specific partnership or investment, including decisions around new product releases, governance or oversight rights, and
the topic of regular meetings.

-Analysis of the transactions’ competitive impact, including information
related to market share, competition, competitors, markets, potential for
sales growth, or expansion into product or geographic markets.

-Competition for AI inputs and resources, including the competitive dynamics
regarding key products and services needed for generative AI.

-Information provided to any other government entity, including foreign
government entities, in connection with any investigation, request for
information, or other inquiry related to these topics.

The companies will have 45 days from the date they receive the order to

The Commission voted 3-0 to issue the Section 6(b) orders and conduct the
study of AI investments and partnerships.

The Federal Trade Commission works to promote competition, and protect and
educate consumers. You can learn more about how competition benefits
consumers or file an antitrust complaint. For the latest news and resources,follow the FTC on social media, subscribe to press releases and read our blog.

美國聯邦貿易委員會(Federal Trade Commission)今天宣佈,已向五家公司發出命令,要求它們提供有關最近涉及生成式人工智慧公司和主要雲服務提供者的投資和合作夥伴關係的資訊。

該機構的6(b)調查將仔細審查企業與人工智慧供應商的合作夥伴關係和投資,以更好地瞭解這些關係及其對競爭格局的影響。強制命令已發送給 Alphabet, Inc.、, Inc.、Anthropic PBC、Microsoft Corp. 和 OpenAI, Inc.。

“歷史表明,新技術可以創造新的市場和良性競爭。隨著公司競相開發人工智慧並將其貨幣化,我們必須防範那些扼殺這一機會的策略,“FTC主席Lina M. Khan說。我們的研究




特定合作夥伴關係或投資的實際影響,包括圍繞新產品發佈、治理或監督權的決策,以及 定期會議的主題。

-分析交易的競爭影響,包括與市場份額、競爭、競爭對手、市場、銷售增長潛力或向產品 或地理市場擴張相關的資訊。

-對人工智慧投入和資源的競爭,包括生成式人工智慧所需的關鍵產品和服務的競爭動態。 提供給任何其他政府實體(包括外國政府實體)的與與這些主題相關的任何調查、資訊請 求或其他查詢的資訊。

這些公司將有 45 天的時間做出回應。

委員會以 3-0 的投票結果發佈了第 6(b) 條命令,並對人工智慧投資和合作夥伴關係進行了研究。



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※ 編輯: felaray ( 臺灣), 01/26/2024 02:02:17