Re: [新聞] Intel 7nm delay,不排除使用第三方代工廠

看板Stock標題Re: [新聞] Intel 7nm delay,不排除使用第三方代工廠作者
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※ 引述《switch (pura vita!)》之銘言:
: 1.原文連結:
: 2.原文內容:
: 節錄:
: Intel Corp. shares dove and rival Advanced Micro Devices Inc. shares gained: in after-hours trading Thursday, when Intel reported its next generation of: semiconductor technology will be delayed and that it may actually use a
: third-party to manufacture it as a contingency plan.
: “We have identified a defect mode in our 7-nanometer process that resulted
: in yield degradation,” said Bob Swan, Intel chief executive, on a conferenc
: call late Thursday. “We’ve root caused the issue and believe there are no
: fundamental roadblocks but we have also invested in contingency plans to
: hedge against further schedule uncertainty.”
: Those contingency plans could include using “somebody else’s foundry,”
: Swan said in the call. For example, AMD uses Taiwan Semiconductor
: Manufacturing Co. TSM, -1.69% to manufacture its 7-nm chips, and American
: depositary receipts for TSMC were up 4% after hours.
: 3.心得/評論:
: Intel 發現自家的 7nm 製程有一種缺陷模式會造成良率的損失,將延後六個月推出。: 不排除使用外部的第三方晶圓代工作為應變計畫,以避免產品發表時程再一次被拖延。: 盤後 Intel 目前大跌 10%, AMD 大漲 8%, TSM (tsmc ADR) 漲 4.6%。





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tsitned 07/24 21:45台灣有其他因素 但漲那價 也算反映了

yam193431 07/24 21:45因為我們偉大政府不讓你用ADR套利

saygogo 07/24 21:46禮拜一開盤漲停板

w60904max 07/24 21:51大盤指數太高了

aresa 07/24 21:55台灣沒有多餘資金投資股市,就這麼簡單

goodid520 07/24 21:55小菸政府說 不准妳外資進來買台機機 只准炒房

goodid520 07/24 21:56沒看到現在建商和政府一起大內宣 房地起噴 一起噴

goodid520 07/24 21:56不買來不及了

horseorange 07/24 21:56看起來比較像換炒tsm 就是了

acd311 07/24 21:56gg如果漲停,大盤會過12682嗎...(但是中小全倒...)

Yishanhuang 07/24 21:57政府炒房,只准買工業地,不准買台積電

kainolife 07/24 22:04台gg還是控制期貨和選擇權的工具,一下漲停,莊家會

kainolife 07/24 22:04死一片

TPE5566 07/24 22:11有沒有機會Intel美國廠房跟台積股權交換啊 雙方合作

TPE5566 07/24 22:12GG缺廠房產能 Intel缺製程技術 Intel乾脆放棄製造

tsitned 07/24 22:12怎麼幻想gg舔intel 當白奴太久嗎

ksxo 07/24 22:14台股GG如果今天有大漲我就不會被洗空手了QQ

kevin850717 07/24 23:09GG帶著一眾G概股一起漲停,大盤保底5%

chousirbuy 07/25 05:26凖備接回來,今天50小買一些