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分析師:The other companies are making improvements, and Zillow's not.
They're still losing lots of money.



Zillow Group Inc (NASDAQ:Z) shares are trading lower possibly on continued
downward momentum after KeyBanc analysts said they believe the company's
earnings may be at risk due to its $1.17 billion home inventory, finding that66% of these homes are listed below their purchase price.


Just weeks after Zillow announced it would be pausing its iBuying of U.S.
houses, Bloomberg reported Zillow has actually sold 7,000 homes from its




The company reported the following Q3 financial results:


-- Consolidated Q3 revenue of $1.7 billion.

-- IMT segment revenue growth of 16% year over year to $480 million, and
Premier Agent revenue growth of 20% year over year to $359 million, both
within the company's Q3 outlook ranges.

-- Homes segment revenue of $1.2 billion, below the company's Q3 outlook of
$1.45 billion at the midpoint of the range, due primarily to renovation
and resale capacity constraints.

-- Mortgages segment revenue growth of 30% year over year to $70 million,
exceeding the high end of the company's outlook range.

-- Consolidated GAAP net loss of $328 million in Q3. Segment income (loss)
before income taxes of $130 million, $(422) million and $(6) million for
the IMT, Homes and Mortgages segments, respectively.

-- Consolidated Adjusted EBITDA loss of $169 million with Adjusted EBITDA
for the IMT and Mortgages segments exceeding the high end of the
company's Q3 outlook. Adjusted EBITDA by segment of $207 million, $(381)
million and $5 million for the IMT, Homes and Mortgages segments,

-- The company ended the third quarter with cash and investments of $3.2







Included in the company's third-quarter financial results is a write-down of
inventory of approximately $304 million within the Homes segment as a result
of purchasing homes in Q3 at higher prices than the company's current
estimates of future selling prices. The company further expects an additional$240 million to $265 million of losses to be recognized in Q4 primarily on
homes it expects to purchase in Q4. Additionally, Homes segment Q3 revenue isbelow the company's previously provided outlook range due to resale capacity
constraints that pushed a number of closings into Q4 that were previously
expected to close in Q3.





'We've determined the unpredictability in forecasting home prices far exceedswhat we anticipated and continuing to scale Zillow Offers would result in toomuch earnings and balance-sheet volatility,' CEO tells investors


Zillow Group Inc. is calling it quits on the home-flipping business, while
disclosing losses of more than $550 million on homes purchased in the second
half of this year for which the company admits it paid too much.

Zillow集團(Zillow Group Inc.)宣佈退出房屋轉售業務,同時披露今年下半年購買房屋的虧損超過5.5億美元,該公司承認支付了過高的價格。

The real-estate giant on Tuesday blamed a faulty algorithmic model for
ditching its iBuying business of buying and selling homes quickly, and said
it will lay off about a quarter of its staff. The surprising exit, announced
with pedestrian quarterly profits, thrashed shares in another rough trading
session Tuesday, a day after an analyst said two-thirds of the homes it
bought are underwater.


"We've determined the unpredictability in forecasting home prices far exceedswhat we anticipated and continuing to scale Zillow Offers would result in toomuch earnings and balance-sheet volatility," Zillow Group (ZG)(ZG) co-founderand Chief Executive Rich Barton said in a statement.

Zillow集團(Zillow Group)聯合創始人兼首席執行長巴頓(Rich Barton)在一份聲明中説,我們已經確定,預測房價的不可預測性遠遠超出了我們的預期,繼續擴大Zillow的報價將導致太多的收益和資產負債表的波動。

The dissolving of the flipping business will take several quarters and
include a reduction of Zillow's workforce by approximately 25%, Barton said.
Zillow disclosed that it wrote down $304 million in losses due to houses
purchased for too high a price in the third quarter, and expects losses of
$240 million to $265 million in the fourth quarter for the same reason,
pushing total losses on those houses to more than $550 billion.


During the third quarter, Zillow said it bought 9,680 homes and sold 3,032 ofthem. It marked a significant jump from the record 3,805 homes it purchased
in the second quarter, of which 2,086 were sold.


Shares fell 3% in extended trading following Zillow's (ZG) announcement of a
net loss of $328.2 million, or $1.29 a share, compared with net income of
$39.6 million in the year-ago quarter. Revenue rose 164% to $1.74 billion
from a year ago. Analysts surveyed by FactSet had expected net income of 16
cents a share on revenue of $2 billion.


Zillow Group's stock is down 34% in 2021; it declined 10.3% in regular
session trading Tuesday, to close at $87.20. The broader S&P 500 index has
gained 23% this year.

Zillow Group的股票在2021年下跌了34%,在週二的常規交易中下跌了10.3%,收於87.20美元。更廣泛的標準普爾500指數今年已經上漲了23%。



Real-estate firm Zillow Group Inc. is exiting from the home-flipping
business, saying Tuesday that its algorithmic+ model to buy and sell homes
rapidly doesn't work as planned.

房地產公司Zillow Group Inc.正在退出賣房業務,該公司週二表示,其快速買賣房屋的算法+模式沒有按計劃奏效。

The firm's termination of its tech-enabled home-flipping business, known as
"iBuying," follows Zillow's announcement about two weeks ago that it was
halting all new home purchases for the rest of the year. At the time, Zillow
pointed to labor and supply shortages for its inability to renovate and flip
houses fast enough.


In a statement Tuesday, Chief Executive Rich Barton said Zillow had failed topredict the pace of home-price appreciation accurately, marking an end to a
venture the company once said could generate $20 billion a year. Instead, thecompany said it now plans to cut 25% of its workforce.

Zillow首席執行長巴頓(Rich Barton)週二在一份聲明中説,Zillow未能準確預測房價上漲的速度,這標誌着該公司曾表示每年可產生200億美元收入的風險投資畫上了句號。相反,該公司表示,現在計劃裁員25%。

"We've determined the unpredictability in forecasting home prices far exceedswhat we anticipated and continuing to scale Zillow Offers would result in toomuch earnings and balance-sheet volatility," Mr. Barton said.


Zillow and other tech-powered house flippers, known as iBuyers, purchase
homes, renovate them and then try to sell them quickly, making money on
transaction fees and home-price appreciation. Zillow used an algorithm to
make home price estimates, called the "Zestimate," and determine what it
would pay home sellers.


Ultralow mortgage-interest rates and a need for more space to work from home
have driven robust home-buying demand in the past year and a half. Prices
have climbed sharply in almost every corner of the U.S.


"It feels like this would be a hard time to lose money buying and selling
houses," said Benjamin Keys, professor of real estate at the Wharton School
of the University of Pennsylvania. "This is a time frame where prices have
gone up in a lot of places, dramatically."

賓夕法尼亞大學(University Of Pennsylvania)沃頓商學院(Wharton School Of The
University Of Pennsylvania)房地產教授本傑明·凱斯(Benjamin Keys)表示:

In recent months, sky-high prices have forced out some buyers, and the markethas showed signs of cooling off, as many economists expected. The median
existing-home sales price rose 13.3% in September from a year earlier --
still unusually robust, though down from 23.6% year-over-year price growth inMay, according to the National Association of Realtors.

近幾個月來,天價迫使一些買家退出,正如許多經濟學家預期的那樣,市場出現了降温的跡象。全美房地產經紀人協會(National Association Of Realtors)的數據顯示,9月份現房銷售價格中值同比上漲13.3%,仍異常強勁,但低於5月份23.6%的同比漲幅。

Even this gradual tapering in price growth flummoxed Zillow's algorithm,
leading the company to pull the plug on the venture.


Zillow's class C share price was down 10% on Tuesday, falling before the
company announced after the market closed that it would end home flipping.
Shares continued to slide in after-hours trading.


The move represents a big hit to Zillow's top line. Home-flipping was the
company's largest source of revenue, but it has never turned a profit.


Zillow, which released earnings Tuesday, said its home-flipping business,
Zillow Offers, lost $381 million last quarter, as measured by adjusted
earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization. That resultedin a combined adjusted Ebitda loss of $169 million across all of Zillow.

(EBITDA)衡量,其翻轉房屋業務Zillow Offers上季度虧損3.81億美元。這導致整個

Zillow has an inventory of about 9,800 homes across the United States that itis currently shopping to investors. Additionally, there are another 8,200
homes in contract it has agreed to buy. The company expects to lose somewherebetween 5% and 7% on these homes, the company said.


Starting in the summer, competitors such as OpenDoor and Offerpad began to
pull back from home purchases in one of the biggest home-flipping markets,
Phoenix, as the red-hot pandemic market began to cool.


But Zillow accelerated, according to an analysis of sales records by
real-estate tech researcher Mike DelPrete, scholar-in-residence at the
University of Colorado, Boulder. Zillow also paid significantly more than
those competitors for each home it purchased, buying homes priced $65,000
above the median on average, according to Mr. DelPrete's analysis.

但根據科羅拉多大學博爾德分校(University of Colorado,Boulder)駐校學者邁克·德
爾普雷特(Mike DelPrete)對銷售記錄的分析,Zillow加速了速度。根據德爾普雷特的分析,Zillow購買的每套住房的價格也明顯高於競爭對手,購買價格平均比中位數高出6.5萬美元。

By October, the company had listed 250 Phoenix homes at a median-price
discount of 6.2% below what it had paid for them. Mr. DelPrete called
Zillow's price blunder a catastrophic failure.


A wider look at Zillow's national performance by analysts at KeyBanc Capital
Markets found it had listed 66% of homes at prices below what it had paid forthem, with an average discount of 4.5%.

KeyBanc資本市場(KeyBanc Capital Markets)的分析師對Zillow在全國範圍內的表現進行了更廣泛的研究,發現66%的房屋掛牌價格低於其支付的價格,平均折扣為4.5%。

"The fact that Zillow can't make it work shouldn't be the final death knell
for iBuying," Mr. DelPrete said. "The other companies are making
improvements, and Zillow's not. They're still losing lots of money."


Zillow said it expects that the wind-down of its home-flipping outfit will
take several quarters.


※ PTT 留言評論
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plotay 11/03 08:38這樣會還open一個公道嗎?

dmcry 11/03 08:40Phoenix翻成鳳凰衛視.....

ck326 11/03 08:41可粘阿,這兩年可以虧成這樣不簡單

yao60301 11/03 08:44鳳凰衛視XDDDDDDD

富途牛牛的翻譯 看來也是機器翻譯...我改一下

hzjtrjq 11/03 09:00整體性的東西 open我覺得應該不會好到那裡去

如何判斷這是整體性風險? 可以看看我昨天貼的,有Z和OPEN經營方式的比較. 我反而覺得現在的市況是零和遊戲.

※ 編輯: Severine ( 臺灣), 11/03/2021 09:05:30

plotay 11/03 09:07我看之前通膨加息後,對於房市是一大重擊。可是連T

plotay 11/03 09:07aper都還沒,十日open的財報應該不會像Z這麼慘吧

abyssa1 11/03 09:10炒房炒過頭啦

andy50814 11/03 09:12預期升息心理?

Severine 11/03 09:13這是財報,講過去的事。過去哪來升息預期啦。

plotay 11/03 09:17我認為通膨時代房市還會熱,畢竟房子是資產。還是

plotay 11/03 09:17要謝謝Z,大跌拖累open,讓我便宜買進開部位

Severine 11/03 09:20我同樓上的想法

plotay 11/03 09:34感謝Severine辛勤更新財報造福大家,請問大大有研

plotay 11/03 09:35究Digital Turbine嗎?也有很多人買,剛公布財報了


edward31028 11/03 10:29炒房仔下去,FED絕對痛下殺手

edward31028 11/03 10:29經過2008泥各位可能不知道西方的態度

edward31028 11/03 10:30股票可以炒絕對沒問題 房地產過熱就是壓制

edward31028 11/03 10:31升息馬上就要到來 還想炒房地產啊

edward31028 11/03 10:32泥各位沒嚐過家破人亡 巨額負債 結果房子不值錢

tim810320 11/03 10:44Opendoor 的演算法是和SQ合作的機器學習算法,2019

tim810320 11/03 10:44至今扣掉受疫情影響那幾個月其它毛利都是正的,上

tim810320 11/03 10:44季度的毛利是也高出Z很多,完全是Z自己的問題

TruMadDeeply11/03 11:24太好了!OPEN可以拼第一了

donkilu 11/03 11:43跑去炒房有夠低能 幹你Zillow

※ 編輯: Severine ( 臺灣), 11/03/2021 11:51:27

ims531 11/03 14:24冬天了 房產業股票就先別買

alexsilva 11/03 15:00上次財報出來主打ibuying業務增長,廣告業務重視度

alexsilva 11/03 15:00降低就已經有點失望了,本來還以為Q2財報會有IMT的

alexsilva 11/03 15:00驚喜,唉….還好之前100多的時候賠錢出掉了

alexsilva 11/03 15:01不把資源投入在線上廣告業務上,反而去跟open搶ibuy

alexsilva 11/03 15:01ing的市佔,說真的有點失望

alexsilva 11/03 15:02真的還好早就小賠出場了,沒想到Q3財報會這麼悲劇

alexsilva 11/03 15:03直接7000多套房買在Q3房價高點,又因為缺工不能翻新

alexsilva 11/03 15:03,變成只能賠錢出售,這樣怎麼打得過大哥open啊….

alexsilva 11/03 15:03還好阿肥出了

alexsilva 11/03 15:04Z暫時看不到未來性了,各位別買

Severine 11/03 21:38OPEN還在向下QQ

shiz 11/04 22:28結果OPEN今天把昨天跌的都要回來了

Severine 11/05 01:08太猛了 我open買太少 = =