Re: [新聞] 聯準會Bullard支持超級大量升息,7月1日前升4碼

看板Stock標題Re: [新聞] 聯準會Bullard支持超級大量升息,7月1日前升4碼作者
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看到這篇 我又忍不住想嘴一下

布拉德 不是版上有大師還是很多人說他是中立偏鴿派??????


去年我說他是鷹派 結果被嗆翻耶?????????


然後我有解釋他為什麼是鷹派 也被嗆翻耶

所以他不是中立偏鴿派嗎 有誰可以解釋一下怎變最鷹派了?

※ 引述《HisVol (他的體積)》之銘言:
: 原文標題:
: Fed’s Bullard Backs Supersized Hike, Seeks Full Point by July 1
: 聯準會Bullard支持超級大量升息,7月1日前升4碼
: 原文連結:
: 發布時間:
: 2022年2月11日 上午1:45 [GMT+8]
: 原文內容:
: ‘Inflationary shock’ needs big response, he says in interview
: Bullard在訪談中說:需要強烈回應通膨衝擊
: St. Louis Fed chief defers to Powell on size of March increase
: Bullard:3月升息多少尊重Powell
: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President James Bullard said he supports raising interest rates by a full percentage point by the start of July -- including the first half-point hike since 2000 -- in response to the hottest inflation in four decades.
: Bullard支持在7月初之前升息1%,以應對40年來最火熱的通膨
: “I’d like to see 100 basis points in the bag by July 1,” Bullard, a voter on monetary policy this year, said in an interview with Bloomberg News on Thursday. “I was already more hawkish but I have pulled up dramatically what I think the committee should do.”
: 「我希望能在7月1日看到升息100個基點,我本來就比較鷹派,但是現在我又大幅提高我認為聯準會該做的。」
: Bullard’s plan involves spreading the increases over three meetings, shrinking the Fed’s balance sheet starting in the second quarter, and then deciding on the path of rates in the second half based on updated data. He said he was undecided on whether the March meeting should begin with 50 basis points, and would defer to Fed Chair Jerome Powell in leading the discussion. Powell, at a press conference in January,idn’t rule out the ideaf such a move.
: Bullard spoke after the January consumer price index report showed a 7.5% annual increase, the biggest since 1982. Gains were broad-based, extending beyond food and energy to categories including household furnishings and health insurance.
: Yields on two-year Treasuries, which had risen after the CPI print, climbed further after Bullard’s comments to reach about 1.58%, the highest since January 2020, while 10-year yields rose to about 2.04%, the highest since August 2019.ed swapsow show a full point of tightening over the next three meetings.
: ‘Concerning’ Report
: The report “shows continued inflationary pressure in the U.S.” and “is concerning for me and for the Fed,” Bullard said. “You have got the highest inflation in 40 years and I think we are going to have to be far more nimble and far more reactive to data.”
: 心得/評論:
: 昨天美股在CPI數字出來後先跌一根
: V了一下後Bullard這個消息再下去
: 近年聯準會不喜歡讓大家猜
: 通常會在開會前透過官員放話給guidance
: 調整市場預期


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kanhun 02/11 08:42股版就一堆臭散戶在叫囂亂罵,別跟賠錢仔認真

YLTYY 02/11 08:43你認真了

TheGame 02/11 08:44輸錢的時候,他就是另外一派,很難理解嗎?

allenmusic 02/11 08:44不說鷹派騙一下其他人 自己怎跑.............

patric1224 02/11 08:44因為是不同的網友。

Severine 02/11 08:45他自己說他偏鷹

NLNG 02/11 08:46放輕鬆啦!有老鷹當,誰還想當鴿子

eric02 02/11 08:47好啦 來 大家排排站跟五六道歉 五六都是對的

tom77588 02/11 08:47時空背景不同

Yginger1 02/11 08:48這裡本來就一堆韭菜 他們哪懂那些

bitlife 02/11 08:52可能集滿紅心導致豬羊變色

sky61900 02/11 08:52不要跟鄉民認真

loat 02/11 08:53記住那些說他鴿派又不承認變鷹派的ID

tw22861542 02/11 08:5356 不能亡

smallfox121502/11 08:5456不能亡

ru8bj6 02/11 08:54去年9月fed也說通膨可防可控啊

realbout 02/11 08:54鴿遲早變鷹 鷹遲早變鴿

ru8bj6 02/11 08:54可見fed跟鄉民差不了多少

Severine 02/11 08:55是空背景不同啦

Severine 02/11 08:55時空

tompi 02/11 08:56fed從來都跑在市場後面

stosto 02/11 08:56就算是鷹也還是鳥類

hamel 02/11 08:59他就身家放空股市,所以一直喊話

hamel 02/11 09:00主席比較正派,沒說殺

lovekisswf 02/11 09:01別跟股板賠錢仔認真

boringuy 02/11 09:03笑死,阿榮準備下去了

s900098 02/11 09:06認真回 他本來就最鷹,但你跟酸民認真你就輸了

flycarb 02/11 09:0756不能亡!

sagarain 02/11 09:08鴿子長大變鷹

huk40199 02/11 09:10記住那些跟你說2023才會升息的ID

a7983115 02/11 09:11去年fed也說通膨是短暫的 跟鄉民程度一樣

c928 02/11 09:12然後呢?

nalthax 02/11 09:13奇怪他們為什麼不是想辦法趕快解決塞港問題啊

seemoon2000 02/11 09:19鴿久就會變鷹 反過來也是一樣 市場現在就是要升息

johnhmj 02/11 09:21表示有很嚴重的原因 只能同意鷹派的決議

god80309 02/11 09:22位置決定腦袋

jerrychuang 02/11 09:23有老鷹就有鴿子,時空環境不同

destroyss 02/11 09:28不管是鴿或鷹 一直恐嚇市場很煩 給老鮑說就好

northwater 02/11 09:28本板不接受考古鞭屍

Hbodo 02/11 09:29沒差 不重要 回檔不要怕

epicurious 02/11 09:37她是韮派

jay0125 02/11 09:38造神造起乃

post91 02/11 09:38到底要不要升,要升快升好嗎

laechan 02/11 09:47打臉推

tony15899 02/11 09:50我只支持歐派

ohyakmu 02/11 09:50現在市場預期三月50個基點,她提七月前100個基點還

ohyakmu 02/11 09:50是偏鴿啊,哪來的最鷹

undft082 02/11 09:56歐派!

epicurious 02/11 09:57他的發言就是看CPI亂喊,韭菜官員一個

cloud6732 02/11 09:58現在華爾街路邊股神都會跟你說7月125BP

epicurious 02/11 09:58程度差不多就跟PTT版友一樣

tw30912 02/11 09:59好了啦 過譽

HisVol 02/11 10:0346樓,原本市場預期4季是在1+1+1+1跟2+1+1+1之間,

HisVol 02/11 10:03結果他講前兩季希望是2+2,比市場之前預期到的鷹派

HisVol 02/11 10:03情境更鷹,當然是鷹派言論

a9564208 02/11 10:13這隻不是一直出來鷹鷹叫嗎?什麼時候變鴿了

Xray2002 02/11 10:27Fed就一堆風向仔,光一個通膨這半年喊出來不就拖字訣

jagger 02/11 10:45布:我又變鴿子啦 我又變老鷹啦 打我啊笨蛋

shakeM 02/11 11:40他牆頭草

Lowpapa 02/11 11:42記住那些叫你做多的ID

mikehuang12 02/11 11:47他不是從去年上半年就很鷹了嗎XD

kkjjkkjj 02/11 11:53跟韭菜認真幹嘛

jimmyid4 02/11 11:58鴿哥我還要

caliph 02/11 12:41這次你可能會贏,先前機構也比較不是這樣看,要馬通

caliph 02/11 12:41膨真的失控,要馬官員在管理通膨預期方面沒有做好,

caliph 02/11 12:41現在市場才會這麼激進反應

caliph 02/11 12:42今年升超過3-4次還是會讓我很意外就是

mopigou 02/11 13:24時空背景不同,怎麼可能一直鴿

MinJun5566 02/11 13:2956友情推

geniusw 02/11 13:57qq

alex9493 02/11 14:09他立場有變過..

sophieo 02/11 14:11他是鷹爪門的鴿派,鷹爪門的站出來

maborosi3 02/11 15:57他就愛喊極端啊 超鴿 超鷹

LabaEllis 02/11 16:18就鶯歌人咩

junnn 02/11 16:31 喊空小丑真多

aegis43210 02/11 17:05他鷹派呀,有什麼好討論的?

nbalook 02/11 18:43Paul Volcker當鷹頭才會歷史留名 當鴿尾也比不過鴿

nbalook 02/11 18:43頭葉倫

nbalook 02/11 18:47是Bullard 寫錯