[情報] Meta 宣布裁員 11000 人

看板Stock標題[情報] Meta 宣布裁員 11000 人作者
時間推噓推:170 噓:11 →:90

1. 標題:Mark Zuckerberg’s Message to Meta Employees

2. 來源:Meta 公開訊息

3. 網址:

4. 內文:

Mark Zuckerberg just shared the following with Meta employees:

Today I’m sharing some of the most difficult changes we’ve made in
Meta’s history. I’ve decided to reduce the size of our team by
about 13% and let more than 11,000 of our talented employees go. We
are also taking a number of additional steps to become a leaner and
more efficient company by cutting discretionary spending and extending
our hiring freeze through Q1.

I want to take accountability for these decisions and for how we got
here. I know this is tough for everyone, and I’m especially sorry to
those impacted.

How did we get here?

At the start of Covid, the world rapidly moved online and the surge of
e-commerce led to outsized revenue growth. Many people predicted this
would be a permanent acceleration that would continue even after the
pandemic ended. I did too, so I made the decision to significantly
increase our investments. Unfortunately, this did not play out the way
I expected. Not only has online commerce returned to prior trends, but
the macroeconomic downturn, increased competition, and ads signal loss
have caused our revenue to be much lower than I’d expected. I got
this wrong, and I take responsibility for that.

In this new environment, we need to become more capital efficient.
We’ve shifted more of our resources onto a smaller number of high
priority growth areas — like our AI discovery engine, our ads and
business platforms, and our long-term vision for the metaverse.
We’ve cut costs across our business, including scaling back budgets,
reducing perks, and shrinking our real estate footprint. We’re
restructuring teams to increase our efficiency. But these measures
alone won’t bring our expenses in line with our revenue growth, so
I’ve also made the hard decision to let people go.

How will this work?

There is no good way to do a layoff, but we hope to get all the
relevant information to you as quickly as possible and then do
whatever we can to support you through this.

Everyone will get an email soon letting you know what this layoff
means for you. After that, every affected employee will have the
opportunity to speak with someone to get their questions answered and
join information sessions.

Some of the details in the US include:

Severance. We will pay 16 weeks of base pay plus two additional
weeks for every year of service, with no cap.
PTO. We’ll pay for all remaining PTO time.
RSU vesting. Everyone impacted will receive their November 15,
2022 vesting.
Health insurance. We’ll cover the cost of healthcare for people
and their families for six months.
Career services. We’ll provide three months of career support
with an external vendor, including early access to unpublished job
Immigration support. I know this is especially difficult if
you’re here on a visa. There’s a notice period before termination
and some visa grace periods, which means everyone will have time to
make plans and work through their immigration status. We have
dedicated immigration specialists to help guide you based on what you
and your family need.

Outside the US, support will be similar, and we’ll follow up soon
with separate processes that take into account local employment laws.

We made the decision to remove access to most Meta systems for people
leaving today given the amount of access to sensitive information. But
we’re keeping email addresses active throughout the day so everyone
can say farewell.

While we’re making reductions in every organization across both
Family of Apps and Reality Labs, some teams will be affected more than
others. Recruiting will be disproportionately affected since we’re
planning to hire fewer people next year. We’re also restructuring
our business teams more substantially. This is not a reflection of the
great work these groups have done, but what we need going forward. The
leaders of each group will schedule time to discuss what this means
for your team over the next couple of days.

The teammates who will be leaving us are talented and passionate, and
have made an important impact on our company and community. Each of
you have helped make Meta a success, and I’m grateful for it. I’m
sure you’ll go on to do great work at other places.

What other changes are we making?

I view layoffs as a last resort, so we decided to rein in other
sources of cost before letting teammates go. Overall, this will add up
to a meaningful cultural shift in how we operate. For example, as we
shrink our real estate footprint, we’re transitioning to desk
sharing for people who already spend most of their time outside the
office. We’ll roll out more cost-cutting changes like this in the
coming months.

We’re also extending our hiring freeze through Q1 with a small
number of exceptions. I’m going to watch our business performance,
operational efficiency, and other macroeconomic factors to determine
whether and how much we should resume hiring at that point. This will
give us the ability to control our cost structure in the event of a
continued economic downturn. It will also put us on a path to achieve
a more efficient cost structure than we outlined to investors

I’m currently in the middle of a thorough review of our
infrastructure spending. As we build our AI infrastructure, we’re
focused on becoming even more efficient with our capacity. Our
infrastructure will continue to be an important advantage for Meta,
and I believe we can achieve this while spending less.

Fundamentally, we’re making all these changes for two reasons: our
revenue outlook is lower than we expected at the beginning of this
year, and we want to make sure we’re operating efficiently across
both Family of Apps and Reality Labs.

How do we move forward?

This is a sad moment, and there’s no way around that. To those who
are leaving, I want to thank you again for everything you’ve put
into this place. We would not be where we are today without your hard
work, and I’m grateful for your contributions.

To those who are staying, I know this is a difficult time for you too.
Not only are we saying goodbye to people we’ve worked closely with,
but many of you also feel uncertainty about the future. I want you to
know that we’re making these decisions to make sure our future is

I believe we are deeply underestimated as a company today. Billions of
people use our services to connect, and our communities keep growing.
Our core business is among the most profitable ever built with huge
potential ahead. And we’re leading in developing the technology to
define the future of social connection and the next computing
platform. We do historically important work. I’m confident that if
we work efficiently, we’ll come out of this downturn stronger and
more resilient than ever.

We’ll share more on how we’ll operate as a streamlined
organization to achieve our priorities in the weeks ahead. For now,
I’ll say one more time how thankful I am to those of you who are
leaving for everything you’ve done to advance our mission.


Mark Zuckerberg 說 COVID19 剛開始時
為了彌補這個錯誤決定,他宣布裁了 11000, 約 13% 的員工

未來公司將專注高收益的領域,如 AI,廣告,商業平台以及元宇宙。


※ PTT 留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
PTT 網址

Makubex82 11/09 21:07利多 大爆噴

raymonde 11/09 21:08要噴了

※ 編輯: ccpz ( 臺灣), 11/09/2022 21:08:20

dalyadam 11/09 21:08墊子商務? 來人給原po一個坐墊~

dalyadam 11/09 21:08喔靠 修正了

ccpz 11/09 21:09好險改得夠快XD

elainakuo 11/09 21:09盤前噴爆

aegis43210 11/09 21:09大利多,聯準會升息機會下降

asole 11/09 21:09立志成為臉書員工的人:

cuteSquirrel11/09 21:09

DrowningPool11/09 21:09下一個就是砍資本支出了 6669準備崩 XD

YLTYY 11/09 21:10才1w喔?

WenliYang 11/09 21:11等等要噴啦!

koutetsu 11/09 21:11利多

unwisdom 11/09 21:11省成本是大利多 噴出

NEX4036 11/09 21:11盤前還漲咧

marksky 11/09 21:11呵呵~加油加油

losage 11/09 21:12Fb如果趁勢轉型成電商說不定還比較好

stanleyplus 11/09 21:12good news

cl3bp6 11/09 21:12看一下驅動IC 這是大利多 噴爆

billy56 11/09 21:13要噴爆惹

Atwo 11/09 21:13明天桌上有紙箱的就是名單之一

kmshy 11/09 21:13少了米蟲還不噴爆

himiller 11/09 21:14利多 噴定惹

kyova 11/09 21:14冗員太多惹

ssaw5166 11/09 21:14垃圾公司準備倒一倒ㄅ

lunlee1214 11/09 21:15興奮

kenro 11/09 21:15真狠,不過一堆做元宇宙到底是做個鬼

Bulogal 11/09 21:15現在環境就是喪事喜辦,不多說了快上車

xxxkey 11/09 21:15元宇宙

musi 11/09 21:15噴宇宙

patrol 11/09 21:15裁員很有fu糗,美股看齊台股了,越爛的越會噴

robinsonXD 11/09 21:16what the

a6976933 11/09 21:16夭壽 明年找不到工作了

Harlequin72711/09 21:16可能還會有第二第三波裁員 24前真的保住工作就阿密

Harlequin72711/09 21:16陀佛 最衰的應該是拿簽證的員工 甚至要被迫回自己

gino0717 11/09 21:16紙箱概念股VVVVVVV

rbull 11/09 21:16一堆詐騙廣告不處理 還天天推薦

Harlequin72711/09 21:16國家

la8day 11/09 21:16要噴了

huaiken 11/09 21:16噴爆

imba789 11/09 21:16利多

shawncarter 11/09 21:16其實給的資遣條件算非常好了 比推特有良心多了

hb0922 11/09 21:16爽啊! 盎格魯撒克遜吃屎就是爽

azcooper 11/09 21:17安逸

heveninferno11/09 21:17養太多冗員

a6976933 11/09 21:18下一個換發哥台積電嗎

apolloapollo11/09 21:18終於發現米蟲太多了 噴爆

tsgd 11/09 21:18高層腦衝擴張 韭菜犧牲被辭退

PTTcrazy 11/09 21:18訊號來了,台股2萬,貸款死也要全部都買

egg87346 11/09 21:19不夠多 噴不了多少

paul10404 11/09 21:19還在元宇宙,還有得跌

a26851184 11/09 21:19梅塔的失敗 就是阿姨的快樂

TCKenough 11/09 21:19冗員過多 讚啦

PTTcrazy 11/09 21:19信用開到滿,明天開盤全部買進做多,不發財我輸你

asas123sdsa 11/09 21:19裁員滾滾

ketter 11/09 21:19以為是一級玩家,結果做出來是小畫家 沒搞頭了

Makubex82 11/09 21:20還要搞元宇宙 繼續崩

a715000 11/09 21:20有人知道比特幣是怎樣嗎 啥大事件呀

lepidoptera 11/09 21:20裁員就是噴

Gyin 11/09 21:20利多阿 噴!!

lepidoptera 11/09 21:22幣圈請去估狗FTX 這幾天的事

ck326 11/09 21:22臉書給的包裹很肥阿,不過現在這時間被裁可不太妙

sm3bp078 11/09 21:24

jexcel 11/09 21:25利空出盡了 爽

jaricho 11/09 21:25裁員好啊 回本島炒房比當fb員工好賺啦

Diver123 11/09 21:25超級利多

BRANFORD 11/09 21:25哈哈哈

bndan 11/09 21:25美國的資遣基本上不用擔心 = = 要擔心的是非美國人

kducky 11/09 21:26噴 裁掉之後換新鮮人 更讚

bndan 11/09 21:26被資遣的話 只有幾個月的時間爭扎 失敗就要回家了

andythe30 11/09 21:26這只是開始 嘻嘻

jaricho 11/09 21:26本島房市利多 一批回國買房主力

opencat 11/09 21:26去年股版一堆無腦吹元宇宙的 呵呵

Kenneth10 11/09 21:2611000...

loveadu 11/09 21:27噴了,美元

Kenneth10 11/09 21:27底部到了

blademaster 11/09 21:27超大利多,股市真的要噴爆了

jay3u7218 11/09 21:27最好把裡面那些中共網軍全殺光

idernest 11/09 21:28 這個pm應該有在其中吧

jack0216 11/09 21:28這只是剛開始 現在錢還很多 等以後套住了就變鬼故

jack0216 11/09 21:28

yisky 11/09 21:29紅茶明天要大爆噴了

ilw4e 11/09 21:30我負責,負責說我負責XD

tt333925 11/09 21:30哈哈哈,我的宏達電空單要炭尬變軌了啦

Playorange 11/09 21:30太神啦

qqq5890003 11/09 21:31

wey1582153 11/09 21:31

MIDDLELIN 11/09 21:32要噴爛了

cedca 11/09 21:33開漲了

welly7566 11/09 21:33先用AI把詐騙廣告清一清好嗎? 詐騙溫床

Kobe5210 11/09 21:34超級利多

jaik 11/09 21:34哇塞

EKman 11/09 21:34AI=推播,廣告=詐騙,各位繼續跟假帳號玩得開心

terry66 11/09 21:35懂得認錯了 好事

shevchen 11/09 21:36一堆垃圾訊息跟詐騙

Kyameron 11/09 21:36牛市訊號來囉!!!!!!

cedca 11/09 21:36渣克柏減薪啊

tinybunny 11/09 21:37崩宇宙有救了嗎?

cakila 11/09 21:37超級大利多

abbei 11/09 21:38元宇宙是long term vision,不是高收益XD

PttNoMoney 11/09 21:39漲停

bear31223 11/09 21:40明天紅茶是不是要噴了

cblade 11/09 21:40可以噴了 大利多

joygo 11/09 21:43四個月資遣費你在台灣要做八年才能欸

silentence 11/09 21:44通通噴去元宇宙

DareJ 11/09 21:45利多

lovecab 11/09 21:46全部裁起來

Leechihung 11/09 21:46謝天謝地,早該裁員了好嗎

aramaram 11/09 21:48要噴了嗎

vgil 11/09 21:48噴爆

zakijudelo 11/09 21:52這是平行宇宙裁的啦

obi963 11/09 21:52可以裁供應商嗎QQ

bb55231 11/09 21:53再搞元宇宙就會再裁

loopdiuretic11/09 21:55遲早下一個無名小站 員工不跑也是等失業

xavitier 11/09 21:55這不噴個20%說得過去嗎

zerobx 11/09 21:55公司一年省30億美元?

jen1121 11/09 21:56瘦身大作戰

royli 11/09 21:58薪資中位數29萬美金

mystage 11/09 21:58元宇宙就是撐撐看,能不能撐到產生收益

mystage 11/09 21:59不過我認為FB這樣砸,即便FB沒撐過去,後面也會有

mystage 11/09 21:59人收割FB的成果

kevinmeng2 11/09 22:00晚了,半年前還有救,現在…呵呵

phoenixQ 11/09 22:02下一個雅虎?

sushi11 11/09 22:05應該把自己裁掉才是

sazabijiang 11/09 22:06淨利要暴增了

GiHong 11/09 22:06通膨觸頂了

sushi11 11/09 22:06下個雅虎就是

love50921 11/09 22:07訊號來了

planethell 11/09 22:07WOW

joe33144 11/09 22:07裁員都噴一波

will520318 11/09 22:09決策錯誤 員工承擔?

wulaw5566 11/09 22:10裁太少了吧,推特清冗員有效率多了

eddie04 11/09 22:13好幾個朋友都在Meta

a052612565 11/09 22:13砍一堆員工盤前大漲

asdzxc001 11/09 22:17還有誰

nowitzki020711/09 22:18失業率提高,讚

a781106a 11/09 22:19讚啦 噴噴

msty 11/09 22:21現在看到美國公司裁員都有點興奮

sc2x2 11/09 22:21裁員就是漲!

maple2378 11/09 22:29哇靠 一萬人..

piece1 11/09 22:33我有買quest 2支持

cucusow 11/09 22:39如果去年買房的話真的會gg,特別現在他們又要過年了

cucusow 11/09 22:39,找工作只會更困難

loster 11/09 22:40蜥蜴人醒了?

loveisth520 11/09 22:41裁員 噴

upeo 11/09 22:43第二次網路泡沫正式爆破

nick8943180111/09 22:44真的噴了

R9993 11/09 22:45元宇宙

Messibugoo 11/09 22:45這次是元宇宙泡沫?

andy79323 11/09 22:49元宇宙沒fu糗

gokuhwanlai 11/09 22:49搞什麼元宇宙馬的那些錢把tiktok整個買下來比較實在

gokuhwanlai 11/09 22:49

whface 11/09 22:50看看身邊多少人已不用FB?

pz5202 11/09 22:54

Karida 11/09 22:54FB那個爛界面要用到這麼多員工?

lmu0837 11/09 22:56結果股價噴兩天

seanidiot 11/09 22:56看看他會不會被打第二次臉

poiu98877 11/09 22:57幹 直接噴出

wsheep 11/09 22:58好多…

magamanzero 11/09 22:59我也不知道那些服務為什麼要一萬多人 w

magamanzero 11/09 23:00換成台灣人大概三千就差不多了

lockbolt 11/09 23:01原本有將近10萬人員工吧 顧這介面這麼多人 有點冗

gcarrot 11/09 23:04資遣費是4n, 無上限?很棒啊

zick8932511 11/09 23:05這麼爛的介面到底為什麼這麼多人 都行程還說行銷?

brabra 11/09 23:08趕快併一些有市場的app了

bj45566 11/09 23:13網路公司裁一萬人真的蠻多的

berserk 11/09 23:13一堆爛影片

bj45566 11/09 23:14或許很多是為了開發 VR 最近才被拉進來的人

Jimmy030489 11/09 23:15不如說前幾年 多找好幾萬人幹嘛

pziix 11/09 23:19為什麼一家這樣的公司 需要這麼多員工?

Kydland 11/09 23:23矽谷工程師 忙得真的非常忙超級操超級肝

Kydland 11/09 23:24但閒得也真的很閒XD 推拖閃躲飄

Kydland 11/09 23:25我有認識的在某三大雲端公司之一

kilhi 11/09 23:25大漲

Kydland 11/09 23:27他自己都說他一周認真工作只有兩天

Kydland 11/09 23:27其他時間就是飄來飄去 找各種理由溜去福利設施

guppys2005 11/09 23:28不知道裁多少美國的

Kydland 11/09 23:28疫情之後 認真工作的時間只剩下不到一天XD

horseorange 11/09 23:29逆勢+7%

Kydland 11/09 23:29不過話說 臉書這幾年應該增加很多言論審查員吧

Kydland 11/09 23:30自從2016年川普勝選後 臉書就和很多國家政府合作打

Kydland 11/09 23:30擊假新聞 聘了不少審查員

Jimmy030489 11/09 23:31審查員不是外包亞洲的嗎? 應該不包含在8萬人吧

ntuooo 11/09 23:32那麼多人保佑保佑

wrider987 11/09 23:34上個月說明年要調高資本支出,不知道會不會改口變

wrider987 11/09 23:34調降?

bj45566 11/09 23:35打擊假新聞(X);取消政治異議者(O)

Refauth 11/09 23:36太少了吧?

bj45566 11/09 23:37臉書那麼縱容詐騙廣告,你怎麼會天真到臉書會在意「

bj45566 11/09 23:37假新聞」?

bj45566 11/09 23:40那些臉書審查員做的是高度政治思想賞罰相關的工作,

bj45566 11/09 23:40怎麼 2022 都要過完了還有人不知道?!

lc85301 11/09 23:40一宣佈直接噴爆owo

newstarisme 11/09 23:44其他公司該跟進

newstarisme 11/09 23:44大家一起裁員救股價跟通膨

empirica 11/09 23:46噴爽爽阿

Karida 11/09 23:52FB那個爛界面十幾年來都沒有進步,請一堆人來吃飯、

xiaoyao 11/09 23:53今天大噴 跟驅動IC裁員結果漲停一樣

Karida 11/09 23:53睡午覺、健身、渡假、.....拍片炫耀嗎?

Karida 11/09 23:57

clamperni 11/09 23:59員工哭了 股東就笑了

Karida 11/10 00:00在騰訊上班都這麼爽了,美國公司的福利應該更好。

Karida 11/10 00:00

huk40199 11/10 00:10還以為金融海嘯

hsudens 11/10 00:18到底是在看廣告牆還是動態牆,真的剩老人在用了

kkithh 11/10 00:24碼農好日子沒了,裁員滾滾

TheBeast 11/10 00:31簽證捏到很多打工仔ㄉLP了

noyesray 11/10 00:31舔共企業下去吧

kenndy 11/10 00:34滿滿詐騙大平台,封鎖用戶言論自由倒很快

ptta 11/10 00:41員工的痛苦就是股東的快樂

MTBF 11/10 00:44員工哭了 股東笑了

sushi11 11/10 00:45履歷寫臉書上班,有加分

lltools 11/10 00:46都回家炒股了 利多噴爆

tungpayton 11/10 00:51營益率大升,噴到元宇宙

cheng31507 11/10 00:59要噴惹

anaydh 11/10 01:16利空出盡

alkahest 11/10 01:27之前為了開發元宇宙找了一堆人進去

yunf 11/10 01:43原來養了那麼多蠑螈

nfsong 11/10 01:54gg

k798976869 11/10 02:09利多 股價回升

u8702116 11/10 02:29笑死

petshopboys 11/10 02:30臉書超爛 CEO就是最大蠑螈

vbhero 11/10 02:31噴爛了吧

AN94 11/10 02:52fb這東西有需要養到破萬員工 那是真的很多米蟲

dysphagia 11/10 03:13夕鶴

alkahest 11/10 03:14做vr/ar的magicleap 之前一堆員工跳槽去做Meta

breakingmilk11/10 04:01員工早點遠離渣伯也是好事

RTX3080TI 11/10 04:40meta失敗就是雪紅姨的快樂

kevin31a2 11/10 04:45廣告一堆,開起來偷懶

kevin31a2 11/10 04:45都懶

oceanman 11/10 04:50大裁員時代

springman 11/10 05:01大裁員,然後股價大漲,真是有點...

x58420 11/10 05:18大利空 就是噴

Pegasi 11/10 05:19FB詐騙仔的天堂

Ripper 11/10 05:26大家都在罵廣告和詐騙一堆,但看內文,祖克柏表示會

Ripper 11/10 05:26把更多的資源用在廣告和商業平台上XD

simba08130 11/10 05:39垃圾公司掰

ebeta 11/10 06:56裁的不夠多,這人數還滿足不了FED

awss1971 11/10 07:10FB上一堆垃圾廣告,詐騙更多,超爛~~~

ali210 11/10 08:08你以為在看動態牆,其實在看廣告牆

ajkofqq 11/10 08:09早知道買多點

flyingdeeck 11/10 08:27好屌屌爆了

cityport 11/10 08:35有朋友收到通知了..不敢多問..不過他是綠卡應該還好

cityport 11/10 08:36去年下半年/今年初放水進來的應該全軍覆沒吧

cityport 11/10 08:38下一個應該確定就是Alphabet..過去2年也是放水招人

cityport 11/10 08:39每個部門都濫招..到最後就是每個部門都得裁員

sazabijiang 11/10 08:43FB上很難看到好友的動態,都是好友的好友的動態

ssdd740419 11/10 09:01fuckbook

marunouchi 11/10 09:27Yahoo奇摩家族

tttxxx 11/10 09:30FB很久沒用了 一堆詐騙廣告 賣假貨的

richard42 11/10 09:45台積電也快了 沒單還能養人 還蓋廠 真是奇蹟

Eleganse 11/10 10:05這樣真的行嗎 11000人 很大的影響

Eleganse 11/10 10:06企業都有社會責任吧 很難想像以前就養這麼多冗員

Eleganse 11/10 10:07可以一次砍掉13% 那代表 真正的工作環境裡 至少有

Eleganse 11/10 10:0730%的冗員

cityport 11/10 10:09可以在Bootcamp爽半年不選組工作卻領全薪..很爽捏

wazabi 11/10 10:47用人均20萬鎂粗估就省了20億,要吐惹母恩啦

good200 11/10 11:25詐騙集團概念股 一堆詐騙

guppys2005 11/10 11:39Package很好了 多少小公司沒這種Package…

yiersan 11/10 11:58早該砍了 廢物太多

xm3u4vmp6 11/10 12:27Fb有夠爛 做的元宇宙 比遊戲公司還不如

wang111283 11/10 13:11最上游也反映利空了 利空出盡

tonyian 11/10 13:17fb那個網頁,app居然用到這麼多人,無言

cityport 11/10 13:24Meta又不只FB

mdkn35 11/10 13:54爽 我的股票有救了

todd7788 11/10 14:28fb被盜帳號,報警了拿都拿不回來,難怪詐騙愛

zalasas39 11/10 17:43這穩噴的 ,all in

heremattis 11/10 17:53說實在,董監酬勞比一車員工還多,管理階層不先共

heremattis 11/10 17:53體時艱嗎?

Kydland 11/12 09:58某人很可憐 自從被我打臉打到爆之後就只會跳針

Kydland 11/12 09:58笑死