[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/02/13
Daily Horoscope for Sunday 02/13
If you have ever looked at yourself in a mirror while you are experiencing extreme stress, your face might look a lot older. You might wear a frown. You might look haggard. Even your posture will be tense and will look very different. The things we experience in life can have a profound effect on our very being, for good or for bad. If you're experiencing some stressful moments, take a look in the mirror. If you see what's described above, change what you see. Put a smile on your face, stand up straight, with your shoulders back - ready tomeet the world and think of something happy. You can sometimes turn things around just by wishing good things into your life.
haggard 憔悴的
tense 緊繃
profound 深遠;深奧
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/04/10愛、希望、夢想與成功,這些都是對你有利的事物,阿牛。即使你已經放棄了其中幾樣生 活中的美好事物,這仍然是真的。但如果獲得其中幾樣事物的可能性就在你身邊,而你卻 沒有看見,因為你已經放棄了?這就是問題所在。對發生在你生命中的美好事物要更加開 放,因為即便它們就在你身邊,你仍然必須意識到才能獲得,朝這方面繼續努力吧。 ———10
[情報] 0716 DailyHoroscopeA sense of heaviness may be dragging you down now, Capricorn. It may seem that a situation in your life that needs a lot of change can't be changed - but it can. Any feelings of futility that you are now experiencing could be coming f rom your inability to see just beyond the near horizon. But there is a lot of hope there. If you are patient enough, you will begin to see the metaphorical7
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/06/07牛牛,你的生活出現了什麼問題嗎?這對你來說或許並不出乎意料,因為你可能已經不斷 的思考你現在所面臨的問題。可是去細究並且擔心它們並不會改變任何事情,對嗎?但有 些事物卻可以。 當你選擇樂觀時,去保持你臉上的微笑,懷抱那些快樂並且充盈著希望的想法。 -即使你必須讓自己去做到這些。6
[情報] 8/9 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Aug 9 2021 You may be wishing that someone or something would come along and save you from something that you are worried about. You may even see that as your only answer, dear Capricorn. Perhaps you have already tried everything you can think of, and the only thing left is for someone with greater resources or5
[情報] 7/23 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jul 23 2021 You can see others around you, who are not trying nearly as hard as you are, flying past you on their way to success in this or that. But you have been trying with great dedication for a while now to get something done, and you feel that the fates have not noticed. You may think you must be completely5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/07/27今天並不是一個問命運為你做了什麼的一天,阿牛,今天你需要問自己為命運準備了什麼 。你在相當程度上掌控了你的生活與命運,如果你選擇掌控它,那麼你可以將你的目標、 你的生活和你的未來導向正確的方向。現在看起來有些事可能懸而未決,但你的確對自己 未來的去向和該做什麼有著發言權,如果你認知到對自己對自己的信心是當之無愧的,那 麼你就能走向任何你想去的地方。5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/09/29最近你可能花了很多時間在擔心你無法控制的事。你可能會想著如果自己用不同的方式做 一件事會發生什麼事,或許你在幻想一個更好的結果。你也許希望自己能回到過去重新來 過。但這些都是不可能的,阿牛,所以這麼想有什麼意義呢?更好的利用這些時間和精力 來扭轉生活中的事情,並讓它變得更好。你能做到的! ——