[吃草] Weekly Horoscope 04/11 - 04/17

看板Taurus標題[吃草] Weekly Horoscope 04/11 - 04/17作者
時間推噓16 推:16 噓:0 →:5

Weekly Horoscope for 4/11 - 4/17
You may have emotions you have been afraid to reveal in a romantic relationship, dear Taurus. You often have a hard time showing your softer side. But if you do, you should find warm reciprocation that can lead to an even deeper connection. This is a good week for self-expression in all forms, so think about speaking from the heart. An impactful conversation about a business-related matter could cause you to consider a different path. Maybe you aren't happy with the way things are going, and this could be the pivotal point at which you go off on your own. That would be an auspicious move right now, so don't be afraid to try something different - or to at least start exploring what you might like to do. Someone's supportive comments about a recent issue that causes you a lot of anxiety may be surprising, but they will also be quite welcome. You may not have known how much this person cared, and that validation should boostyour self-confidence and the closeness you feel. If you have been involved ina community effort where no one wants to make the first move, try out an ideayou have been considering. You may find that they'll love it, and they will follow your lead.
reciprocation 回應;報答;互換
pivotal point 關鍵點
auspicious 吉利;幸運的
welcome 歡迎;迎接;令人愉悅;不受限


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EiryoWaga04/16 09:57謝謝!

gipo77604/16 10:51謝謝

ukim050604/16 12:48加油!謝謝你的翻譯

st333333304/16 14:29感謝翻譯,一起加油!

puffmei04/16 15:58謝謝

qwer701504/16 20:32謝謝,這段期間好幾次因為你的翻譯獲得力量,非常感謝,

qwer701504/16 20:32辛苦了!

ELFFOREVER04/16 20:41真的很喜歡你的翻譯~~謝謝你!

haibarajdi04/16 20:57我也覺得這篇對應到我好多心情,謝謝您的翻譯,也祝

haibarajdi04/16 20:57福您:)

candy1504/16 23:29謝謝 很喜歡你的翻譯

chiashow04/17 01:08謝謝

※ 編輯: qpeter2243 ( 臺灣), 04/17/2022 02:14:21

silentcat03004/17 09:53謝謝翻譯,這段話也是很符合我目前的狀況。

silentcat03004/17 09:55另外也祝福您唷!有目標的做事真的不一樣,我也正在

silentcat03004/17 09:55重新定位自己的目標,希望我能早日脫離日復一日的工

silentcat03004/17 09:55作生活,做出改變好好陪伴我的家人,一起加油:)

purecake04/17 10:56謝謝

jj1095304/17 23:56謝謝你的翻譯 真的好符合現況啊!

ioueioue04/18 01:14謝謝

sbaopnn04/18 07:30和你一樣迷惘著,或許迷惘就是人生的主旋律吧!我們都很

sbaopnn04/18 07:30努力呢