[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/07/28

看板Taurus標題[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/07/28作者
時間推噓 2 推:2 噓:0 →:0

We all know someone who is emotionally needy. Whether they are friends or family members, they tend to have a knack for sucking the energy right out of you. But keep in mind, Taurus, that they may not like being that way, and their neediness probably comes from a lack of confidence in who and what they are, and a feeling of inferiority. Instead of just tolerating someone like this who happens to be in your life, work on building them up and boosting their self-esteem. It's an investment in a relationship that could be very instrumental to you, too.
emotionally needy 在感情上過於依賴
tend to 有…傾向、易於、導致
knack 訣竅、技巧
inferiority 自卑、劣勢、低等、
tolerate 忍受、容許、寬恕
instrumental 有幫助的、樂器


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gipo77607/28 08:17謝謝

monsterwai07/28 10:34謝謝