Re: [問題] 簡單的英語問答mail

看板WomenTalk標題Re: [問題] 簡單的英語問答mail作者
(Total Panik)
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To whom it may concern, or Dear Sir/Madame,

I am an individual seller from Taiwan.
I have problem logging in my account.
There is a message saying :
Enable single sign-on to access your cross-regional accounts with one set of
You are currently logged in with credentials from other region. To enable
single sign-on please provide credentials for a different selling account
with the same access level in this region.

Enable single sign-on Sign in to a different account Select a different
seller and marketplace

I have balance in my account
and I am wondering how can I get the money to my individual seller account.
Do I need to provide any sort of documents for verification?

Your name here

Sorry 對於你的啥個人帳戶什麼不是很了解,不知道你想表達銀行帳戶還是雅馬遜帳戶
by 旅居在澳台人

※ 引述《NTU100 (YUY)》之銘言:
: Eng-class 幾乎都沒啥人回,這裡可能遇到神人,如果不行
: 我自刪
: 因為美國亞馬遜,希望我自己提出正式的問題給Amazon來解決問題
: 但是我商業書信能力很差,只有國中生英語水準,高一程度
: 所以想說來實戰看看,有練英文有機會,不怕大家笑,請大家幫忙
: 中文附上我心中的意思
: Dear Amazon
: (親愛的雅馬遜)
: I am a individual seller in Taiwan.
: (我是台灣的個人賣家)
: I just sell used something in Amazon.
: I just sell used something in Amazon.

: (我只是在亞馬遜上賣不需要的東西)

: But when I sign up my seller account
: (但是當我登入亞馬遜賣家帳戶時)
: Website will show on screen like this one :
: (網頁就會像以下所示)
: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------: 這裡出自於亞馬遜網頁不用修正,要寫成這種程度英文
: 需要雅思7分程度? 還是大學英文就可以了?
: 這裡面的修辭法,真的是有困難,對不起我程度比較差!

: Enable single sign-on to access your cross-regional accounts with one set of: credentials.
: You are currently logged in with credentials from other region. To enable
: single sign-on please provide credentials for a different selling account
: with the same access level in this region.
: Enable single sign-on Sign in to a different account Select a different
: seller and marketplace

: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------: What Can I do that Amazon refund money and regained my individual seller
: account.
: (我該如何做,才能把原來帳戶裡面的金額返還,以及返還我的亞馬遜個人賣家帳戶)
: Would I submit Identity documents is like passport or ID card , Bank account: or credit card statements?
: (我該提交像是護照,身分證,銀行帳單,這類的認證文件嗎?)
: 另外,想這種商業英文mail該如何培養? 買了mail範例來抄,也抄不出個所以然?
: 不然用國中英文書寫程度
: 跟老外會雞同鴨講~~~
: 謝謝各位解答!


※ PTT 留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (澳大利亞)
PTT 網址
※ 編輯: bestenimig ( 澳大利亞), 03/31/2021 13:02:42

FlynnZhang03/31 13:04===鳥龜外掛啟動===

NTU10003/31 13:34感謝各位啦~ 我英文真的很爛,所以我才上來醒一醒的!該念

NTU10003/31 13:38英文了! 版上提供的書籍跟文法我都會再去研讀的,我醒了!

NTU10003/31 13:46不知道還有沒有更好的課程跟書籍可以推薦的,謝謝!

免費課程可以試bbc learn English

我是沒用過啦,畢竟我本身英文系畢業的 只能跟你說短時間你英文是練不好的 不要相信那些速成, 語言還是需要時間學習 可以考慮社區大學英文課?

※ 編輯: bestenimig ( 澳大利亞), 03/31/2021 14:01:22

nightone102203/31 15:20不要用 / 也不要打 &

meRscliche03/31 17:35wow

schonbrunn03/31 20:43I am wondering how I can

jajoy03/31 21:29problem前面不用a哦?