[情報] XSX相容除了Kinect外所有X1遊戲

看板XBOX標題[情報] XSX相容除了Kinect外所有X1遊戲作者
時間推噓13 推:14 噓:1 →:13

Xbox主管Phil Spencer選在今天發表一篇長文,總結一下他對Xbox與玩家的理念與願景。


Your games will not be left behind, thanks to backward compatibility. You willbe able to play four generations of games on Xbox Series X on day one. That
makes it the largest launch lineup for any new console ever, with thousands ofgames to play. Our backward compatibility engineers have spent years devisinginnovative ways for modern, next-gen technology to make the games library you’re building today even better, at no additional cost and with no work from
developers. It’s our intent for all Xbox One games that do not require Kinectto play on Xbox Series X at the launch of the console. And because of the
unprecedented power of Xbox Series X, most of your favorite games will load
faster and look and perform many times better on the new console.


所以要玩360 Kinect遊戲的,只能在360玩,
要玩X1 Kinect遊戲只能在X1、X1S、X1X上玩。


另一件大事宣布xCloud在9月加入Xbox Game Pass Ultimate,不會增加費用


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※ 編輯: talan ( 臺灣), 07/16/2020 22:16:16

srx08057807/16 22:16放棄體感了嗎

gamegun07/16 22:16未來會有kinect 3還是簡易的camera?舞力全開持續有新作

gamegun07/16 22:16,難道這族群也要放掉?

f16leon07/16 22:20就沒體感了

ts0042283207/16 22:21之後新玩具就是VR MR了吧

zombieguy07/16 22:25有支援xcloud的國家,應該沒台灣

freaky258607/16 22:27The Verge那邊說8月會公布xCloud新消息

a321andy631407/16 22:37so sad

gambitlin07/16 22:37我難過QQ

freaky258607/16 22:38Just Dance往後用JD的app遊玩

wjungle07/16 22:43超sad

OwOb07/16 23:09崩潰 QAQ

gamegun07/16 23:25XGP擺明往雲端串流方向走,這樣體感就成為累贅

freaky258607/16 23:48應該跟XB1沒辦法相容360體感遊戲差不多,不是因為XGP

freaky258607/16 23:48要跟xCloud融合關係

ULSHAN07/17 08:38很期待xCloud呀!!

yuugen207/17 09:15別太期待,亞洲區xbox總是沒讓我意外

eqhibiki07/17 11:17怒噓!! 明明 kinect不錯玩, 之前 CD片壞掉, 剛買回

eqhibiki07/17 11:18

blowchina07/17 11:24可惜

miniwish07/18 13:46跟X1X一樣用轉接玩不行嗎?

dreamcube10/27 00:58老實說,TV Game沒被電腦遊戲取代,就是因為獨佔遊戲

dreamcube10/27 00:58夠強。

dreamcube10/27 00:58以前微軟研發kinect遊戲,增強TVgame獨佔遊戲,我還滿

dreamcube10/27 00:58讚賞微軟的

dreamcube10/27 00:58但現在微軟靠XGP想把TVGame跟PC靠近,這手段我不是很

dreamcube10/27 00:58認同…

dreamcube10/27 01:00我還是比較喜歡微軟開發增加TVGame獨佔特色的遊戲