[情報] 英國電動車"Electric Avenue"在倫敦啟用

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UK’s first ‘Electric Avenue’ unveiled in Westminster

Sutherland Avenue in London, which is over half a mile in length, has been
converted to include 24 lamppost EV charge points.

英國倫敦的Sutherland 大街長超過半英里,現在已經有24座路燈改裝成可供電

UK's first 'Electric Avenue' unveiled in Westminster
The UK’s first avenue that has been fully converted to cater for electric
vehicle (EV) charging has been unveiled by ubitricity, Westminster City
Council and Siemens.

Westminster 市議會與西門子公司共同為這英國首條已經完全轉變為可供電動

The project, coined ‘Electric Avenue, W9’, has converted 24 lampposts into
EV charge points using existing city infrastructure. Residents can now chargeEVs at various locations along Sutherland Avenue in London, with a further
two adjoining roads due to be completed in the coming weeks.

該項目被稱為“Electric Avenue, W9”,這是利用現有的城市基礎設施將24座
路燈轉換為EV充電點。現在,民眾可以在Sutherland Avenue 各處為電動車充

The launch follows research conducted by Siemens that revealed over a third
(36 per cent) of British motorists planned to buy a hybrid or electric
vehicle as their next car, with two in five people (40 per cent) saying that
a lack of charging points stopped them from doing so sooner. Westminster has
seen a 40 per cent growth in EVs charged in the borough during 2019.

乏充電地點使得他們延緩換車計劃。而Westminster 從2019年後電動車數量增

Westminster City Council currently has more EV points than any UK local
authority, with a total of 296 lamp column charge points in the city, 24 of
which are located on ‘Electric Avenue, W9’. There are plans to reach 1,000
charge points across Westminster City Council within the next year, as it hastwice the number of locally registered EVs than any other inner London
borough, and the most among all the other London boroughs.

Westminster 目前擁有的電動車充電點超過英國任何地方,該市共有296個路燈
充電站,其中24個位於“Electric Avenue, W9”。Westminster 計劃要在明年

“We know that half of London’s air pollution is caused by road transport
and Westminster is a particularly busy area. While we cannot solve the
challenge of air quality overnight, ‘Electric Avenue W9’ is an important
showcase of what’s possible using existing city infrastructure. It
illustrates how residential streets will look in the near future, and
accelerates the shift to zero emission vehicles,” said Cedrik Neike, Member
of the Managing Board of Siemens AG and CEO of Siemens Smart Infrastructure.

“In a city that suffers from some of the worst air pollution in the country,
we need to be supporting the change to green technology as much as we can. ‘
Electric Avenue, W9’ gives us a glimpse into the future of streets in
Westminster, where we hope to provide the infrastructure needed for our
residents to make the switch to cleaner, greener transport,” said Cllr
Andrew Smith, Westminster City Council Cabinet Member for Environment &







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※ 編輯: Scape ( 臺灣), 03/21/2020 23:57:42

u9220203/22 00:06台灣只會拿稅金補助無用的換電系統

crocodileho03/22 00:28樓上 不是吧 台灣補助充電式的電動車也不少啊,貨物

crocodileho03/22 00:29稅減免、免燃料費免牌照稅、停車優惠,這至少幾十萬

crocodileho03/22 00:29補貼也都是民脂民膏阿

lshcj03/22 01:12一樓講的好像電車補助只有換電系統有而已 呵呵

darktasi03/22 02:08好醜充1%要多久

car8892903/22 08:19洗文大師

rehdscoo03/22 09:07這個做法還不錯,這樣還能加收停車用電費

fakefate03/22 20:21好方法

techih03/23 00:28台灣電動機車電池交換設備不知道補助了多少 現在全是垃圾

techih03/23 00:29還不如Gogoro自己建的