[情報] iOS 13.4 Developer Beta 3 釋出

看板iOS標題[情報] iOS 13.4 Developer Beta 3 釋出作者
時間推噓21 推:22 噓:1 →:14


iOS & iPadOS 13.4 Beta 3 Release Notes:


Known Issues
-To install iOS 13.4 beta 3 using the Restore Image, first install Xcode 11.4 beta 2.

Resolved Issues
-Fixed an issue that could cause the Settings app to quit unexpectedly after a user viewed specific app settings and then returned to the main Settings page. (59124369)


New Features
-QuickType Keyboard now supports predictive input for Arabic.
-QuickType Keyboard now supports Live Conversion for
Japanese and Chinese (Zhuyin).
-QuickType Keyboard now supports Swiss German layout for 12.9 iPad layout.

Resolved Issues
-12.9 iPad layouts for several languages now match the hardware keyboard layouts accurately.

Location Services

New Features
-When an app requests Always authorization for the first time after having previously been authorized for While Using the App, the device immediately presents the location authorization prompt. (57106235)


New Features
-New keyboard shortcuts are available in Photos on iPadOS, which allow you to quickly navigate between tabs, search, and create albums. While in full screen mode, you can also delete, duplicate, and enter Edit mode using a keyboard. (57195967)

Resolved Issues
-Fixed an issue where Photos might not sync as expected to Apple Watch. (59324590)

New Features
-When using a NavigationView with multiple columns, the navigation bar now shows a control to toggle the columns. (49074511)
-The onDrag and onDrop modifiers are now available on iOS. (49661347)



上一版 beta 2 穩嗎?


※ PTT 留言評論
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tommy66602/27 02:49上一版更新完,郵件app會莫名都在背景跑,囧

※ 編輯: kouta ( 臺灣), 02/27/2020 03:25:02

kyle524102/27 05:23注音終於來了~

BBBBBBBB02/27 05:42請問導航那段是什麼意思~

bbbbbbbbbbbb02/27 07:56可能是優化位置訊息的讀取吧

rLks0202/27 08:02導航?你是指定位功能(location services)?還是 SwiftUI

rLks0202/27 08:02 的 NavigationView 介面?

rLks0202/27 08:07那兩個都跟地圖中的「導航」無關。

hopeless380202/27 08:08注意感覺不出什麼差別

hopeless380202/27 08:31注音有什麼不一樣?感覺不出…

johnny719top02/27 09:32哇 注音也新增了 雖然第三方已經很久了...

cevs02/27 09:44動畫感覺變快了

kouta02/27 09:47注音的 Live Conversion 是做什麼的阿XD

jeremy8451802/27 10:42注音找不到滑動輸入

roman8001002/27 11:52新的嗎 動態調整

roman8001002/27 11:52

roman8001002/27 11:53之前好像有了

hidexjapan02/27 12:21之前DB2和gymkit配對後不會自動開始記錄的bug修了嗎?

BBBBBBBB02/27 13:19感謝樓上回覆~

fishgo02/27 14:48感覺不錯注音有什模差別,動態調整之前就有拉~

turkeyma02/27 15:31iCloud photo 無法下載編輯的蟲到底哪一年才能修好?

MicroCS02/27 16:42請問各位大大知道beta3還能用漏洞開啓AppleWatch的ECG嗎

MicroCS02/27 16:42

mike768902/27 16:51我記得ECG跟哪一個國家買來的apple watch硬體無關

mike768902/27 16:51台灣沒開放是用軟體上鎖的?

miniwhy02/27 18:00beta3台版aw還是可以開啟ecg喔,附帶一問有人用ios13.4

miniwhy02/27 18:00玩吃雞的嗎?我覺得好lag....

ho83leo02/27 19:50Beta 3 還是可以讓台版開通ECG喔!

alljerry0402/27 21:51剛剛看別人介紹,iPad 接鍵盤可以聲符韻母不照順序打

alljerry0402/27 21:51,也可以跟電腦一樣自動修正了的樣子

alljerry0402/27 23:02試用了一下,終於...

ninjaxin02/28 00:07ECG本來就是軟體鎖起來的 這不知道是bug還是台版要開放

ninjaxin02/28 00:07了?

LoveMengj02/28 00:1313.4Beta2玩吃雞會卡+1更新到Beta3就正常了

hopeless380202/28 07:01我反而不習慣新的iPad 外接鍵盤的打字模式

alljerry0402/28 10:14已經習慣打聲符後的快速選字嗎

miniwhy02/28 13:20ios13.4beta2吃雞會lag,升級beta3真的就不會了,應該就

miniwhy02/28 13:20暫時停在這版了....