[情報] Airtag被汽車竊賊用作偷車標的物

看板iOS標題[情報] Airtag被汽車竊賊用作偷車標的物作者
(ゴミ丼 わかんりんにゃれ)
時間推噓16 推:19 噓:3 →:28



When Apple debuted its new AirTag tracker earlier this year, part of our
review focused on the privacy implications of the device. We called the
device "a rare privacy misstep from Apple." This week, Canadian police
announced that car thieves have been using AirTags to track vehicles they
want to steal.

York Regional Police (which serves an area north of Toronto) revealed that ithas investigated five incidents in the past three months in which thieves
have hidden AirTags on vehicles parked in public. Later, the thieves tracked
down their targets to steal the cars at their leisure.

Other Bluetooth-based trackers have been available for some time now, but theubiquity of Apple devices (which communicate with AirTags via Apple's Find Myapp) means it's generally faster and more accurate to track something
remotely via an AirTag than a rival device like a Tile. And while they
undoubtedly make it easier for users to recover lost stuff, the tags are
being exploited by criminals.

Apple did build some anti-stalking functions into AirTags—if your Apple
device detects that you're being followed by an unfamiliar device, it will
alert you, as long as you're running iOS 14.5 or newer.






木村昌福 1891~1960


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waroz 12/05 06:29為了防範這招還得準備一支iPhone

waroz 12/05 06:29不過一般的定位器好像沒比較貴,也比較難防吧

rockmanx52 12/05 06:40文章有說一般藍牙定位器沒AirTag那麼強

waroz 12/05 06:56藍牙的肯定沒得比,就是不曉得4G的訊號怎麼樣

astrofluket612/05 07:15tile: 嫩

newmail5945 12/05 08:39之前車上有放 只有一個人手機會跑出警告

newmail5945 12/05 08:40跑出警告的可以控制airtag發出聲音 很小聲不好找

yoshilin 12/05 09:29findmy算是Apple開後門給i device利用iPhone網路

yoshilin 12/05 09:32然後一般人也不會在車上待太久

yoshilin 12/05 09:32竊賊也是觀察車子的動態,再決定何時偷吧

yoshilin 12/05 09:33所以AirTag就算不是抓姦神器,至少也是追車神器

jamo423 12/05 10:04以後電影裡會不會出現把airtag黏在車子上的橋段?

horseorange 12/05 10:23airtag的聲音可以輕鬆拆掉 靠聲音根本沒用

supereva 12/05 10:59黏在車底 發出聲音你也聽不到

mmmmei 12/05 11:08不只是聲音 手機會出現通知說有個airtag一直跟在你

mmmmei 12/05 11:08身邊

sincere77 12/05 12:24(安卓手機不適用)

Vek1112 12/05 12:29這個又是記者的奇幻小說吧 看看就好

iscu 12/05 12:34據說是一天以上或更久才會發出通知

chenhanlee 12/05 12:43記得某次更新後三四小時就會通知了

z22771187 12/05 12:45這讓我想起了柯南的道具...

redmib 12/05 12:54什麼工具都可以拿來做壞事,樹大招風罷了。

kaky 12/05 13:33蘋果拭鏡布表示

now99 12/05 14:37用戶多又有共同分享網路,好追蹤

PussySucker 12/05 14:45所以AIRTAG到底有什麼屁用 買這裝逼找自己麻煩笑死

PussySucker 12/05 14:46買了之後的果粉 突然變成整天都忘記自己車停哪

PussySucker 12/05 14:46一定要開出AIRTAG裝逼一下

PussySucker 12/05 14:49比起忘記車停哪、包包放哪,還比較容易忘記AIRTAG

PussySucker 12/05 14:49到底怎麼用

MDCCLXXVI 12/05 15:01就一次買四個,就多一個在車上啊 又沒多少錢

final9711 12/05 15:27被我發現車上有airtag一定拿去丟在比特犬旁邊

Mimmature 12/05 15:39寵物走失好用 腳踏車被偷好用

Mimmature 12/05 15:39包包雨傘手提袋等小物被偷也好用

Mimmature 12/05 15:39很多時候只是自己眼光太狹隘

Mimmature 12/05 15:41任何東西都會被用來犯罪 詐騙電話這麼多

Mimmature 12/05 15:41所以電話是找自己麻煩?

supereva 12/05 16:50我有放一個在錢包

SongLa5566 12/05 20:40蘋果當初也宣稱FaceID失誤率低於TouchID,結果一個

SongLa5566 12/05 20:40疫情就無所遁形破功。

SongLa5566 12/05 20:41*出錯率

waroz 12/05 21:06如果Touch ID支援戴手套用的話再來比吧

waroz 12/05 21:06我倒覺得Siri整天沒事跳出來比較扯

celtics1997 12/05 22:20FaceID出錯率跟疫情戴口罩有什麼關係?

mysads 12/06 01:06講faceid失誤率的 不貼個來源?還是自己搞不清楚不

mysads 12/06 01:06給戴口罩解鎖的原因?

Yohachan 12/06 12:32所以戴口罩是蘋果的問題? 邏輯天才

Waterpig 12/06 17:00雖然我是指紋愛好者 但口罩問題跟蘋果無關吧…

qoopichu 12/06 17:52有啊怎麼會無關,別家都指紋臉部兩者並進就你蘋果最

qoopichu 12/06 17:52跩只給一種還沒的選

simongarden 12/06 17:56沒得選跟出錯率關聯是什麼?