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Update on H and J Visas for Medical Professionals
Last Updated: March 26, 2020
We encourage medical professionals seeking to work in the United States on a
work or exchange visitor, particularly those working to treat or mitigate theeffects of COVID-19, to reach out to the nearest embassy or consulate to
request a visa appointment.

For those foreign medical professionals already in the United States:

J-1 Alien Physicians (medical residents) may consult with their program
sponsor, ECFMG, to extend their programs in the United States. Generally, a
J-1 program for a foreign medical resident can be extended one year at a timefor up to seven years.

Note that the expiration date on a U.S. visa does not determine how long one
can be in the United States. The way to confirm one’s required departure
date is here:

Those who need to extend their stay or adjust their visa status must apply
with USCIS. Their website is here:


已經考過USMLE的專科醫師前輩們似乎可以考慮....? 但被傳染的風險要自負



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shawn13467903/27 21:11開團了

bonjuice03/27 21:24gogo

istotoro03/27 21:29

Dimitre03/27 21:29除了診所外 在醫院的醫院不可能放行吧

XoPXoP03/27 21:30爽,讓白種人學點教訓

istotoro03/27 21:32it's horrible and it's real

bkprt73003/27 21:32問題是台灣醫師現在不是都被禁止出國?

bkprt73003/27 21:32還有,他也沒答應要給你執照阿....

HoterLin03/27 22:17執照要看去的人多少 有機會還會被拍成電影

baldeagle03/27 22:51多死一點人就會發執照了,別急

knightzero03/27 23:44有附贈美國公民就衝了

ichio103/28 00:03這報備衛服部會準嗎

elfish12303/28 00:06無感,原本就有身份,免費戰爭很好啊

adsl3939103/28 14:31過去能有身分誰還屑什麼中華民國 可是沒身分回來還是會

adsl3939103/28 14:31被追究 批鬥

bkprt73003/28 14:32阿中部長已經開示不準去了

med97979703/28 14:34所以現在出國罰什麼?

elfish12303/28 15:29根本沒有罰則啊

elfish12303/28 15:30對沒有身份的人來說 如果能拿 誰管你罰則

Combatant03/28 15:30先離職再去就沒問題了

adsl3939103/28 16:33談好身分 先離職再去就好了 不讓你去代表綠共又再次勝

adsl3939103/28 16:33利了

chungrew03/28 16:57Help is on the way

knightzero03/28 20:49看了後感覺目前要過去還是蠻困難的,可惜了

knightzero03/28 20:50一個好機會可以脫離鬼島

mick9020703/28 23:09有身分還管鬼島法律?

Twinkling03/29 01:20白痴才會去

aydybuv03/29 12:31美國倒了要綠卡幹嘛XD

a89182a8918203/29 15:21過去就不鳥台灣啦 自己撕掉身分證執照

endless012103/30 02:54aad沒職登就可以去了吧?

XoPXoP03/30 16:42真少,去大陸醫美打假药玻尿酸,一天保底2萬人民幣

a89182a8918204/01 14:07樓上行情去哪打的 這被誇大了吧

hjkkk12304/24 06:21夠嚴重的話我想之後可能報到直接送綠卡