[情報] 北亞利桑那大學誠徵碩博士生(EECS)

看板studyabroad標題[情報] 北亞利桑那大學誠徵碩博士生(EECS)作者
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I am looking for motivated graduate students who are interested to work with

PhD positions are available under my supervision at School of Informatics, Computing and Cyber Systems, Northern Arizona University. Students with background in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, and Computer Science interested on working in the following areas are encouraged to apply:
- Hardware Computing and Neuromorphic Computing
-New computing paradigm beyond von-Neumann architecture
- Semiconductor and Emerging Electronics
- Simulation and Circuit Design

PhD application link:

Please email [email protected] with your CV, transcripts, and one example
paper/report to showcase your skills and expertise.

A good device physics and fabrication background along with experience in simulation and data analytics is desirable. Candidates with graduate degrees and prior research experience will be preferred.

Group Website:

Ying-Chen “Daphne” Chen, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor| School of Informatics, Computing and Cyber Systems|
1295 Knoles Dr, Flagstaff, AZ 86011, United States|
Northern Arizona University
Google Scholar


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※ 編輯: tvkiddo ( 美國), 01/25/2021 07:43:04

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