[情報] UIC ECE 台灣教授招生!

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大家好 我來幫自己的指導教授打一下廣告!

UIC Pai-Yen Chen 老師 研究方向是 RF 微波 天線


老師人很好 可以算是我見過最好的老師 對研究很有熱情 發表過很多頂刊

只要研究穩穩地做 四年畢業不是問題 我個人給五星好評

有興趣的可以mail 老師 也歡迎站內詢問


Prof. Pai-Yen Chen is an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical
and Computer
Engineering at the University of Illinois at Chicago, USA. Currently, Dr. Chen’s lab at UIC has
open positions for Ph.D. students, who can start from 2022 Spring or 2022
Fall semester. Our
research mainly focuses on RF/microwave/millimeter-wave antennas and circuits,electromagnetics, RFIC, wearable and nearable sensors, nanodevices and
metamaterials, plasmonics, nanophotonics, qubits and quantum sensing based onmicrowave
and light photons. More information about his research projects and
publications can be found
If you are interested in joining Dr. Chen’s multidisciplinary research team,
please forward your
CV and related materials to: [email protected] Dr. Chen has published numerousjournal
articles and conference proceedings (including Nature, Nature Electronics,
Physical Review
Letters, Advanced Materials, ACS Nano, Nano Letters, and numerous IEEE
transactions) and
10 US patents. He serves as Associated Editor of four IEEE journals.


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