PTT推薦 Luka77 過去發表過的文章
[花邊] 今日巴弟20分0罰球 次數史上第三多Buddy Hield has the 3rd most games in NBA history with 20+ PTS & 0 FTA. 巴弟今天達成單場20分且0罰球機會,在歷史上排名第3多次。 巴弟久違的骰到6,第62次達成20分0罰。 而20分0罰球最多次的是誰?當然是我大KT98
[花邊] Curry的25000分 三分佔比高達47.9%A milestone only 26 players have reached—Steph did it HIS way! 咖哩是史上第26位達成25000分的球員,但他達成的方式非常獨特! 咖哩的25000分佔比爆
[花邊] 有吉巴的咖哩 場均30分投籃51/44/90Jimmy — Steph — 17.1 PPG 30.4 PPG 5.0 RPG 4.3 RPG 5.4 APG 6.0 APG75
[花邊] Malik Beasley是目前第二好的射手?Malik Beasley Appreciation Post. See poll below. Only one player in the league is blending 3P volume and efficiency better than Beasley over the last two years, and that player is THE BEST SHOOTER EVER CREATED. Steph remains in his own category, but here are some Beasley facts.爆
[花邊] 老詹生涯總計49999分 差一分五萬LeBron was one point shy from 50K career points 老詹只差一分,就達成生涯總計五萬分。 生涯總計得分榜,含例行賽與季後賽39
[花邊] Batum:只有Curry能投進那顆死之三分"99.99999% of the players in the world would have missed that shot. Only one guy could have made it. Him." Nic Batum on Steph Curry's "Golden Dagger" 3-point shot in the gold medal game between France and Team USA (via "Court of Gold", @netflix) "99.99999%的球員都會投丟那顆球。只有一個人能投進,就是他。"46
Re: [花邊] Curry的山羊動畫電影 明年二月上映提供一下sony官方頁面的資訊 Sony Pictures Animation and Sony Pictures Imageworks are production on an original animated sports comedy, GOAT, from producers Stephen Curry and Erick Peyton of Unanimous Media, Michelle Raimo Kouyate (The Spider Within: a Spider-Verse Story, Silver Linings Playbook), Adam Rosenberg (Creed 3) and Academy Award® winner Rodney Rothman (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse) of Modern Magic. Sony的原創動畫,會是運動主題的喜劇。 製作人包括Stephen Curry和Erick Peyton(來自Unanimous Media)、Michelle Raimo Kouyate(蜘蛛的內心:蜘蛛宇宙故事、派特的幸福劇本)、Adam Rosenberg(金牌拳手 3),以及奧斯卡獎得主Rodney Rothman(蜘蛛人:新宇宙)來自Modern Magic。41
[花邊] Curry史上第四位 36歲後連四場30+Stephen Curry tonight became the 4th player ever to score 30+ PTS in 4 consecutive games at 36+ years of age! He joins LeBron James (4x), Karl Malone (1x), & Michael Jordan (1x). Curry成為史上第四位,在36歲以後連續4場比賽得分30+ 老詹有過4次,馬龍跟喬丹各1次93
[花邊] 老詹能和77一起打多少場?AD and LeBron played nearly 300 games together. How many will Luka and LeBron log? 老詹和AD一起打了將近300場比賽。 Luka能和老詹一起打多少場呢?69
[花邊] 小丑龜龜是40年來唯二 單場20/20/1520/20/15 games over the last 40 years: 2 — Jokic 1 — Russ The only players to do it.56
[花邊] Curry第四節17分 聖誕大戰歷史最高Steph Curry had the most points in a 4th quarter in a Christmas Day game in NBA history. Curry今天第四節(拿下17分)是歷史上在聖誕大戰的第四節最高得分紀錄。 果然又是紀錄夜輸球?27
[花邊] Luka第79次大三元 獨居歷史第7Congrats to @luka7doncic on the @dallasmavs for moving to 7th on the all-time TRIPLE-DOUBLES list! 恭喜獨行俠的Luka在歷史大三元榜上升到第7名! 原本Luka哈登張伯倫都是78次,今天77正式獨居大三元榜第7。31
[花邊] JT得分籃板助攻抄截三分皆全隊最高Jayson Tatum this season: 29.7 PPG 7.9 RPG 5.9 APG26
[花邊] 巴弟在歷史三分榜超越JJ來到第20名Buddy BUCKETS. Buddy has climbed to 20th on the NBA's all-time threes list 射手巴弟 今天他上升到歷史三分榜的第20名55
[花邊] 開季的攻守效率分佈圖 勇士Net最高The Efficiency Landscape. What Jumps Out? 目前為止的攻守效率分佈圖,誰最突出呢? 10 Free Takes52
[花邊] 巴弟前四場投進20顆三分 史上第五位Buddy Hield this season: 21.3 PPG (leads team) 5.0 3PM 55.6% 3PT66
[花邊] 開季Poole 場均22分5助攻 三分61.5%Jordan Poole this season: 22.0 PPG 5.0 APG 5.3 3PM32
[花邊] Curry前兩場上半場3-16 第四節都沒上Stephen Curry, first two games: 1st and 2nd quarters: 15 PTS 3/16 FG92
[花邊] KT獨行俠初登場 22分7板3抄6三分With 6 three, Klay set a franchise record for most 3-pointers made in a Mavs debut KT投進本場第6顆三分球,創下小牛隊史的初登場紀錄69
[花邊] greg回覆LBJ要飛去密爾瓦基的原因Hey LeBron, it’s greg. The reason for this is because if you were to drive there it would take over 29 hours so I’m guessing your coaches thought it would be more efficient to fly. Hope this helps. 嗨老詹,是我greg。 要搭飛機去(密爾瓦基打熱身賽)的原因是,如果你開車去會花超過29個小時,所以我猜教練覺得飛過去比較有效率。 希望這有幫助到你。爆
[花邊] 蟻人亂噴香檳 老詹開玩笑說你還早“Come one, Ant. We know you ain’t been there yet.” LeBron James has some jokes for Anthony Edwards, who has joined Steph Curry to pop the champagne bottles (via @usabasketball) "拜託,蟻人。我們知道你還沒到過那裡"爆
[花邊] 咖哩奧運初登板 11分3籃板3助攻Steph Curry in 21 minutes of action... 11 PTS (4-8 FGM) | 3 3PM | 3 AST | 3 REB #Paris2024 debut 咖哩的第一場奧運出賽60
[情報] 23-24例行賽底角三分 PJ最鐵僅24%消息來源: 內容: Poorest Corner 3P Shooters '23-'24... What Stands Out?49
[花邊] 勇士二月11勝 聯盟唯一雙位數勝場Warriors wins: 11 — February 11 — January and December combined The only team with double-digit wins this month.23
[花邊] 2020以來例行賽最多勝的是NiangMost wins in the 2020s: 210 — Georges Niang [gap] 199 — Tatum, Jokic, Bridges61
[花邊] Curry新的TikTok簡介:沒有毀了籃球Steph Curry’s new bio on TikTok: “Did not, in fact, ruin basketball.” 咖哩新的TikTok個人簡歷 事實上,並沒有毀了籃球72
[花邊] Luka五次明星賽最高得8分 共得35分Luka Doncic in his 5 All-Star Games: * 2020: 8 points * 2021: 8 points * 2022: 8 points52
[花邊] 昨天全明星週六是近四年最多觀看The NBA says it had 10 million unique viewers for All-Star Saturday across TNT, truTV and BR Sports on Max — up 54% from last year. Viewership peaked with 5.4 million viewers during the 10-10:15pm ET window, during Steph vs. Sabrina. H/T @MikeVorkunov NBA說昨天的全明星週六,在TNT等轉播通路,共有一千萬個不重複觀眾,比去年多54%96
[花邊] NBA僅咖哩有過Ionescu上季3PT表現Sabrina Ionescu made 3.6 3PT per game on 44.8% 3PT last season. The only player in NBA history to average those numbers for a season is Steph Curry. Ionescu上季在WNBA場均3.6顆三分球,命中率44.8%。 在NBA歷史上,只有Curry達成過這樣的賽季三分數據。26
[花邊] 青賽小白 唯一累積50抄50鍋100三分The only player with 50+ steals 50+ blocks 100+ threes57
[花邊] 今日Powell 第四節三分4-4 逆轉勇士Norman Powell tonight: 21 PTS 5-7 3P Scored 12 of his points in the 4th quarter.64
[花邊] 今日Gafford上先發 16分17板2抄5鍋Gafford in his first start as a Mav: 16 PTS 17 REB 2 STL爆
[花邊] 本季Curry關鍵時刻落後時 三分51.7%Steph Curry when TRAILING in the clutch: 70.0% 2PT 51.7% 3PT 97.0% FT39
[花邊] Seth Curry將會穿Dell穿過的黃蜂30號Seth Curry (@sdotcurry) will wear No. 30 for the #Hornets. Number last worn by Nate Darling in 2021 (and Dell Curry, his father, in 1998). #NBA Seth Curry 將會穿上黃蜂的30號球衣。 這個號碼上一次是被2021年的Nate Darling所穿,當然還有1998年的Dell Curry。32
[情報] Curry首節三分6-6 生涯10次單節6三分消息來源: 內容: Stephen Curry was 6/6 from 3-point in the 1st quarter tonight It was the 10th time in his career with 6+ 3's in a single quarter (regular season or playoffs).78
[情報] 生涯TS%排名 狗貝1 小丑6 咖哩8 軟糖10 K消息來源: 內容: Just reminding everyone that what Steph Curry is doing (especially at 6’3) is not normal. 只是提醒一下大家,Curry只有6呎3但生涯的真實命中率是歷史前幾高,這非常不普通。35
[花邊] 今日Ingram 30分鐘41分6板9助8三分Last 3 players with a 40-point game on 0 turnovers while playing under 30 minutes: — LeBron James — Steph Curry — Brandon Ingram52
[花邊] 單場50+的出手數與罰球數分布圖All 651 50-point games in NBA history, charted by FGA (x) and FTA (y). Steph Curry's 14 50-point games are in blue. A master at putting up 50 without free throws. NBA歷史上總共有651次某球員拿下單場50分以上,下圖x軸是出手數,y軸是罰球數。44
[花邊] 本季小沙20分13板8助FG60% 歷史唯一The first player in NBA history to average 19+ PPG 13+ RPG 8+ APG52
[情報] 尼克有兩位 100+三分且命中率42%消息來源: 內容: 6 players have made 100+ threes on at least 42 3P% this season. Two of them play for the Knicks.77
[花邊] TJD 10分15板 2010後勇士菜鳥首位Trayce Jackson-Davis in 24 minutes: 10 PTS 15 REB (5 OREB) 5-7 FG93
[情報] Curry關鍵時刻得分王 投籃51/48/96消息來源: 內容: Stephen Curry in the 4th/OT this season: Non-clutch minutes:44
[花邊] 連續場次進三分與其它連續場次紀錄JUST HOW WILD WAS CURRY’S RECORD 3-POINT STREAK? For more than five years — from Dec. 1, 2018 until Dec. 17, 2023 — Stephen Curry made at least one 3-pointer in 268 consecutive games. 從2018年12月1日到2023年12月17日,超過五年的時間,Curry連續268場例行賽至少投進一顆三分球。50
[情報] 本季400分200板50鍋 僅AD斑馬Chet消息來源: 內容: The only players with 400+ points34
[花邊] 進行中的連續三分場次 小李101場Longest active streak with at least 1 3PM: 101 — Damian Lillard 50 — Cameron Johnson 35 — Bogdan Bogdanovic27
[花邊] Luka第八次40分大三元 史上第四多Luka tonight: 40 PTS 12 REB 10 AST爆
[情報] Curry 史上第一位投進3500顆三分球消息來源: 內容: The first player in NBA history to reach 3,500 threes Wardell Stephen Curry II42
[花邊] Brunson 50分5板5助5抄 前一位是ADJalen Brunson tonight: 50 PTS (career-high) 6 REB 9 AST55
[情報] KT今年第一次單場30分 (8顆三分球)消息來源: 內容: First 30-point game of the year for Klay Thompson ✓20
[情報] 今日字母60分70%命中率 史上第五位消息來源: 內容: Giannis Antetokounmpo is the 5th player in NBA history to score 60+ Points on 70%+ FG. The last player to do so was Damian Lillard.51
[花邊] (湊)斑馬30分13板6鍋4三分 史上唯一Wemby tonight: 30 PTS 13 REB 6 BLK12
[請益] 派遣外商該去嗎?小弟四大資工學士畢業,工作經驗約四年,之前都是在台灣公司。 目前待業中,想找台北的外商工作機會,但可能是經濟不景氣,覺得外商的職缺好少,主動投履歷都沒消息。 最近想說先用104找個工作當過渡,至少有薪水收入,等景氣回來再尋找外商機會。 不過目前面試運氣也不佳,明明面試覺得算順利,面試官也會超時繼續跟我聊,但都收到感謝函。 現在有收到一個派遣外商的offer,薪水也能接受。雖然好像大家都不推派遣,但如果是當過渡期工作,去體驗認識一下外商的工作環境跟模式,是不是也沒到那麼差?21
[購機] 萬元以下 中階入門機種1.預算範圍/考慮機種: 預算一萬以下 目前考慮Samsung A53、Pixel 6a、realme 10T、紅米 note 11 pro 2.使用需求: 平常使用大多為PTT、YT、FB、Line,玩遊戲如跑跑卡丁車、明日方舟,偶爾拍照畫質不要太差即可,希望續航力好一點。14
[問題] Xbox One瘋狂閃退怎麼辦?最近買了XGPU,準備來爽玩一波遊戲,先載了漫威星際異攻隊來玩。 前三天加總玩了六小時以上都沒什麼問題,但昨天玩到一半時,突然卡住後閃退,直接跳回首頁,遊戲整個被關閉。 原本想說再重開就好,但每次重開只會跑前面大概30秒的進入動畫,然後就又閃退,畫面也沒有顯示任何錯誤訊息,就像我從來沒開遊戲一樣。 這時我覺得不妙,去試著開其他遊戲,結果每個遊戲都這樣,載入一下就自動關閉回首頁,全部遊戲都無法玩,但Netflix那些應用程式卻正常。 我上網搜尋官方排查流程,什麼重開機、卸載再安裝等等全部都試過了,還是沒用。只好使出大絕招,整台主機重置且刪除所有檔案。15
[尋物] 仙度瑞拉床墊推薦?下個月要和女友搬到另一間租屋,沒有附床,所以最近在找尋適合的床墊,有查到仙度瑞拉不錯,去了永和門市試躺,體驗真的好,所以積極考慮中。 但由於本人社畜一枚,預算無法到太高,我們對其中三款比較喜歡,分別是白珍珠、紫珍珠、白騎士。 有問店員,白珍珠跟紫珍珠內部用料幾乎一樣,價錢也相同,白珍珠稍硬一點,而紫珍珠的表層有蓬蓬的,服貼包覆感比較好。白騎士則是有加上水冷膠,所以比較涼,但價錢高了一階。 尷尬的是,我跟女友對這三張的喜好排序剛好相反,我是比較喜歡軟硬適中且有包覆感的,所以排名是紫珍珠>白騎士>白珍珠,她則最喜歡白珍珠,覺得稍硬比較有支撐感。 想請問大家,硬度會影響使用年限嗎?不希望睡個兩三年就開始變塌。還有水冷膠真的會差很多嗎?畢竟夏天一定還是會開冷氣,而且冬天是不是反而會太涼?有點不知道怎麼決定...