Re: [推薦] 實用英語文法百科全套6冊

看板book標題Re: [推薦] 實用英語文法百科全套6冊作者
時間推噓 1 推:1 噓:0 →:5

Compound prepositions or complex prepositions are composed of two
prepositions together to function as one preposition. Compound prepositions
must not be joined together, but are two separate words that function as one
word. One compound preposition.

Practice doesn't necessarily make perfect, but it makes permanent.
Premature practice (practice beyond the learner's competence) or practice
without error correction makes imperfection permanent.


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MrTaxes08/10 22:07謝謝回覆.

MrTaxes08/10 22:08還有phrasal preposition,外國的網站有的寫two or more

MrTaxes08/10 22:08有的寫three or more

MrTaxes08/10 22:10等等....好像至少包含介詞都要三個字以上

supercilious08/10 22:20next to (2 words)

supercilious08/10 22:21out of