[轉錄] 美國Disney+月費將((小漲))20%

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作者: silentknight (清純男) 看板: C_Chat
標題: [寵粉] 美國Disney+月費將((小漲))20%
時間: Wed Aug 16 11:57:08 2023

How to Avoid the Upcoming Disney+ Price Hike

Disney has announced it’s increasing prices for the ad-free tier of Disney+
on October 12. It’s a story we’ve heard many times before, from streaming
services like Netflix, Hulu, and Max — not to mention Disney+ itself. On the
plus side, if you start an annual subscription now at the current price, you’ll strategically lock in the lower price for about a year. That’s just smart
planning. To see what the various options mean for your pocketbook, let’s
look at the numbers.

迪士尼宣布將於10/12日開始提高Disney+無廣告套餐的價格。這是我們以前從 Netflix、Hulu和Max等流媒體服務中聽過很多次的故事,更不用說Disney+本身了。從好的方面來說,如果您現在以當前價格開始年度訂閱,您將戰略性地鎖定較低的價格大約一年。

Lock in a Year of Disney+ Before the Price Goes Up

First, the price increase. On October 12, the monthly price of ad-free
Disney+ will increase from $10.99 to $13.99. That’s about a 20% increase,
which turns into a lot of money over the span of your subscription. The cost
of the with-ads tier will remain the same ($7.99/month), at least for the
time being.

(7.99 美元/月),至少目前是這樣。

But if you want no ads and you want to lock in the current price, now is the
time. The current price for 12 months of ad-free Disney+ is $110. (Disney hasn’t announced how much the annual price will be once the increase goes into

Not only does an annual subscription save you money compared to 12 months of
the current monthly price, but it saves way more compared to the increased
price going into effect October 12. If you were to pay the post-increase
monthly price for 12 months, it would cost you $167.88 total. So locking in
the current, lower annual price now saves you a bunch of money.

Alternatively, once the price hike goes into effect, a new bundle option willbecome available. It will include ad-free Disney+ and ad-free Hulu for $19.99per month. That may be the best option if you plan to subscribe to the no-ad
tiers of both services, because for some reason Hulu currently doesn't offer
an ad-free annual subscription.




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keerily: 提升20%教育費用 08/16 11:58
cycy771489: 太多用戶不受教,只好找死忠的用戶漲價 08/16 12:01

※ PTT留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ※ 轉錄者: silentknight ( 臺灣), 08/16/2023 12:02:03

chocoball 08/16 12:03有人會嫌教育費用貴嗎 賺爛了

pttnobody76 08/16 12:0320%很多欸

pttnobody76 08/16 12:045%才叫小漲吧

madeathmao 08/16 12:07花大錢補貼克蘇魯魚人,財報扛不住了

sure0219 08/16 12:07最近漫威影集都在拍爛戲還敢漲啊!

LOVEMS 08/16 12:07現代孟母三遷的遷法大概是第四台→網飛→迪士尼

rbull 08/16 12:09電影大賠 就找串流消費者補虧損囉

s1032kj 08/16 12:10懂寵

jidou 08/16 12:16教育費漲價,我沒買過就是了。

kenkenken31 08/16 12:18QQ

mrlucas8891 08/16 12:20學費漲那麼多是怎樣啊 受教權不是平等的嗎

IBIZA 08/16 12:24惡鬼真的好看

IBIZA 08/16 12:25最難得是沒虎頭蛇尾

hu6111 08/16 12:28小醜魚大爆死要轉嫁給用戶

f77928 08/16 12:31遠距教學

xxx5594 08/16 12:35不漲不行阿!魚人賠太多了

coox 08/16 12:35這爛串流還敢漲?打開只看了一部穿著Prada的惡魔就

coox 08/16 12:35找不到其他想看的了

jessicaabc9808/16 12:36內容完全不想訂閱

SINW 08/16 12:37看吧 還是死忠盤好賺

ppt12527 08/16 12:38可以拍小美人魚2,賺回第一集賠的錢啊,快去拍

kyouya 08/16 12:49退訂了啦 要學習我會自己去補習班報名

wx190 08/16 12:50你各位都不受教

macrose 08/16 13:07最近D+最好看的東西是韓劇MOVING異能,反正好萊塢眼

macrose 08/16 13:08看就要被罷工癱瘓了,歐美影視平台乾脆把資金灑到亞

macrose 08/16 13:08洲來,韓國人拿到高額製作費,拍出來的東西還真不錯

macrose 08/16 13:09這部比很多網飛韓劇都好看

macrose 08/16 13:09用錢推出來的特效看起來也很讚

syk1104 08/16 13:14真的,拍一堆政卻爛片虧錢然後叫用戶吸收

bustinjieber08/16 13:15還好我不受教

cevs 08/16 13:30內容比n無聊很多還敢漲

godman362 08/16 13:34netflix爛片已經很多了,disney更爛還能漲?

erinpai 08/16 13:39教育還要錢喔

Axarz631 08/16 13:40賣不掉加價賣

pony0935 08/16 13:40智商稅

ichiroa 08/16 13:46是27%吧

bustinjieber08/16 14:02突破盲點是漲價27.3%,應該是近30%

taikonkimo 08/16 14:09感謝這些人贊助小黑魚

CrossroadMEI08/16 14:12北七 內容這麼少 不是漫威粉誰想訂閱啊

syk1104 08/16 14:14星戰粉

bbs0840738 08/16 14:19星戰粉只能乖乖繳錢了 還好我不是

qoo2002s 08/16 14:27大熊餐廳也不錯

syk1104 08/16 14:28大熊餐廳也好看~讚讚

kelon 08/16 14:34根本沒啥好看還敢漲XD

huangfly 08/16 14:48韭菜割起來!

GEKKAKAJIN 08/16 14:5020%叫小漲?

audi1005 08/16 15:02收教材費用

andycheng60 08/16 15:04這提醒了我要退訂,一直忘記

ph777 08/16 15:11反正家裡有線電視有送

madeathmao 08/16 15:16用漲後的價格當分母,很會喔

poopooShaw 08/16 15:30D+能打的幾乎都不是自家原創,比較多是福斯跟舊IP。

poopooShaw 08/16 15:33原創影集就星戰幾部比較有討論度,電影好像都是回

poopooShaw 08/16 15:33收桶,我想到覺得有趣的只有救難小福星。

KingKingCold08/16 15:53小漲20% 太寵粉了吧

KingKingCold08/16 15:5513.99/10.99=127.3% 所以不是小漲20% 是微幅調漲27%

KingKingCold08/16 15:55比我想像得更寵粉 多寵了7% ^^

watery725 08/16 16:36老闆我薪水想小漲27%

zorroptt 08/16 17:53沒翻倍就該感恩?

skizard 08/16 17:59原來是賣不出去加價賣

aeoleron 08/16 18:49笑死

attdave 08/16 18:50學費一直漲

jacktedrule 08/16 18:56左膠粉趕快訂起來,讓迪士尼有更多錢拍政確片

LordOfCS 08/16 19:00要填補黑鯰魚的虧損啊,你各位乖乖受教好嗎?

sunsirr 08/16 19:1820哪是小漲….準備退訂

BJshow 08/16 19:25電影虧的從線上補啊

pf775 08/16 19:45韓國影劇太多了

rainkuan9 08/16 20:45為了小美人魚值得的

artpower 08/16 20:53Disney 值得啦!

tilwemeet 08/16 21:07沒差 11月就退訂了 不過有ㄧ說ㄧ 我很感謝他讓我能

tilwemeet 08/16 21:07追星際大戰的所有東西

fishcare 08/16 21:39漲27%叫小漲,還好早已退訂

jickey 08/16 21:55孩子的教育不能等 褲帶勒緊也要訂

squalljack 08/16 22:46小黑人魚欠的債,現在要用戶來吸收囉

cokeiao4 08/16 23:53真的不會想訂欸

Sk8erBoi 08/17 06:33漲兩成叫做小漲...

Sk8erBoi 08/17 06:35換算台幣要100元了欸這漲很多耶!

yeap193 08/17 13:02大概是小黑魚的髒辮太耗資了吧

anubis1028 08/17 21:52還好我都看免費的不用花錢買串流,韭菜給別人當就好

anubis1028 08/17 21:52

pantakill 08/18 12:09教育經費增加應該會提供更多好的資源吧

sg1987 08/18 15:47幾部優秀的動畫放在這邊這是有夠糟踏

sg1987 08/18 15:48字幕爛到毫無職業道德 同一個人名字有兩種翻譯 傻眼

kobe0819 08/19 00:23笑死 厲害了迪士尼