
時間推噓14 推:14 噓:0 →:2



Similar to “Inception,” which created an entire dream-world mythology
only to have its revolving-hallway tussle become its most iconic sequence,
in “Tenet,” time inversion poses a civilization-annihilating threat, but
the killer scene is, again, a corridor fight. We see it twice, and each time,after your brain clicks to one of the combatants fighting forward in time
while the other goes backward, the sheer how-did-they-do-that ingenuity is


Indeed, take away the time-bending gimmick, and “Tenet" is a series of
timidly generic set pieces: heists, car chases, bomb disposals, more heists…
in which all anyone really does is crack safes and blow stuff up.


So seems “Tenet,” the kind of hugely expensive, blissfully empty spectacle
it is difficult to imagine getting made in the near-to-medium future, now a
fascinating artifact of a lovably clueless civilization unaware of the
disaster lurking around the corner.

Seek it out, if only to marvel at the entertainingly inane glory of what we
once had and are in danger of never having again. Well, that and the suits.



In the past, Nolan has worked audience anxiety to great advantage with films
like his 2001 breakthrough Memento or the 2017 war masterwork Dunkirk —
precisely owing to the fact those films had running-out-the-clock baked into
their DNA. Tenet, on the other hand, tries to run out so many at once that
it risks audience disengagement. Even its least propulsive segments are
jam-packed with a wearying amount of exposition, reams of hints and clues


In one monologue, Kapadia discusses algorithms, rehashes the Manhattan
Project, and explains the grandfather paradox — making her character feel
more like a university lecturer


There is a gambit in Tenet that can’t help evoking The Matrix, which
continues to loom large over this corner of the cinematic universe two
decades after its release…Nolan introduces the colors red and blue to
indicate which direction the minutes are moving: forward or backward.
Tenet is red pill versus blue pill all over again — but it is hard to
locate a larger philosophical story or message to back it up. B-




Tenet is Bond without the baggage. Filmed in Italy, Estonia, India, Norway,
the UK and the US, it’s a globetrotting espionage extravaganza that does
everything 007 does but without having to lean into the heritage, or indeed
the clichés. Just as with Indiana Jones, for which George Lucas persuaded
Bond fan Steven Spielberg they could create their own hero instead of
piggybacking on someone else’s, Nolan has made his own Bond film here.


These are great actors — Washington, Pattinson, Branagh and Debicki are
all immensely watchable — but only towards the end, as things begin to
pay off, do you really get the chills here and there. For the most part,
everybody’s on a mission, doing their job, the film barely stopping to
breathe, certainly not to take any sentimental detours. And nobody
involved looms larger than Nolan himself.

演員很棒:Washington, Pattinson, Branagh, Debicki 都值得一看,可惜要到電影

if you’re after a big old explosive Nolan braingasm, that is exactly what
you’re going to get, shot on old-fashioned film too (as the end credits
proudly state). By the time it’s done, you might not know what the hell’s
gone on, but it is exciting nevertheless. It is ferociously entertaining.

- Palindromic

Tenet 正著讀,反著讀,是同一個字。


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littlejackbr08/26 09:52最後一個評論,難不成整部片要倒著看

PitrN 08/26 10:04不用

awhat 08/26 10:14那要倒立看嗎

Bigcookie2 08/26 10:16要燒腦了...

poopooShaw 08/26 10:18大概是開頭也是結局的感覺吧

madeathmao 08/26 10:49如果裡面有人倒著說話,反著看才聽得懂爆點就神了

MrLuna 08/26 10:49警語:智商 130以下者 慎重考慮進場

littlejackbr08/26 11:04如果配樂倒著聽是一樣的就神了

waitan 08/26 11:53以諾蘭來說的話 說不定倒著看還真的有彩蛋

xxx22088 08/26 11:54剛才看到阿湯哥的心得,他很愛天能

gn02384419 08/26 13:10他只是很愛終於有大片能進戲院欣賞而已吧

CVIVIC 08/26 13:13倒著看有彩蛋,怎麼聯想到一級玩家

sellgd 08/26 17:26請問動作場面佔全片多少比例?

welkin0105 08/26 19:34YT有倒著放預告的影片啊,完全不違和聽起來像德語

photoshark 08/26 21:38從片尾開始看也能看的意思

xxmakubexx 08/27 01:54天能-皇后殺手