[討論] DC沒有魔神腦了,但還可以看到安柏?

看板movie標題[討論] DC沒有魔神腦了,但還可以看到安柏?作者
時間推噓17 推:17 噓:0 →:18


1.原本請了浴血黑幫的創作者來寫《超人:鋼鐵英雄》(Man of Steel)的續集,而且

The studio had its own plan as new film co-chiefs Michael De Luca and Pam
Abdy wanted to make a Man of Steel sequel, having Peaky Blinders creator
Steven Knight to write the treatment. (Classic character Brainiac was to havebeen the villain of that piece, a source says.)


2.因為預算問題,安柏赫德(Amber Heard)在水行俠2的戲份被保留了下來

Amber Heard's Aquaman 2 deleted scenes could return due to a reduced reshoot

The call that could benefit Amber
A few weeks ago, the new management of Warner Bros. made a call to director
James Wan to tell him that the budget he originally had for the famous
reshoots, was going to be reduced.

This is in accordance with the new management that is putting order and
reviewing costs of their projects, so many of the scenes that were going to
be reshot, including supposedly all where Amber appeared and where she was tobe replaced by another actress, can no longer be carried out.

According to information from Variety, the current financial restrictions at
WB could benefit Heard, as all the scenes she filmed would make it into the
new film, Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom, which is scheduled to be released in
theaters in a year's time, in December 2023.




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Robben 12/19 12:33還不是要重啟

eva00ave 12/19 12:39ㄎ 別忘了客串全被斃連

torukumato 12/19 12:44沒差了 反正全部打掉

SINW 12/19 12:54沒差了 都不重要了

lpb 12/19 12:55沒差,反正海王2我決定不衝第一波,先看網友說安柏

lpb 12/19 12:55戲份還在不在,只要是還有安柏在,我就不去戲院看了

lpb 12/19 12:55

IAMCSH 12/19 13:31其實這根本沒差了,要也是沒有期望的最後一集。

NICKSHOW 12/19 13:36沒要重啟 只是換人演

holyseraph 12/19 13:41華納:為了要換掉安珀赫德 只好叫水行俠劇組全滾了

Lachdanan 12/19 14:02還是想看看完全沒查導的水行俠會如何

shengchiu30312/19 14:02不只魔神腦 黑化超人也看不到了

shengchiu30312/19 14:02

圖 DC沒有魔神腦了,但還可以看到安柏?

howard365 12/19 14:11水行俠本來就沒有查克參與,掛監製是溫對其尊重

mysmalllamb 12/19 14:13Steven Knight,從《美麗壞東西》到《浴血黑幫》一

mysmalllamb 12/19 14:13路社會黑暗,《夜刑者》連傑森史塔森類型電影都令人

mysmalllamb 12/19 14:13動容!真好奇他碰超英類型會玩成什麼樣子。

shengchiu30312/19 14:15溫子仁說他私底下有把水行俠初剪給查克夫婦看過並尋

shengchiu30312/19 14:15求建議 當時華納還要求他延續尾燈版人設 把水行俠描

shengchiu30312/19 14:15寫成會開黃腔的癡漢

shengchiu30312/19 14:17但溫沒有這樣做

szdxc17 12/19 14:28第一則不可能了吧,演員都不演了

ls61412 12/19 14:34那推特看就知道不是本人吧

ja1295 12/19 15:10華納高層現在是在搞? 超人你要的我不要 安柏你不要

ja1295 12/19 15:10的我偏要放 CEO大衛是不是臥底啊

sfzerox 12/19 16:07高層自己是魔神腦吧

Lachdanan 12/19 18:0013樓的黑超超想看的啊

Lachdanan 12/19 18:00ZJL最後那五分鐘就是

Lachdanan 12/19 18:00查克滿滿的「惡意」XD

Luos 12/19 20:58已經不重要了

alljerry04 12/19 22:54那個推特不是 Amber 的

alljerry04 12/19 22:57ID 的 archive 那麼明顯,還有那些標籤 XD

alljerry04 12/19 22:57Amber Heard 大約 11 月初就刪掉她的推特帳號了

blueslin 12/19 23:04等串流就好了

evilraistlin12/20 23:34安柏還在就不可能進電影院看+1