[情報] 菅野和美國經紀公司簽約(木屐同一家
Sources: Japanese pitcher Tomoyuki Sugano (34) signed with VC Sports Group, the same agency as Mookie Betts.
He will be an international free agent this offseason, as @JeffPassan reported,but it doesn't mean he will leave Japan if he doesn't get a good offer.
菅野智之和美國經紀公司VC Sports Group簽約
這家旗下有Mookie Betts
這次不找日本球員最愛的Joel Wolfe了
※ PTT留言評論
[炸裂] Mookie BettsMookie Betts 陽春砲 本季季後賽第二轟出爐 木屐貝棒打公平銀行 木屐貝今年兩發全壘打都在WS 8局下50
[花邊] Derrick Jones Jr.將簽約Klutch SportsDerrick Jones Jr.將簽約 Klutch Sports經紀公司 Dallas Mavericks free agent forward Derrick Jones Jr is expected to sign with Klutch Sports Group for representation, league sources told48
[情報] Russell Westbrook加入Excel SportsLos Angeles Lakers star Russell Westbrook has signed with agent Jeff Schwartz of @excelsm for his representation, Westbrook told ESPN on Monday afternoon.34
[情報] Jordan Montgomery開除Boras根據ESPN記者Kiley McDaniel報導 Jordan Montgomery經紀人從Scott Boras轉為Joel Wolfe & Nick Chanock Jordan Montgomery身為本季的波拉斯四大FA選手 原本冀望可以拿到一紙長約 結果最後只跟響尾蛇簽1+1的合約,而且還搞到簽約時間那麼晚22
[情報] LaVine將與Klutch Sports簽約Zach LaVine is expected to sign with Klutch Sports Group, according to a leagu e source. LaVine已經離開原本的經紀公司Innovate Sports,和BDA Sports 預期將會和Klutch Sports簽約21
[炸裂] Mookie BettsMookie Betts 陽春砲 本季第十二轟出爐 木屐貝一棒追平比數 九局下 響尾蛇 1:1 道奇16
[情報] Mitchell 和 Allonzo 更換經紀人為富保羅Allonzo Trier has also signed with Rich Paul it Klutch Sports Group, sources confirm. First reported by Yahoo. Mitchell Robinson has signed with agent Rich Paul of Klutch Sports Group, per SNY sources.18
[分享] Stanton的經紀人回擊Cashman的言論前情提要 吃了誠實豆沙包?洋基總管:我們都知道史丹頓容易受傷 #1bKpWy5j (Baseball) 今天Stanton的經紀人Joel Wolfe就此事做出回應13
[情報] Jordan Montgomery更換經紀人LHP Jordan Montgomery has hired Wasserman’s Joel Wolfe & Nick Chanock as his agents, per sources. Montgomery was one of the Boras Four, who were unsigned late into free agency. I projected he would get 5 yrs, $106M and he eventually signed for 1 yr, $25M w/Arizona on March 26.5
[情報] Klutch Sports Group進軍MLBKlutch Sports Group, the agency run by Rich Paul that represents LeBron James and Jalen Hurts, is expanding to Major League Baseball after acquiring Rep 1, whose roster includes Red Sox star Rafael Devers, All-Star closer Devin Williams and Platinum Glove winner Andrés Giménez.
[情報] 教士在佐佐木朗希爭奪戰中出局50
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