[情報] 荷蘭備戰12強: 荷蘭王國系列戰

看板Baseball標題[情報] 荷蘭備戰12強: 荷蘭王國系列戰作者
時間推噓 6 推:6 噓:0 →:3

World No. 7 the Netherlands will warm up for the WBSC Premier12 2024, presentedby RAXUS, from 29 October to 4 November in Aruba.


在荷蘭屬地阿魯巴打荷蘭王國系列戰(Kingdom Series)

During a press, the Aruban Minister of Education and Sports Endy Croes and the Dutch Baseball Softball Federation (KNBSB) CEO Stefaan Eskes announced that Aruba will host the seco conference nd edition of the Kingdom Series. The tournament's schedule will be revealed later.


"We're extremely excited that the Kingdom Series will be hosted by Aruba this year after a successful edition in Curaçao in 2022," said Eskes. "It's a wonderful opportunity to give the sport of baseball a huge boost on the island. For years, we have been working together hard to increase the level of baseball throughout the entire kingdom. We share knowledge and experience, learn from each otherand enforce each other on and off the field. The KNBSB actively tries to involve the Amateur Baseball Federation of Aruba (ABBA)."




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usausausa04/08 15:52不怕 我們有天龍國 花蓮國

jan5891204/08 16:08阿鲁巴

Edison117404/08 16:22阿魯巴 庫拉索 聖馬丁 尼德蘭本土

mschien829504/08 16:41台灣則是天龍國 花蓮國 苗栗國 台灣本土

zxc7022704/08 16:49台灣也可以+1嗎 前王國殖民地 莫忘祖國!

cucu112604/08 17:41台南城市隊可以考慮邀一下嗎

cobras63804/08 19:20阿魯巴

kenro04/08 20:00阿魯巴並不弱喔,人家還能出mlb等級的強者

ggsize12304/08 20:21台灣也+1 我們也想回歸祖國