[閒聊] 剛剛邦威說what the 什麼

看板Baseball標題[閒聊] 剛剛邦威說what the 什麼作者
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conbanwa04/17 17:55

Coyang814104/17 17:55funk

fishead111604/17 17:55Park

aa147788804/17 17:55What the park 天母公園讚

cookiey04/17 17:55公園

gekkou04/17 17:55what the park

Edison117404/17 17:55Father

GaryCrawford04/17 17:55趴克 Man

bnb8922504/17 17:55可以直接換洋砲了

pilian04/17 17:55帕克

RWT51204/17 17:55公園打球

ckshrimp04/17 17:55man

apple833504/17 17:56park

eunhailoveu04/17 17:56什麼公園嘛?!! 天母公園

akiraje04/17 17:56park

jasongo04/17 17:56what the fun,都說了先不要~

BlairWang04/17 17:56pork 豬肉

p5873004/17 17:56what the fxck man 沒看錯的話

alcpeon91104/17 17:56公園

straggler704/17 17:56What's the park,man?

maple042504/17 17:56park 稱讚球場 what the park

andylee8412604/17 17:56PARK

donami99904/17 17:56punk

polanco04/17 17:56fork

zu0040547904/17 17:56歪果仁問一下這裡是哪個公園 應該OK吧

lmf77041004/17 17:56大安森林公園

threesmallgo04/17 17:56cyberpunk

sandemo04/17 17:56聽到關鍵字就趕緊的發文 非常勤勞

a2689399704/17 17:56park啊 這什麼公園 到底

laihom080804/17 17:56公園

yitingted04/17 17:57

fakeoldboy04/17 17:57多麼好的公園啊

neverfly04/17 17:57what the fun,這什麼有趣的事

WeAntiTVBS04/17 17:57Park

Jerry776604/17 17:57What the funk 就說了先不要

lyt556604/17 17:57park

bmwnyy87091504/17 17:57法蘭克

brendantang04/17 17:57fog 昨天桃園的霧漂到天母了

coutji318404/17 17:57天母運動公園附設棒球場 what the park

kji59092904/17 17:57Park

SorrowWind04/17 17:58What the 天母 park

chihchingho04/17 17:58What a park. man~

sesd04/17 17:58 What the park

a2764753504/17 17:58mother father gentleman

s5551040704/17 17:58flower阿 今天花kei有開球捏

airflow04/17 17:58bark bark 汪汪

hydroer04/17 17:58可能喜歡陳漢典

bypetty04/17 17:58frog

gogoto99004/17 17:59發財

eric0239604/17 17:59what the funk 就說了先不要

photonic04/17 17:59到底是什麼樣的公園

funcky011604/17 18:00發麵

Wolverin556604/17 18:00林肯怕!!!!!!!!

whj053004/17 18:00Funk

howardq4404/17 18:00Park啦,這什麼公園!

knight4568304/17 18:00what the rock

ji394tb04/17 18:00Park

tmacai010304/17 18:01怎麼都沒人建議怎麼救

cama04/17 18:01天母運動公園啦

tgmrvmle04/17 18:01what the funk 就說了先不要!!!

isotropic04/17 18:01fun

mouse85113004/17 18:01what is peko啦

Taeja04/17 18:01在叫怕克曼啦

damen080804/17 18:02問附近哪裡有可以跑步訓練的公園吧

mrlucas889104/17 18:02Park也能當球場啦 他大概是稱讚龍龍把天母弄得很好

smallwenwen04/17 18:02what a park!好棒的球場!

taiwanstrike04/17 18:02Park

jeterjeter04/17 18:03funk ,先不要的漢典粉

c812117504/17 18:03在找停車場啦

vans72604/17 18:03Peter Parker man

avexgroup04/17 18:04怕克

mtyk1010004/17 18:05What a park. 讚嘆球場很好

Blitzkrieg6304/17 18:05what the funk 就說了先不要

pchunters04/17 18:05park啦,就是在說停車場位子不夠

cucu112604/17 18:05funk

firewulala04/17 18:05都說了先不要~

EKman04/17 18:06Frank

jefflin082404/17 18:06先不要

star88061304/17 18:06What a park

knight32604/17 18:06原來是漢典粉

RockBottom04/17 18:06釣魚?

frank11030604/17 18:07為什麼你的標題有聲音= =

idontbirdu04/17 18:08FUㄈK

s15526004/17 18:09funk

u9596g1204/17 18:10uptown funk 懂?\

evildewk04/17 18:12funk

Q0086304/17 18:13天母公園 喊個park也是很正常

dodoro104/17 18:14就說了先不要

wl35506204/17 18:16FAQ

saw690404/17 18:18FAT 應用工程師

Mspirit04/17 18:21Peko

phix04/17 18:26funk

AAaaron04/17 18:27What the park man, 好個趴車小弟?

cutemouse04/17 18:29Park

linisthebest04/17 18:30funk

rome123404/17 18:32What The F...Funny friends

Loren906404/17 18:34Park

tsaodin022004/17 18:37FAQ

ghost06904/17 18:43park

audy11204/17 18:49水桶警報

chriswenchi04/17 19:03what the 幹什麼東西!

MattiaPasini04/17 19:04

ger187104/17 19:07fork

tyw031604/17 19:10park

joe75032704/17 19:22這什麼公園???

BHrabal04/17 19:48What the ...算斯文了

圖 剛剛邦威說what the 什麼

fang31404/17 20:07先不要

takamiku04/17 20:26what the funk 想來點音樂臭了嗎