[情報] 雙城隊將設計新球衣/LOGO+新計分板

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The Twins' offseason will include some substantial and noticeable changes, and not just to a roster that fell well short of its goal of winning the AL Central.The ballpark, the team's logos and the winter calendar will be distinctly different in 2023 — starting with the clothing on the players' back.



The uniforms, which are complete but won't be revealed until after the season ends, are just the most obvious aspect of a general rebranding of the 62-year-oldfranchise, St. Peter said, one that will include "tweaks or in some cases, morethan that" to the team's brand identification: the lettering, the logos, the look of the team. The colors won't change — "This franchise has embraced the basecolors of red, white and blue since 1901," when it was the Washington Senators,St. Peter pointed out — but he believes a new look is well-timed.


New scoreboards
While at TwinsFest, fans will notice a few big changes at Target Field. There will be cranes on the field from November to early March, installing new scoreboards, including a huge video board in left field that is 76 % larger than the current one. The $30 million project, with costs shared by the Twins and the Minnesota Ballpark Authority, will upgrade and in most cases expand every video board in the ballpark, with some new video hardware added.






圖, 雙城隊將設計新球衣/LOGO+新計分板


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