[分享] Matt Chapman續約內幕
Buster Posey主動談好了合約結構
換句話說 Posey在高層的影響力會越來越大
Farhan Zaidi可以直接滾了
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[情報] 巨人隊也開給大谷與道奇隊相似的合約Farhan Zaidi said Giants did host Shohei Ohtani at Oracle Park before winter mee tings and they were presented with similar deal to one he signed with Dodgers. H e said Giants were up for it, but they got a sense Ohtani wanted to be in Southe rn California.27
[情報] 巨人Zaidi:季末FA我們會很積極Zaidi teases Giants will be 'aggressive' in free-agent market Pesident of baseball operations Farhan Zaidi said as much Sunday during an MLB N etwork Radio interview, where he noted this year’s offseason approach will be m uch different.15
[情報] 巨人球季結束後打算留下Posey巨人球季結束後打算留下Posey #SFGiants intend to bring Buster Posey back, which means they will bring him bac k, something that should surprise no one. If they must, they will surely pick up his $22M option, but more likely, they will work out a multiyear deal, as they8
[情報] 巨人總裁Zaidi開Boras玩笑Farhan Zaidi opens press conference saying he called the White Hose to see if he qualified for presidential medal of freedom honor for negotiating three deals with Scott Boras this winter and spring 巨人隊總裁Farhan Zaidi在記者會上說他打電話給白宮6
[情報] 巨人和Logan Webb討論延長合約中Giants, Webb have had extension talks The Giants and ace righty Logan Webb have had discussions about a long-term cont ract extension, president of baseball operations Farhan Zaidi told the San Franc isco Chronicle. Zaidi declined to reveal whether a deal is close. Last month we identified Webb as one of the 10 extension candidates. The 26-year-old ground ba6
[外電] Posey跳過Zaidi,直接和 Chapman談約的紐約時報的報導 When the Giants announced their six-year extension with third baseman Matt Chapm an earlier this month, some observers were quick to connect the dots between the future of president of baseball operations Farhan Zaidi and ownership approving- The Giants have signed manager Bob Melvin to a three-year contract through the 2 026 MLB season, president of baseball operations Farhan Zaidi announced during a n introductory press conference Wednesday at Oracle Park. Additionally, Zaidi has agreed in principle on a contract extension through 2026
[討論] 大家小時候最印象深刻的洋將是誰呢14
[分享] Zac Lowther 2024成績14
[閒聊] 喵喵今年變有錢(?7
[討論] 我雷25
[閒聊] 賓士哥要怎麼翻4
Re: [分享] Zac Lowther 2024成績14
[閒聊] 已經有人不知道什麼是147特攻了43
[討論] 今年CPBL戰績有可能出現五強一弱嗎?2
[閒聊] 龍找洋炮中2
Re: [討論] 今年CPBL戰績有可能出現五強一弱嗎?7
[閒聊] mlb若是玩跟西甲一樣的財政公平法案24
[閒聊] CPBL洋投一直軍備競賽1
[閒聊] 美西球迷惡搞吉巴1
[開戰] 台鋼5
[閒聊] 當初卡斯提的成績其實不怎麼樣吧10
[閒聊] 羅戈怎麼一直簽不下來?2
[開戰] 大洋左時代43
Re: [閒聊] CPBL洋投一直軍備競賽1
[閒聊] 爪有被左殺嗎15
[閒聊] 洋基想交易Arráez1
[分享] 中信科大球衣2
[閒聊] 台鋼這時候說要去沖繩移訓是要幹嘛= =3
[閒聊] KBO今年新簽的左投1
[閒聊] 賓士哥認識的台灣球員會4誰2
Re: [討論] 今年CPBL戰績有可能出現五強一弱嗎?