[默哀] WOW新資料片補丁會刪除公會銀行物資

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World of Warcraft's Latest Expansion Wiped Out Some Guilds' Inventories
Seemingly For Good, and Players Are Furious

World of Warcraft's latest expansion, The War Within, has been out for over amonth now, and things are going great. Critics and players are largely happy
with all the new content additions, the new Delve feature appears to finally
be appropriately balanced, and the Race to World First was a real fun

But there's been one major, glaring issue with The War Within simmering sincea pre-launch patch that's frustrated hundreds of players, with seemingly no
fix in sight: the disappearance of thousands of items from guild banks,
seemingly never to be returned.

Issues began on August 13 with Patch 11.0.2, which dropped a number of
updates to the game ahead of the release of the latest expansion, The War
Within. In the following days, players began flocking to the official
community forums, Reddit, and other community spaces to report a strange and
upsetting issue: tons of items seemed to be missing from their guild banks.
戲的許多更新。在接下來的幾天裡,玩家開始湧向官方社群論壇、Reddit 和其他社群

While initially some players suspected thieving guild members or some sort ofvisual bug, as more reports came in, the reality became increasingly clear.
Without warning, hundreds of guilds had seen massive amounts of items sittinginside their banks wiped out by the 11.0.2 patch with seemingly no rhyme or
reason. Not every guild was impacted, nor did every impacted guild lose everyitem, but many reported half, two-thirds, or even the entire contents of
their banks vanishing. Individuals who used guild banks as personal storage
reported losing the accumulated riches of several years playing WoW.

For some guilds, the extent of the damage was difficult to track at all.
According to player reports, the in-game "logs" of guild bank withdrawals anddeposits did not reflect massive amounts of items being taken out, leaving
those who were less active stewards of their guild banks struggling to
remember what had even been in there in the first place.

In response, Blizzard said that it had been "packing up the missing items
that we’re able to identify as lost by this process, and we will soon mail
those to the guild leader character for each affected guild." But there was acatch. "Due to how some of the data was lost, we’ve reached a point where
the result will be an incomplete restoration for some guilds, and we do not
have a way to restore the remaining missing items for them." The developer
apologized for both the incomplete restoration and the long wait.
作為回應,暴雪表示,它一直在“打包我們能夠識別為在此過程中丟失的丟失物品,我們將很快將這些物品郵寄給每個受影響公會的公會領袖角色。”但有一個問題。 「由於部

While on its face this seemed to be a positive resolution to a frustrating
situation, relief quickly turned to anger as players realized exactly how
"incomplete" the "incomplete restoration" would be.

懶人包 : Wow最新資料片《地心之戰》11.0.2會隨機且無規律自動刪除公會銀行中的



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himthin0110/04 12:46你的懶人包也太多錯字


※ 編輯: silentknight ( 臺灣), 10/04/2024 12:48:24

reaturn10/04 12:48沒電磁記錄嗎

※ 編輯: silentknight ( 臺灣), 10/04/2024 12:50:26

kaj198310/04 12:49WOW藥丸

kaj198310/04 12:50不過只有影響數百名也太奇怪了...

lovez04wj0610/04 12:50新來的菜鳥動了底層代碼?

kaj198310/04 12:51一個有點規模的公會,成員都嘛都幾百個

saulong10/04 12:51這篇文章也太奇怪了吧 公會銀行能放的也只有消耗品跟垃圾

onelife10/04 12:51多年收藏毀於一旦,好慘...

saulong10/04 12:51根本不會有長年心血消失的問題啊

minipopy031410/04 12:52還多少人玩

kaj198310/04 12:52第二段寫的數百個公會才是正確的吧,前面說數百名玩家太

kaj198310/04 12:52少了...

reaturn10/04 12:54公會銀行會放RAID的戰略物資啊,不見了誰要賠啊

qd659010/04 12:55這個會退坑吧 絕對

rbull10/04 12:56這個不解決就退坑了

saulong10/04 12:56RAID物資也是一直流動的東西啊 不會是長年心血蒐藏品

liuba10/04 12:57有些商人會開公會銀行當作大倉庫用

shinobunodok10/04 12:59這啥 大家習慣把原材料或藥品成品放倉庫不是很正常

arnold310/04 13:00我的單人公會就是為了開公會銀行放錢放東西用的

CYL00910/04 13:00刪了就退坑啊

amsmsk10/04 13:03砍到底層代碼了

lovez04wj0610/04 13:03大量材料就是不心血?蛤?

lovez04wj0610/04 13:04就不是

Nitricacid10/04 13:10笑了 wow最核心的功能欸

mealoop10/04 13:12可是除了G之外的物資被砍了也沒差 要改版了 被砍的都是

mealoop10/04 13:12舊物資

saulong10/04 13:13而且 這篇文是8月中的事 1個月過去了 有誰討論東西沒了?

safy10/04 13:13心血嗎…看情況吧…

saulong10/04 13:13真的發生也是極小數的狀況 官方也有在處理

mealoop10/04 13:148月是前夕版本 那些物資一點也不重要

safy10/04 13:14現存進度幾乎是不能用舊物資的

safy10/04 13:15頂多是搜集舊專業物資做玩具

mealoop10/04 13:15如果是現在才發生的砍那些精煉大鍋三小的絕對翻臉

safy10/04 13:16現在主流都是戰隊銀行和公會工單系統

alan310010/04 13:17很多人屯舊物資掛商場賣 其實很值錢

mealoop10/04 13:19最近工程有用舊素材賭博啦 但這些公會被砍又有用的物資是

mealoop10/04 13:19能有多少

room130110/04 13:46有時候不只是物資新舊,就是一個紀念或是一次性獲得物品

JustWower10/04 13:56那種紀念的物品一般不會放公會銀行吧==

mealoop10/04 14:00那種也很難放進公會銀行啦 都綁定角色的

saulong10/04 14:01有紀念價值大多都是靈魂綁定 根本放不進公會倉庫阿

safy10/04 14:05 公會銀行基本上只能放能丟拍賣場的東西,但是這遊戲有紀念

safy10/04 14:05 性的東西都是靈魂綁定不能丟拍賣, 比較嚴重的是出團物資

safy10/04 14:06 但是現在大改版後整個數值通膨, 膨到沒有人會刻意使用舊物

safy10/04 14:07 當然嚴重的是影響回憶,對目前遊戲生態的影響幾乎沒影響的

linzero10/04 14:08有提存的日誌,那理論上可以改回來吧

k79897686910/04 14:11非常滿意:cancel

cat05joy10/04 14:19附近幾個工會都沒遇到

jazon10/04 14:53還有一個可能拉 個人開分身工會放自己物資這樣

dragonne10/04 15:39會留在公會銀行裡的通常都是沒人用的舊物資

xrdx10/04 16:23我都把有紀念價值的過期品都丟公會倉庫耶,像附魔奧金錠那些