[閒聊] Call of Duty: The Board Game coming s
Created by Arcane Wonders in partnership with Activision
CoD桌遊 coming soon
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[情報] Sony 允許 MS 收購動視的條件Sony's requirements to allow MS to acquire Activision: For CoD for Xbox: - No extra content that is not available on PlayStation. - No hardware enhancements better than PlayStation.爆
[情報] Microsoft買下Activision Blizzard來源:bloomberg Microsoft Nears $70 Billion Deal for Video Game Maker Activision Microsoft is nearing a deal to buy Activision Blizzard, the video game maker behind the “Call of Duty” franchise, in what would be the U.S. technology52
[情報] 暴雪新桌遊Small World of Warcraft - New Board Game Blizzard has teamed up with Days of Wonder to create a new board game themed a fter World of Warcraft! Small World of Warcraft is a stand-alone board game se t in Azeroth, can be played in 2-5 players, and will be available for purchase50
Re: [今島] 索尼:微軟真正的用意是把PS變成任天堂Microsoft has entered into a 10-year commitment to bring Call of Duty to @Nintendo following the merger of Microsoft and Activision Blizzard King. Microsoft is committed to helping bring more games to more people – however they choose to play. @ATVI_AB34
Fw: [情報] 出大事了!! 2023年將沒有COD新作作者: KotoriCute (乙醯胺酚) 看板: C_Chat 標題: [情報] 出大事了!! 2023年將沒有COD新作 時間: Wed Feb 23 13:50:26 2022 For the first time in two decades, Call of Duty will skip a year. Activision33
[情報] 出大事了!! 2023年將沒有COD新作For the first time in two decades, Call of Duty will skip a year. Activision has delayed 2023's game, made by Treyarch, to 2024, sources tell Bloomberg. It's a shocking move that will have a massive impact on the franchise and the industry.9
Fw: [情報] 出大事了!! 2023年將沒有COD新作作者: KotoriCute (乙醯胺酚) 看板: C_Chat 標題: [情報] 出大事了!! 2023年將沒有COD新作 時間: Wed Feb 23 13:50:26 2022 For the first time in two decades, Call of Duty will skip a year. Activision3
[情報] 據傳 COD 明年要出付費資料片來自彭博記者來自推特的爆料 下個COD在2024年 明年會有 COD MWII 的付費資料片 號稱是更完整的遊戲3
[情報] 動畫影集《奧術Arcane》社群開張+牙膏FB: 推特: 英雄聯盟第一部動畫影集《奧術Arcane》 之前公布預定秋季上架Netflix 這兩天把官方FB和推特先開出來了
Re: [閒聊] 韓國怎戒嚴了(彈劾通過)爆
[Mujica] 距離播出...只剩不到一個星期67
Re: [閒聊] 韓國怎戒嚴了(彈劾通過)90
[閒聊] 現在路上戴著全罩耳機的人越來越多?63
[閒聊] 喜歡爆擊這個機制嗎?50
[閒聊] 苦無證據 偽造證據栽贓他不就好了嗎?51
[閒聊] 文明帝國辦電競不紅?51
[閒聊] 轉生第七王子 抱枕套圖48
[死神] 一護救露琪亞的時候屍魂界根本打假賽吧44
[閒聊] 被片假名氣死的聖誕老人37
[閒聊] 如果你家的貓變成美少女35
[閒聊] MyGo!!!!! 漫畫 01 爽世....35
[手遊] 手遊養7款算多嗎?35
[鐵道] 內鬼 那個系統終於來了35
Re: [鳴潮] 巴哈姆特 鳴潮製作人專訪33
[妮姬] 格麗特衣服底下的樣貌29
[問題] 如果出生就強制親子鑑定91
[閒聊] 「Orange(オレンジ)」的歌首先會想到?27
[閒聊] 華人文化為何愛殺醫生?26
[摳腳] 巴哈動畫瘋9週年特惠活動預定1月上舉辦26
[閒聊] 日式奇幻輕小說那堆外文名到底要怎麼記25
Re: [閒聊] 現在路上戴著全罩耳機的人越來越多?25
[閒聊] 誠實說 團長和拉米的巨乳喜歡誰的?26
[閒聊] 頭文字D嘲笑86根本不合理吧23
[閒聊] 笹森トモエ 魅魔同居生活10週年23
[鳴潮] 我是最後知道椿可以一發炸完無音區的嗎22
[約戰] 狂三and白女王 內衣、女僕系泳裝20
[妮姬] 拉毗:小紅帽美圖一張21
[闇龍] 歐洲銷量拉了!還不如星戰的亡命之徒