[情報] 2024/12/04 Daily Horoscope
Someone in your personal life may be acting like a big shot. They may be posturing as though they are an expert on something, but you may discover that they actually know very little about it. From your perspective, it might seem arrogant or foolish - but don't judge this person too quickly, dear Moonchild. What you're seeing may be pride, because they may really believe they have wisdom or skill they don't actually possess, and they may want to impress you. It is always best to assume the best!
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[情報] 10/07/2020 Daily HoroscopeYou don't have to grow up if you don't really want to, dear Moonchild. You didn't know that? Yes, it's true. As long as you are responsible and true to yourself, you can retain a childlike sense of wonder and the ability to believe in magic for your entire life. Actually, you do possess this unique ability already, but not always in the large doses that are6
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/09/26親愛的阿牛,現在有些新機會正在進入你的生活中。也許你能看到它們正從遠方朝你走來 。但你或許會想知道為什麼這是專門為你準備的,因為它看起來並不像是你想要或需要的 事物。但是先不要下任何結論。在你決定提供給你的東西是毫無用處之前,先考慮什麼會 有可能性。你可能會發現這項事物確實很適合你,甚至可能是你現在正需要的。 ——4
[情報] 05/23 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for May 23 2022 「許願時請小心。」 這是你今天的智慧之言,魔魔。 你正在爭取某個東西, 也即將得到它。2
[情報] 08/19 the daily horoscopeGemini horoscope for 星期三 8月 19 Gemini horoscope for 星期三 8月 19 You might feel silly or foolish admitting that you don't know all there is to know about a situation you are becoming involved in. You might even be trying to hide this from others, dear Gemini. But recognizing that you don't know eve2
[情報] 11/17 the daily horoscopeYour boundaries may be tested today by someone who wants to get closer to you. Being an affable person, someone may assume they can ask personal questions o f you or dig into aspects of your life that you feel are none of your business . But don't get defensive, Gemini. If you make the assumption that this person is just being pushy or nosy, you may handle it wrong. There may just be a des1
[情報] 07/02/2021 Daily HoroscopeTry to be as sweet as possible today to someone you don't particularly care for. You are someone who tends to wear your heart on your sleeve and your emotions on your face, dear Moonchild, so that may be a hard thing for you to master. However, being able to do that will not only benefit you today, but every day in the future. So, suck it up, and try to think1
[情報] 03/09 the daily horoscopeSomething that is said to you today may give you the impression that someone i s not on your side. It wouldn't be so bad if you didn't see that individual as an ally, but you do. Don't be too quick to assume you know what they mean, or where their loyalties lie, dear Gemini. There are many possibilities that nee d to be considered, and many questions that need to be asked to clarify where1
[情報] 03/10 the daily horoscopeSomeone in your world has made a big mistake. You may already be in the midst of judging that person, dear Gemini. How could they fail in this way? How coul d they be so foolish? Before you keep going with that line of thinking, pause for a moment or two and think about this - there is a very big difference betw een a mistake and an intentionally bad decision. This person may have thought- You know better to take advice from a fool. Someone who is irresponsible or fo olish must surely dispense the worst advice ever - right? Not necessarily. You should not judge someone when you don't know how they got to where they are. Nor should you assume that just because someone is foolhardy in many aspects o f their life, that they will be foolhardy in every way. Some very good advice
- A talent that comes very easily to you is more treasured than you know. You ma y feel extremely grateful for your ability to delve into the related interest because it brings you such pleasure and fulfillment. But this gift you possess could actually be used for an even greater good in your life, dear Leo. Don't overlook something you have that you see as an extracurricular activity - it