[情報] 2023/03/20~2023/03/26 Weekly Horoscope

看板Cancer標題[情報] 2023/03/20~2023/03/26 Weekly Horoscope作者
時間推噓 3 推:3 噓:0 →:0






你可以改變自己的前景和對未來的希望,這很簡單,比如改變自己的面容 – 微笑著,走得高傲,站得筆直...等等。


Cancer horoscope for 3月 27 - 4月 2

Cancer horoscope for 3月 27 - 4月 2
You may not realize it, Moonchild, but you may be subconsciously sabotaging yourself. You have reached a low point that has come after quite a bit of stress over changes you want to make and changes you have to make. This week, you are encouraged to look deeper and to see that you may be defeating your own best efforts through negative thoughts and expectations. Once you begin to see the problematic patterns, you can begin to address them and build yourself back up to be the winner you were born to be. Although you may have started the week out feeling very irritable, you don't have to carry that with you all week long. You can change your outlook and your capacity for hopefulness by doing simple things like changing your demeanor - put a smile on your face, walk tall,hold your head up, hold your posture in a proud manner, and so on. When you walk into a room as if you possess it, you will begin to feel like you do. You may have to step on a few toes and go over someone's head at work this week, but it will be well worth it to change an unfair situation. It may be awkward and uncomfortable in the moment, but you can make a positive change by pointingout the weaker points and insisting on change.


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