[情報] 08/02/2020 Daily Horoscope
In the movies, the hero or heroine may face incredible odds during car
chases and pursuits by the bad guys. No matter what obstacles they face,
they somehow find their way over or around the trouble. They make it seem
almost too easy. You may not feel like much of a superhero now, dear
Moonchild, but you do have the most important characteristics to be a
survivor and a winner. You have incredible tenacity, and if you stick to
something with dedication, you increase your chances of winning
exponentially. Don't give up on a current struggle. Keep going.
昨天要人考慮放棄 今天要人堅持下去 這也太折磨人
@maple150814 謝謝m大 剛又重新看了一下,昨天真的像是
[情報] 07/27 the daily horoscopeGemini horoscope for 星期一 7月 27 Gemini horoscope for 星期一 7月 27 If only a superhero could save you from a current drama, Gemini, which one wou ld it be? Could it be the one who leaps tall buildings in a single bound? Or m aybe the one who can ensnare your enemies in a silky web? Perhaps it would be2
[情報] 02/07/2021Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期五 7月 2 You may have a dream that seems so lofty to you or too extravagant in some way , that you don't dare even think about it realistically. Maybe you think you a ren't good enough, or maybe you think that the odds are not stacked in your fa vor, or maybe you think you are too old or too young, or.... something else. B2
[情報] 19/08/2021 Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期四 8月 19 If you are hoping to come up with a brilliant idea to change something in your world or the world at large, this is a great day to gather a team and start b rainstorming. You are highly motivated and very creative, and if you feel stro ngly about something, this is a great time to get started. Don't be put off by2
[情報] 11/08 the daily horoscopeJust last year, a horse running with odds against it at 300 to one became the longest-priced winner in the history of British and Irish racing for winning t he Irish Stallion Farms EBF Maiden. That horse, "He Knows No Fear," was obviou sly aptly named. You may feel that the odds are very much against you in your current endeavor, Gemini, but you have the power to be a winner. It is up to y2
[情報] 08/25 the daily horoscopeYou may be keenly aware right now of the "odds" of something succeeding or not succeeding, dear Gemini. But the odds are odds, precisely because they are no t certain. If you are playing the lottery, for example, the odds are usually a stronomically against you, and you have no ability to change or control the ou tcome. But for a current opportunity you are considering, you can increase you2
[情報] 2023/06/16 Daily Horoscope親愛的月之子,有人可能正在將你引向錯誤的方向。 他們想讓你按照他們的想法去做,即使你並不確信這對你來說是否是對的。 他們可能試圖告訴你這對你很有好處,即使你有些疑慮,你可能還是會去因為聽起來很有 吸引力。 然而,不管你做的選擇如何,都不能歸咎於這種誘惑。1
[情報] 05/12/2021 Daily Horoscope你是一個以榮譽為準則的人。 你努力成為世界上的一個積極力量。 雖然這有時可能感覺是一場艱苦的戰鬥,但親愛的月之子,你是頑強的有原則的-有時甚 至是錯誤的。 你現在可能正試圖在一個對你來說非常困難的情況下做正確的事情。1
[情報] 2023/05/21ꀠDaily Horoscope親愛的月之子,你不善於『假裝』。 如果有人問你一個衷心的問題,你會發現很難假裝,因為你的情感非常豐富。 你的情感會清晰地表現在臉上,當你深情地感受到某件事情時,常會感動得要流淚或微笑 。 現在可能有人在尋求你的答案,不要試著隱瞞它。1
[情報] 2023/06/12 Daily Horoscope親愛的月之子,你不想變得強勢或是冒犯他人。 這並不是你的風格,也不是一種你感到舒適的心態。 然而,有些事情你非常想要,你的毅力不會因為有人告訴你「不行」而放棄。 幸好你如此堅持自己的想法! 即使這意味著比你想象中更嚴厲或更有主見,讓這成為你堅持自己的多次經驗之一。- 親愛的月之子,今天你可能會面臨某種形式的拒絕,或者至少有被拒絕的感覺。 也許有人剛開始認識你卻突然不再理你了,或是拒絕了你想做的事情,或讓你感覺自己在 某方面不夠好。 但這種「拒絕」可能只是你的感知而不是真正發生了什麼事。 但不論如何,這都沒有關係。