Re: [閒聊] FTX 索賠網站已上線 常見問題整理 (07/14)
之前kyc 遲遲未有回應 就寄信去催
Ftx suport回信叫我等流程處理
Dear Customer:
We have noticed that you have started your KYC submission but have not providedall requested information or documents. In order to complete the KYC process, you will need to upload all requested documents as indicated on the KYC section ofthe customer claims portal ( You may complete your KYC submission by clicking the 'Verify' link below.
All customers are requested to provide the following information:
A valid and unexpired ID, such as a passport, national ID card, or driver's license depending on country of issuance selected.
Proof of address issued within the last 3 months, such as a utility bill, bank or credit card statement, internet/cable TV/house phone line bills, tax returns,council tax bills or other government issued certifications of residence. The proof of address must have your name, a date of issuance and a clearly stated address. No PO Box address is allowed.
Make sure that the pictures of your documents are clear, show all their cornersand sides, and no information is covered.
Please note that screenshots, photos of document copies, and images altered in photo redactors are not acceptable.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in following this process. If you have any questions or need further clarification, our customer support team is ready to assist you. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
寄信者不是ftx suport而是ftx
Sent from BePTT on my Google Pixel 4a
※ 編輯: purue ( 臺灣), 07/30/2023 03:59:43
沒完成KYC 有收到+1
sumsub是很多平台的KYC協力單位 新聞有報
等好久了沒有新訊息 寫信過去又叫我乖乖等 欸
我之前是多次驗證失敗不能再驗證 今天也有收到信重新
首Po文章更新 07/14 新增區塊客教學、地址文件驗證統計、NFT 無法下一步已解決 、硬體 2FA 還要等他們修復、第三方登入 (Google) 無法登入需聯繫客服 FTX 官方索賠網站1
操 : 作) : 以下附上有用的資訊 : 索賠網站常見問題 :8
針對這個問題,我今天收到客服的回信,貼出來給大家參考 This is a known issue for users who both have and ftx app account. For now you can file claim on the account that has no KYC while we deploy a fix for this. Make sure to fill each claim on a different browser session (1 normal browser mode and another one in incognito or another browser).13
原本一直只有三項,沒有收到pdf,將以下這項改成是,就會出現10項,填好送出秒收到p df回覆 Customer Claims related to any Other Activity on the FTX Exchanges Do you have Customer Claims related to any Other Activity on the FTX Exchanges ? Other Activity would not include quantities of crypto, fiat or NFTs listed iX
我也弄好了 超麻煩 用了很久 就不要只賠一點點。 關鍵就是前一篇大大講的 如上引述,要先選有在其它交易所活動 yes 然後會跳出十個選項,如姓名 英文地址 都要先填完(前篇大大這部分寫得太輕描淡寫 讓我一開始誤解)X
kyc 我是用銀行的對賬單紙本掃描就過了 所以我一直堅持要紙本對賬單 而不要電子單 就是怕有這天。 財力證明的部分 我也是用同一個檔案 --6
久沒上去 剛剛看了kyc好像過了 請問看進度表的意思 還有什麼要做的嗎? 還是只有等待 ? ---- Sent from BePTT on my Google Pixel 4aX
收到通知可以領了? 這是真的嗎? --4
各位大大,遇到一個匪夷所思的問題 在8月初時電子索賠已經到submit階段 如圖Aug 3 後來一陣子無法登入,前陣子又可登入後,
[閒聊] 收到FTX的預定索賠訊息和客戶代碼?大家安安突然收到一封來自 [email protected] 的信件,kroll好像確實也是FTX重組相關的網站? YOUR UNIQUE CUSTOMER CODE(S) AND SCHEDULED CLAIM INFORMATION IS AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS EMAIL.11
Re: [心得] 美國滙豐HSBC US開戶成功感謝原PO分享開戶流程 我也來回饋一下 流程比我想像中的還簡單 12/12 22:00透過網頁送件開戶 12/14 1:00 收到信件,要求補件與回答問題9
[閒聊] 又收到FTX的信了?昨天收到title為 "FTX Digital Markets Ltd. (In Provisional Liquidation): sent on behalf of the Joint Provisional Liquidators" 的信件。有人也有收到嗎? 看起來像又是要登記資料讓他們整理要賠錢的對象? 有人到他說的網站登記了嗎?6
[閒聊] FTX跟FTX PRO差別在哪 要註冊哪個好FTX跟FTX PRO 註冊哪個好 我剛才電腦網站在ftx.com註冊 結果我想說要做KYC 用手機比較方便 結果下載FTX app 一直登入結果登入不了2
[閒聊] 支援重辦 KYC 的交易所我想請問有哪幾間交易所支援重辦帳號 + 認證 KYC 的? 好幾間我已經忘記跟誰註冊的,想重新辦一個帳號 只是不太清楚相關流程 我是有聽說幣安可以 好像是要刪除帳號,然後重新辦?(要提出註銷申請嗎?)