[情報] 06/15 the daily horoscope
Be cautious about sharing a strong opinion of yours today, dear Gemini. You may have an urge to share it because it is on your mind and it represents something you deeply believe in. But sharing something like this with the wrong people is often a futile effort that can result in an unwinnable argument, especially if you share it with people who know you but disagree with you, such as family members or close friends. If you wish to make a difference, find anotherway to stand up for what you believe in.
Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。
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※ 編輯: Nicolas01 ( 臺灣), 06/14/2023 22:41:37
首PoYour social life may be a bit crazier than usual right now, dear Gemini. There may be new people in the mix with big and unusual personalities, or maybe som eone you already know will show a quirky hidden side of themselves. But whatev er it is, you can handle it. In fact, your way with people and your own oddbal l personality will blend in perfectly. Not everyone will get it, or will enjoy5
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[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/06/14當你陳述你所相信的事,但別人不同意你的觀點時,可能會導致你開始質疑自己的看法。 一旦不同意的人越多,你就會對自己可能是對的這件事更不自信。 牛牛,請不要讓這件事發生,你可能會在分享自己的想法時發現一些反對的人,但這並不 代表你是錯的。這只是意味著你必須教育它們你為什麼你會這樣想,你的想法從何而來。 如果你已經想清楚了這整件事,就貫徹你所相信的事吧。2
[情報] 10/19 the daily horoscopeA set of concerns may keep cycling through your mind. The moment you feel good about a decision, those concerns come back to haunt you again. How can you ge t past that? If you're feeling very independent and you don't want to share th is with anyone else, that might be the problem. You aren't getting feedback to validate what you feel. If sharing your thoughts with someone isn't the answe1
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[情報] 08/11 the daily horoscopeSomeone may come to you soon looking for feedback or an opinion. And even thou gh they may insist that they want honesty, Gemini, that may not be what they w ant at all. They may want validation. They may want an ally. They may want faw ning over whatever they have said or done. If you don't feel that way - and yo u may not - then be cautious about offering honesty. You can be non-committal,1
[情報] 09/16 the daily horoscopeYou need to safeguard your self-esteem and your feeling of confidence in what you are doing now, dear Gemini. Someone may be giving you criticism you did no t ask for, but even if this is an authoritative person, that doesn't make it a utomatically valid. If you allow negative comments to erode how you feel about something you are working on, you may not have the will to continue, and then1
[情報] 01/13 the daily horoscopeYou may feel stuck in the middle between two people - perhaps friends or famil y members - who are vying for your attention. They each want you to take their side, but you are undecided, Gemini. But even when you come to a conclusion, it might be wiser not to align with anyone, for it could put you in between tw o people you care about. It's probably okay to express your opinion, but it is- Gemini horoscope for 星期一 2月 17 Gemini horoscope for 星期一 2月 17 You may have a strong sense that some new endeavor or some experience you are going through now is very important. You may have a feeling that it could real ly be something big for you. That feeling may be perplexing though, Gemini, be
- You may feel that you stand alone on a certain opinion. But please do not interpret that to mean that no one is on your side. People can have different opinions and still be strong and loyal to each other. What's more, Moonchild, you may be looking at this difference of perspective in the wrong way. It may not be that you disagree, but rather you have not
- Most people would like to know where they stand. You are very direct, Gemini, and you don't have a problem letting someone know where they stand. But here's the dilemma. Someone you are connected with now might say they want to know, but they might already have a very inflexible idea of where they stand already in their mind, and if your truth doesn't match, it could cause trouble. Be di
- You may be hiding how you truly feel about a matter that is up for debate amon g family members or friends. But if you don't speak up - and you don't speak y our mind authentically - you are likely to wind up with something you don't wa nt. You don't want conflict, and that is understandable, Gemini. But having th ings turn out for you in a less-than-desirable way will be an internal conflic