[情報] 08/27 the daily horoscope
You are being driven toward a goal, but you may not yet understand why. Something inside you is causing you to think about this goal quite often, to the point where you may even feel a bit obsessed by it. Your spirit knows that it issomething that you need - something that will be good for you. Maybe you aren't taking it seriously enough because it seems impractical, or perhaps you areafraid that others will not approve. Don't worry about that. If that feeling is spurring you onward, you have to try!
你的靈魂知道這是你需要的東西 — 某件對你好的東西。
Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。
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首PoAnger. Hostility. Regret. Guilt. Sadness. None of these are desirable feelings , Gemini. Even so, you may have been coddling one or more of these emotions an d it's getting to you. You may not believe that you have any other choice, but you certainly do. By indulging in damaging emotions, you are carving a certai n path for yourself. The thoughts you nurture and the words you express are ca1
首PoDon't be afraid to show off how smart you are today, Gemini. You may be hiding your light under a bushel because you don't want to come off as a braggart or a boaster, but it is all about the tone you take. If you show off your talent s and skills in a genial, sharing kind of way - and you show that you have eve ryone's interests at heart - no one will take it the wrong way. You are in thi1
首PoGemini horoscope for 星期四 8月 27 Gemini horoscope for 星期四 8月 27 You have probably told yourself in the past that everything happens for a reas on. But you may be struggling with something now, Gemini, that seems to have n o reason to it whatsoever. But there could be another way of looking at it. Ma
[情報] 06/29 the daily horoscopeThe closer you get to a big goal, the more frightening it becomes. It should b e the opposite, Gemini. The excitement and anticipation should be building. Yo u should be imagining how wonderful everything will be when you finally get th ere. You should be feeling very proud and happy about how far you have come. S o, what could make it feel any other way? Maybe it's the pressure of living up2
[情報] 04/13 the daily horoscopeYou may have an idea you are afraid to share because you don't think anyone el se will understand. Perhaps you are afraid of being judged or dismissed, and m aybe you fear that someone will think you are a bit unrealistic to come up wit h something so unusual. But you will never know who might be a kindred spirit until you are willing to share your most unique ideas, Gemini. Today is a grea2
[情報] 11/30 the daily horoscopeYou may have formed a goal or a dream around someone else's expectations of yo u, Gemini. That's not like you, and so you may not realize it because it came about subconsciously. Someone with great influence over you may have kept feed ing you thoughts that you came to believe, and now you have the same expectati ons for yourself. But you are too independent to be happy living within someon2
[情報] 12/11 the daily horoscopeBoredom is never a good thing for anyone, but it can be especially detrimental to a Gemini. Your quick wit and high penchant for being active make you someo ne who can accomplish a lot in a little bit of time, and so when you feel bore d you might either sink into a feeling of being stagnant, or you might get int o something that isn't all that fitting for you. Today, if you are feeling bor2
[情報] 11/09 the daily horoscopeIt may feel as though there is a lot of friction surrounding you right now. Yo u can feel the crazy energy, and it may be causing you to feel nervous, which may lead to fears of something going wrong. But that wild energy you are feeli ng - it is something good. It's the universe stirring things up so that someth ing can be put into place. There are changes that have to happen, and when a p1
[情報] 06/09 the daily horoscopeBe careful who you align yourself with today, Gemini. You may feel driven to b ecome involved in a goal or a personal mission, but someone out there may sens e your drive and misrepresent what they are all about. As a sociable person, y ou take others at face value, but there are people out there who are not worth y of trust right away. Keep your guard up. You can find exactly the right fit1
[情報] 03/16 Daily HoroscopeYou may be experiencing a profound feeling that you are in a place now where y ou can fulfill one of your objectives you may feel you were destined to. Wheth er this is something you must learn or something you must do, Leo, you know it 's important. Although it may not yet be obvious what it is precisely that you have to do, you need to pay attention to this feeling and embrace it by remai1
[情報] 05/26 the daily horoscopeYou may be on the verge of doing something for someone, perhaps out of a sense of obligation. Although you are usually very realistic about such things, Gem ini, and you may feel that there is no harm in bowing to pressure to do someth ing that is ultimately a good thing, if you don't truly feel it, then it might be noticed. And, if it is noticed, it might be resented if your heart isn't i1
[情報] 12/30 the daily horoscopeIf you don't feel that you deserve something that you could ask for and receiv e right now, then you probably won't ask for it. And even if you do, Gemini, y ou may not accept it fully, and that would be a shame. So, before you go off i n the pursuit of a goal, make sure you are good with yourself. Make sure you r ealize that you do, indeed, deserve what you are about to receive. Count your1
[情報] 12/05 the daily horoscopeAre you turning to someone for advice, or are you asking that person's opinion because you want their approval? That may seem like a subtle difference on th e surface, dear Gemini, but it is huge. If you are really just looking for fee dback and opinions on something you are doing, with the goal of objectively as sessing your effort to make it as great as possible, that's a wise thing to do