[情報] 08/27 the daily horoscope
Sometimes "signs" are truly signs, and sometimes what you perceive as signs are really just distractions. When you are very confused and looking for answers you can't seem to find, you may get caught up looking for signs of what to do all around you. This can be even more confusing because there can be many ways to interpret the things that occur. But a real sign is one that leaves no doubt. If you can't find the answer you need today, go easy on yourself. The more you can relax about it, the more likely it will be to come to you in an obvious way.
Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。
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[吃草] Daily Horoscope 8/25Taurus horoscope for 星期二 8月 25 當你尋求一個問題的答案時,親愛的牛牛,你可能在思考一個看起來毫無意義的線索。即使如此,你也知道一定有辦法去想清楚,且你有可能得出這樣的結論:如果不瞭解這個線索,你永遠找不到答案。但那些都是胡扯——線索也可能都是胡扯。 今天別爲一些你弄不懂的事情如此煩惱。有時候當生活丟給你一個令人疑惑的信號,最好的方法是繼續前進。繼續加油吧。 ----- As you seek an answer to a problem, dear Taurus, you may be pondering a clue2
[情報] 11/21 the daily horoscopeSomething that you see or hear today, or perhaps someone you meet, could have the air of the familiar. Something about this is beckoning and welcoming to yo u, Gemini, and you need to get closer to it. If you have been hoping for a fee ling of comfort or belonging, this might be the thing that will lead you there . If we pay attention, life is filled with signs. And when you ask the univers1
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[情報] 07/07 the daily horoscopeYou see yourself as a stable, loving, happy person, Gemini. But other people - especially those that have not spent a lot of time around you - might see you as having a very confusing personality. They may see you dance between one go al and the next, and they may be confused by your ability to talk with anyone about anything because that makes it hard to label or categorize you. Someone1
[情報] 07/10 the daily horoscopeSometimes a risk is only a risk if you dive into it headfirst, don't remain vi gilant, and are more carefree about it than you should be. You may be avoiding a risk now because of warning signs or the implication from someone that you would be making a big mistake. Even so, the potential rewards of this risk are very tempting, Gemini. If you can enter into this with your eyes wide open an- If you are looking for reassurance, comfort, and hope today, dear Leo, take a good look around you. If you are longing for some kind of a sign that you are important and protected by the universe, the evidence is there if you choose t o see it. You may have sent many requests out recently asking for things you n eed to make your life better, and you may see signs that you are important, yo