[情報] 01/08 the daily horoscope
It is harder to negotiate with someone you like a lot. That's because you might not want to use your knowledge of the person to leverage them to tip the scales in your favor. You would have greater compassion for someone you care about, and it would be difficult to want to outmaneuver them. However, you may find that with an upcoming negotiation with someone you like and admire, there will be a way to negotiate an outcome that benefits both of you. If you look for that, you will find it - and it will solve whatever problem you have.
如果你去尋找的話,你就會發現它 — 它將會解決你遇到的任何問題。
P S. 如果有誤譯的話,請指教,謝謝。
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首PoSometimes a person will want something just because other people perceive it t o have value. We may think that if someone else is chasing a certain thing, th en it must be worth chasing. You may now be attempting to achieve or acquire s omething that someone in your life sees as impressive - perhaps by extension y ou feel that you will be impressive if you can accomplish this feat. But is it3
首PoThe more you worry about a particular change that is happening in your life, t he more there seems to be to worry about. You have a fast-moving nature, Gemin i, and when you worry, that frenetic aspect you have comes into play, making y our worry even more powerful than it may be for other people. And when you foc us on problems, you start to see other potential problems because that's all y1
首PoThere are two ways to look at a situation you may now be facing with apprehens ion. You can try to see it positively or you can see it negatively. As an opti mistic Gemini, it would usually be natural for you to gravitate to the positiv e side. But there may be something about this situation that is holding you ba ck from seeking out the good. But there is good in it, and it's just a matter1
首PoSomething keeps happening that is interrupting a plan you have for your life. It may seem that each time you start to make progress, something comes up that blocks your path or delays your efforts. You may be starting to wonder if you are going in the wrong direction because of this, dear Gemini. Don't go there . Try to rely on the strategy you used to set off on this journey in the first
[情報] 02/13 the daily horoscopeSomeone may be trying to draw you into a problem of theirs, hoping that you wi ll help them solve it - or even solve it for them by yourself. While you are c ertainly a compassionate individual, dear Gemini, you need to think twice befo re getting involved. Giving advice now could be risky, and taking on someone e lse's troubles could be a burden you should not be carrying. You may want to k1
[情報] 06/18 the daily horoscopeWhen we observe the life of someone we admire or envy from a distance, it can often seem ideal. They may have things you only wish you had and tried to have , and they make it look so easy too. But almost always, Gemini, it appears tha t way because you don't have an up-close and personal view of that person's li fe. There are likely problems you cannot see, and efforts you didn't know happ1
[情報] 04/11 the daily horoscopeSomeone in your life owes you a favor, and it may be a very big favor. You may have gone above and beyond, not expecting but hoping that this person would d o the same for you if it were ever needed. Yet each time you have reached out, Gemini, they have said no. There could certainly be reasonable explanations f or that. However, you can't stop hoping they will come through for you. If you1
[情報] 03/02 the daily horoscopeYou have been putting a lot of your time, resources, and yourself into a big v enture - one you had very high hopes for. Now, though, it seems that someone w ho should be on your side is creating trouble, and you can't seem to move past it. You may not understand why, dear Gemini, but you may be feeling quite a l ot of anger and resentment. If you let those emotions get to you, they will ho1
[情報] 06/26 the daily horoscopeA situation that you are angry about may not be what it appears. You may be an gry with a certain person in particular, and you just can't let it go. In fact , in your mind, you can imagine exactly how it happened, and that makes you ev en madder because it seemed intentional. There could be a lot more to it, dear Gemini, and you would be doing yourself a favor by opening your mind up to ot1
[情報] 10/19 the daily horoscopeSomeone may not wish to express an opinion that you are asking for, dear Gemin i. You may think they are just trying to challenge you or drive you crazy. Per haps there is a conflict between you or a power struggle. Maybe this person di sagrees with you. Then again, maybe they have a favorable opinion and don't wa nt to share it because of the resentment between you. Before you can get authe- 有人可能期待你喜歡上一個自己不太喜歡的人。 你通常是個善良的、有同情心的人,但那個不喜歡的人身上可能有一些東西讓你覺得難以 熱絡。 月之子,換句話說他們只是讓你感到不舒服。 你不能強迫自己對你不欽佩或不喜歡的人產生好感,但你可以去嘗試友好和寬容。
- Too many choices or options might seem like a good problem to have. But you ma y now be finding that this is not the case for you, Gemini. You may be overwhe lmed by too much to choose from to the point that you feel you are no longer a ble to even know what you are looking for. Step back and regroup. Collect your thoughts. There may be a few good choices, but you must first be certain abou
- Helping someone out when they need it is always a noble cause. You are a gener ous person, and you enjoy helping other people out. But sometimes it can be di fficult to know when someone really needs help and when you are being taken ad vantage of. And when someone does take advantage and you wind up feeling used, it can cause you to feel bitter and to stop wanting to help. You may have rec
- Someone may be holding back as they explain their thoughts on a matter you are both involved in. You need to make a decision, dear Gemini, but you also need to know what this person feels about the issue - not just what they think. If you don't understand the emotional aspects of the situation, it will be more difficult to reach an outcome that will be pleasing to everyone. If you explai