[情報] 08/29 the daily horoscope
Have you been listening to what someone in your personal life has been tryingto tell you? It may have recently erupted into an argument, perhaps with accusations that you don't care. You may not understand why that would be the perception, Gemini, since you probably do believe you have been listening. However, there is a big difference between listening and hearing. You may be hearing the words, but are you truly considering them? Are you trying to understand how the other person feels? If not, then you need to listen again.
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首PoSomething in your life that others see as a convenience or a blessing may actu ally be the opposite for you. They may envy you and think that any complaints you make are trivial. But they are not in your shoes, Gemini. A responsibility has been placed on your shoulders and others just don't understand. Let that be okay. They may never understand. But if you are being overburdened by somet3
首PoDo you remember the time in your life when you were at your happiest? It may b e hard to recall. In fact, Gemini, it may feel like another lifetime ago. Ther e have been challenges recently, and you have been focused on them, possibly w ith intensity. We all yearn in certain moments to go back in time to places, a nd situations that we recall as having been trouble-free. But memory can be ve1
首PoWhen you visit a doctor's office these days - even for a routine physical - us ually you have to first read through and sign a veritable book's worth of pape rwork. Many people just shift through it page by page, skimming the material a nd applying their initials or signature where it is indicated. We are so overw helmed with legal procedures that we have forgotten the value of taking someon1
首PoWhen someone is desperate in some way, it is more likely that they can be take n advantage of. By wearing their heart on their sleeve, they lose leverage and the ability to negotiate. There is something you may feel rather desperate ab out now. Not only will that make you appear weaker and more willing to pay mor e or do more than you should to get something you want, dear Gemini, but it wi
[情報] 11/19 the daily horoscopeYou may be feeling all alone as you work through a challenge, Gemini. You may believe that there is no one who cares about what you are going through. But i t is far more likely that those in your world who care about you don't underst and how you are feeling or know that you could really use some companionship o r encouragement right now. Even though you may not recognize it, you are never1
[情報] 06/14 the daily horoscopeYou may have to find a new way to interact with a family member, Gemini. You m ay finally be catching on to what has caused conflict and misunderstanding bet ween the two of you in the past, and now it is time to start coming up with a strategy. That might mean better listening, better self-expression, being more present when spending time together, or any of a number of things. But you ca1
[情報] 07/14 the daily horoscopeWhen you are engaged in a conversation with someone who opposes your views, it is important to listen to them with an open mind. You may come to see how and why they came to feel the way they do, and you will gain insight into what ma kes them tick. You will also show that you are respectful enough to care about what they have to say. And, Gemini, this will also give you the greatest chan1
[情報] 10/27 the daily horoscopeYou may be feeling misunderstood, Gemini. This may be especially frustrating f or you because you have tried so hard to be clear and to be expressive in what you have said. Even so, someone doesn't seem to understand or accept it. But maybe the same thing is happening on the other end of that conversation. Maybe the other party is also feeling misunderstood. And if you both feel that way,1
[閒聊] 4/21 Daily HoroscopeIf you can try to think of an ongoing argument as more of an intellectual deba te today, dear Leo, you can make it very constructive and you can expect to ma ke significant progress. Even if you and another party are on polar opposite e nds of the discussion, by hearing each other out and trying to understand each other, you can alter the tone of the conversation. Sometimes all it takes to1
[情報] 11/14 the daily horoscopeSomeone is not listening to you, no matter how hard or how often you try to ge t through. You have something important to say to this individual, Gemini, but you can't force them to hear you. You can, though, go forward with a plan wit hout consulting them further. Just be sure to let them know that you are going to make a decision without their input. If they have something to say to you1
[情報] 04/29 the daily horoscopeYou are not an argumentative person. You don't understand why people would rat her argue than just find a peaceful and harmonious way to get along and get th ings done. But when you have to deal with someone who does like to argue, it c an be difficult not to fall into that trap. It may even feel a bit like being cornered. However, Gemini, if you remain passive in your approach today to set- In his famous song "Imagine," John Lennon envisioned an idyllic world of peace and harmony. While we may seem to be a long, long way away from that utopian existence, we can each do our part to create it in our own lives. A conflict may be emphasized for you now, Moonchild. It may have to do with your own personal beliefs and values and those of someone else. But
- Try to resist losing your temper or becoming overly stressed over a matter you are dealing with today, Gemini. There may be someone else involved, and you m ay be frustrated that they don't understand what you are trying to tell them o r how you are trying to guide them. But losing your temper and showing your an xiety might only make it worse. Try to figure this out by asking the other par