[情報] 02/25 the daily horoscope
A change in your personal power may come up today at work or among a group you are involved with, dear Gemini. This could happen because someone else abandons an effort or because there is no leadership at all. You are the most obvious person to take charge, and you need to see this for yourself. While this will increase your level of responsibility, it will also allow you to take things down your own preferred path and perhaps take them further than they might have gone otherwise.
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首PoYou may be thinking that an answer or approval that you are waiting for will b ring you the peace of mind you are now craving. You may believe that everythin g will hang in the balance until then. That, Gemini, is the equivalent of givi ng your power away. By relying on someone else or on an answer you can't contr ol for your own peace of mind, you are abdicating your own responsibility for2
首PoTo play poker successfully, a player must have a good command of math - and pr obabilities in particular - and must be able to think quickly. But it is equal ly important that a player has the ability to put on a good play or a good pok er face so that no one can recognize either their disdain or their delight in the cards they are holding. You are very astute and you think quickly, Gemini,1
首PoAn irritating, aggravating, and perhaps sad experience is coming to an end. Yo u know that something much better lies ahead on your horizon, dear Gemini. Yet you can't seem to let go of what was and focus on what is yet to be - or even the present moment. You are clinging to anger, sadness, or feelings of vindic tiveness, but all of that will only work against you, not for you in any way.1
首PoIf you choose to turn down an opportunity today or soon, don't turn it down be cause of fear. If you truly don't feel like it is for you, or it isn't conveni ent, or you have something better to do at the same time, then say no with com plete confidence and satisfaction, dear Gemini. But if there is some feeling t hat you won't measure up, or you won't be liked, or you'll look foolish to som
[情報] 07/18 the daily horoscopeGemini horoscope for 星期六 7月 18 Gemini horoscope for 星期六 7月 18 If you don't know exactly what you're looking for, how on earth are you ever g oing to find it? You may have a strong desire to leap into action with an unsa tisfactory situation, dear Gemini, because you want something to change. But i2
[情報] 08/13 the daily horoscopeHave you overlooked a blessing, Gemini? Is there some person or situation in y our life that you see only as an aggravation or a responsibility that you don' t really want? If so, you might want to take a closer look, especially if this person or situation arose in an unusual way. Sometimes we don't see treasure when it lands directly in front of us because we expect that the best things i2
[情報] 08/24 the daily horoscopeYou can clearly see that someone is handling a situation in the wrong way. You may feel that it is your duty to step in and lead the way. You must know, tho ugh, that you may not be welcomed warmly. Even though you may be certain that you know the best way to proceed, dear Gemini, you may need to restrain yourse lf from doing so. If you let things ride as they are, it is more likely that s2
[情報] 01/11 the daily horoscopeUnexpected obstacles may have suddenly popped up in a venture you have already begun. This is not what you expected, dear Gemini, and now you may be having second thoughts about it. You may also be blaming yourself for not foreseeing certain things. But if you still want what you wanted when you started, then y ou can keep going. You can rely on your inner strength, your charm, your intel1
[情報] 03/28 the daily horoscopeThere may be quite a number of issues swirling around and wreaking havoc with an endeavor of yours now, dear Gemini. You may be worried about the damage tha t is occurring. After a tornado, we often see footage of houses that are level ed and trees that are uprooted, and you may be seeing what's going wrong now a s that kind of dramatic occurrence. But that's not the case at all. In fact, w1
[情報] 09/16 the daily horoscopeYou need to safeguard your self-esteem and your feeling of confidence in what you are doing now, dear Gemini. Someone may be giving you criticism you did no t ask for, but even if this is an authoritative person, that doesn't make it a utomatically valid. If you allow negative comments to erode how you feel about something you are working on, you may not have the will to continue, and then1
[情報] 10/07 the daily horoscopeIf you start to think that someone you have met doesn't like you, then you wil l naturally react to that. Even if you don't say anything about it, you may st art to withdraw, become quiet, and be less inclined to converse with that indi vidual. In turn, that person might start to think that you don't like them! Th e way we react to what happens in our lives, both at work and in our personal1
[情報] 11/19 the daily horoscopeHow you approach an endeavor you are now involved in will make all the differe nce in how it turns out. That's just basic common sense. But there may be a su btle requirement for success that you are overlooking. You may be asking for p ermission to do something that you know needs to be done and be done in a cert ain way. Not everyone is as wise and experienced as you happen to be, dear Gem1
[情報] 02/02 the daily horoscopeSomeone may be trying to boss you around, even though they aren't your boss! A nd because you are such an agreeable person, dear Gemini, you may be going alo ng with it. But you have more influence than you may think. In your efforts to get along, you might want to also interject your own good ideas and guidance and still allow that person to feel like they are leading the way. They will p- You have been waiting for someone to complete an obligation that is essential to something you are involved with, dear Gemini. In your mind, you have been w aiting patiently. But you are starting to get antsy. You are beginning to worr y that this will never get done. However, putting pressure on the individual m ay have the opposite effect. You could just decide to take their role on yours