[情報] 11/19 the daily horoscope
To correct something that is not going well, Gemini, you will have to admit that you made a mistake - to someone else, but first, you will have to admit itto yourself. That may be the hardest thing to do. Correcting the mistake willbe no problem at all, but if you can't first come to terms with the fact thatyou made an error, then you won't be able to turn the problem around. You need to go easy on yourself. Your intentions were good. Once you accept this, therest should be relatively easy.
糾正某些進展不順利的事情,雙子座,你必須向別人承認你犯了一個錯 —
Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。
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首PoYou may be feeling all alone as you work through a challenge, Gemini. You may believe that there is no one who cares about what you are going through. But i t is far more likely that those in your world who care about you don't underst and how you are feeling or know that you could really use some companionship o r encouragement right now. Even though you may not recognize it, you are never1
首PoHow you approach an endeavor you are now involved in will make all the differe nce in how it turns out. That's just basic common sense. But there may be a su btle requirement for success that you are overlooking. You may be asking for p ermission to do something that you know needs to be done and be done in a cert ain way. Not everyone is as wise and experienced as you happen to be, dear Gem
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 8/14Taurus horoscope for 星期五 8月 14 很久以前,你就是你犯的某些錯誤的法官和陪審團。你可能仍在責怪自己,儘管你可能還沒意識到,牛牛——你還在懲罰自己。你可能是因為潛意識否認自己應得的東西才會這樣。 但你已經為了那個錯誤付出懺悔,你應該自由地去接受一些好的且正向的東西來到你的生命中。不過,如果你覺得你不該獲得這些,那(好事)就不會發生。你真的需要改變你的觀點。 ----- Taurus horoscope for 星期五 8月 144
[情報] 06/05/2021 Daily HoroscopeYou may need to be reminded today that it is sometimes wiser to judge someone by their intentions rather than their actions. When someone makes a mistake or does the wrong thing, but their intentions were to do good and to be honorable , you can hardly blame them since we don't always know how things would turn out in advance. You may be faced with a situation today where someone has done3
[情報] 12/29 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Dec 29 2020 A small problem - such as a clerical error in a work file, a mistake in your bank account, or a minor issue with something in your home - could become a big problem quickly if you don't address it. You may already be feeling agitated over something you have to fix, and you could feel inclined to put2
[情報] 04/01 the daily horoscopeIf you were to order chicken cacciatore in a restaurant, and your waiter broug ht you grilled salmon instead - but it was absolutely delicious - would you re gret the mistake? If you felt it was better than what you ordered, then why co mplain? Sometimes we all get so caught up in things not meeting our expectatio ns perfectly that we don't leave room for the appreciation of other things. Yo1
[情報] 09/06 the daily horoscopeIt has been said that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. But even if that were true, Gemini, there would surely be an exit ramp. If you are fin ding that some good deed or something else you are doing with positive intenti ons is creating problems or trouble that you had not anticipated, you do have options. You don't have to keep going down that road. You can turn right aroun1
[情報] 09/05 the daily horoscopeThe road to hell may be paved with good intentions, but the road to happiness is also paved that way. You set out with good intentions and good plans, and s ometimes they work out - and sometimes they don't. A recent debacle is not an indication that you are going in the wrong direction, Gemini. One mistake does not mean you are doomed to future mistakes. You are headed in the right direc- Gemini horoscope for 星期六 2月 8 Gemini horoscope for 星期六 2月 8 If you are constantly trying to control a situation and are using all of your time and energy to do so, then how can you also enjoy the experience? You may be in a situation like this now, Gemini, and you may be putting your all into
- It is easy for a parent to judge the parenting methods of another parent. They might criticize the other parent under their breath because of the way a cert ain behavior is being handled. It is always easy to judge when you don't know the whole story. But there is often some element that is not visible on the su rface that could make a way of doing something better. And if someone is judgi
- Too many choices or options might seem like a good problem to have. But you ma y now be finding that this is not the case for you, Gemini. You may be overwhe lmed by too much to choose from to the point that you feel you are no longer a ble to even know what you are looking for. Step back and regroup. Collect your thoughts. There may be a few good choices, but you must first be certain abou
- 在本來充滿希望的努力中遭遇了挫折或問題,但最終卻帶來了真正好的結果,我們可能會 把它稱作『好/愉快的突發事件』。 起初並不是容易看出錯誤或其他的問題,它將會以受益於你的方式轉變。 最近發生的某些事情可能讓你非常苦惱。 可能是你因為在某個問題上沒有更加謹慎而後悔不已。