[情報] 12/08 the daily horoscope
You could get to someone today by pushing their buttons. Someone has angered you or insulted you, and you may be upset about it. That's natural, dear Gemini. You might even be imagining all kinds of ways to aggravate that person in return, and you might be justified in feeling that way. However, to really get to this individual, try being kind. If you lash out in the same explosive style they used on you, they will have the ammunition to strike back again. Yet ifyou are kind, it will be obvious that you are taking the high road, which will likely bother them much more!
Ps. 如果有誤譯請指教,謝謝。
首PoDon't let a condescending person with a superiority complex get to you today - or really, any day! You may be getting angry or frustrated with someone who s eems to think they know everything, and perhaps even taunting you and instigat ing a conflict. But you can only get into a conflict if you allow it, Gemini. And furthermore, this exchange will only be frustrating if you continue to eng2
首PoAn expectation of yours has not been met. Someone has not risen to the standar ds you set for them. So, Gemini, is this their problem - or is it your problem ? If you are the only one who seems to be dissatisfied, then it is your proble m alone. And that means that you are the one who has to either acclimate to th e way things are, find a way to change things, or get out altogether. You are2
首PoA sense of d嶴vu may have an uncomfortable feeling to it today, Gemini. Some thing new that you are becoming involved in may remind you of something else f rom the past - something that did not turn out well. You need to shake off tha t feeling. It's not related at all. Although there might be similar elements, there is nothing to be concerned about. Force yourself to imagine the outcome
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/04/05今天試著練習容忍吧,如果你的圈子裡有人試著讓你暴走的話。阿牛,你要記住,我們都 曾有故意或用其他方法激怒他人的時候。試著先相信他吧,直到你看到那個人激怒你的理 由不只是因為他今天過得不好而已。保持耐心和善意吧,即使你可能會感到委屈,這對你 們雙方都有好處。這件事也會過去,當它結束後,你會慶幸自己沒有跟他計較。 ———2
[情報] 08/19 the daily horoscopeIf you have a best friend, you can turn to them when you need to talk or simpl y to vent. But if you don't have such a person in your life, or if they don't happen to be around in a moment of need, you can't let a struggle get to you, dear Gemini. If you are feeling the need to share something or free yourself o f a burden, there are other ways you can help yourself. By writing it down or2
[情報] 11/09 the daily horoscopeSomeone keeps digging at you with remarks that they know will bug you. Maybe t hey are showing jealousy of you in a passive/aggressive way. It is clear that they are instigating, Gemini, and hoping to irritate you or entice you into an argument. They are finding ways to ignite your good temperament. But you do n ot have to bite, even though it's tempting. If you did, you would give that ag1
[情報] 12/24 the daily horoscopeWhen you are in an irritable, bad mood, it can be difficult to be nice to othe r people. You may snap at them. You may interpret what they say - and do - in the worst possible way. You may not be respectful or kind or caring. That's no t like you ordinarily, Gemini, but everyone has days like this. But you need t o also note that in a mood of that kind, you are also far less likely to be ni1
[情報] 01/06 the daily horoscopeYou may find it hard to sit still today, dear Gemini. Your natural restlessnes s is even more energized than usual. But rather than allowing that powerful fo rce to turn you into an anxious, neurotic mess, you need to channel it into a positive direction, and unleash it on some of the hopeful endeavors and dreams you have been thinking about. By doing that, you will avoid feeling stressed1
[情報] 10/28 the daily horoscopeA person in a position of authority or with great connections might offer you a special role today, dear Gemini. This may be a kind of tryout for something you really want, but it may not feel exactly right for you. The dilemma may be whether to say yes or not. If you see this as a great way to open a door to w hat you see yourself doing in the future, then why not? The experience could b1
[情報] 11/20 the daily horoscopeYou rarely show your softer side, Gemini. You have social finesse. You are lik eable, fun, and kind. But when it comes to being vulnerable, you find ways of dancing around that. But to get something you need now, you may have to show t hat softer, more vulnerable side of yourself. If you do, it will be okay! You might even find it to be quite liberating. Try to imagine how good things can1
[情報] 05/06 the daily horoscopeSomeone you often turn to for support, encouragement, and comfort occasionally has a rather harsh edge. Maybe this person is moody or very emotional, and wh at they are feeling becomes obvious. Even so, the reassurance and inspiration they provide for you are valuable, dear Gemini. There may be someone now who i s turning to you for inspiration, but you might not feel like you have what th- A kind word at the right moment can make all the difference today in a relatio nship. You may be inclined to hold off getting involved or saying anything at all to someone you perceive as difficult. You may not believe that anything yo u say will be inspiring or influential with this individual, dear Gemini, but you may be very wrong. It certainly can't hurt to capitalize on an opportunity
- You may be very excited and enthusiastic about moving forward with a certain o pportunity. Yet at the same time, dear Gemini, a little voice in your head is urging you to be cautious. You don't want to wait, though, because you fear th at if you do, you might miss out. Even so, you have to listen to what you are feeling, because it is valid. On the surface, this chance might look spectacul