[問卦] 會說台語是一件羞恥的事情,對嗎?

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 會說台語是一件羞恥的事情,對嗎?作者
時間推噓 X 推:7 噓:9 →:18

Hello everyone! It is me, your frend the gaming nerd.
Today I want to ask you this simple question. I hope
You'd share with me how you see the (dis)ability of
being able to speak Taiwanese.
大家好,是我電競肥宅啦。 今天我想問你們這個簡單的問題

Me the gaming nerd believe that because of the 2030
bilingual state policy, the opportunity cost for
learning Taiwanese will become dearer, as most students
will spend more time and money on cultivating English
ability. It is foreseeable that Taiwanse, the local
language, will be further marginalized and eventually

For now, the majority of the Taiwansese speakers are
either less educated or not educated and illiterate
at all, since there is no writtten form of the language
. This fact implies that those people are of lower socio-
economic status.

Do you think being able to speak Taiwanse is a shameful


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a7788783 07/18 09:25去跟台派講跟我講幹嘛?

zold 07/18 09:25對五毛來說, 是的

ivorysoap 07/18 09:26你自己都寫國語了


coollfd 07/18 09:26不會講台語還好意思說自己台灣人

※ 編輯: applebg ( 臺灣), 07/18/2023 09:27:06

umin928 07/18 09:28不會 我喜歡說乾Q

archon 07/18 09:28難道每個拉丁裔都會講拉丁文嗎!?

Yo no hablo espano.

ls4860 07/18 09:28你他媽在教美語還是在教台語?


xjapan329 07/18 09:28工三小 what are u talking about

xjapan329 07/18 09:28 what the fuck

Who the fuck do you think you are talking to!?

※ 編輯: applebg ( 臺灣), 07/18/2023 09:30:56

sted0101 07/18 09:28你po這種文比較羞恥

jma306 07/18 09:28 系喔?

yytseng 07/18 09:30你同溫層太厚,到中南部看看講台語的有

yytseng 07/18 09:30多少,順便去問一下蘇姿丰會不會講台語

yytseng 07/18 09:30,學歷有沒有比你低

xjapan329 07/18 09:30你知道伍佰去美國錄音室錄新專輯都用台

xjapan329 07/18 09:30語跟錄音師討論嗎


※ 編輯: applebg ( 臺灣), 07/18/2023 09:31:59

MADAOTW 07/18 09:31不會講才羞恥

roropy87 07/18 09:34

konanno1 07/18 09:34沒有對立就製造對立 党都不知道

konanno1 07/18 09:36製造對立這種無恥ㄤ髒的事 党是不會做

konanno1 07/18 09:36

You are seriously wrong. The only way that politicians win an election is to smear their opponents. 你錯了。政客們贏得選舉的方式就是抹黑他們的競爭對手。

※ 編輯: applebg ( 臺灣), 07/18/2023 09:39:06

CCY0927 07/18 09:39台灣雙語政策的災難:面面俱輸的恐龍政策

CCY0927 07/18 09:39?2023「突破論壇」

CCY0927 07/18 09:39


※ 編輯: applebg ( 臺灣), 07/18/2023 09:40:21

RuinAngel 07/18 09:40會說不羞恥,硬要逼他人說才無恥

SilentKu 07/18 09:45閩南移民講自己母語很羞恥的邏輯在哪裡

SilentKu 07/18 09:45 誰來給我翻譯翻譯

Do you think having a muggle parent is an honorable thing? Even NTU wants people of pure lineage. 你認為有麻瓜父母是一件榮譽的事情嗎?甚至連台大都要純血學生了。

※ 編輯: applebg ( 臺灣), 07/18/2023 09:51:57

hurompton 07/18 10:39台語的存亡和羞恥沒關係,如果周遭都是

hurompton 07/18 10:40說英語的人,那我一段時間後英語也會很

hurompton 07/18 10:41熟練的用在日常生活交談,關鍵是使用率

linsiegfried 07/18 10:47沒錯對垃圾而言說台語是很羞恥的事

betkuz 07/18 12:29有黨國思想的人比較可恥

suckkorea 07/18 12:37北七

imhideji 07/18 18:15這篇在分化的是不是