[問卦] BAD DAY
Cause you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me don't lie
You work at a smile and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
You've seen what you like
And how does it feel for one more time
You had a bad day ~
You had a bad day ~
有沒有Bad Day的八卦?
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※ 編輯: freewindg ( 臺灣), 06/29/2024 23:44:20
聽過應該都30 up
樓下只會bad boy bad boy
[花邊] 字母哥:公鹿是小李的球隊Giannis Antetokounmpo says the Bucks are Damian Lillard’s team “I am his biggest fan. Good or bad, I ride with Dame until the f—ing end. I ride with Dame. Like I’ve been saying this over and over again. This. Is. His . Team. Down the stretch, he’s going to get the ball. There’s nothing else t hat we will do. I don’t know how else to put it. I don’t know what else to s42
[閒聊] 有角色幾乎都是「BAD DAY」的作品嗎一般人只要有一天諸事不順 就會覺得心煩意亂 不過人生中總有幾個BAD DAY 這也是無可奈何 可是 在作品中有些人就是專門被虐的 只要他出場就註定是個BAD DAY 像是lancer 幸運E 每天對他來說都是BAD DAY 被雷打死 車子沒有煞車 各式各樣的意外都會碰上他 幸運E還真不是浪得虛名14
[花絮] LEBRON JAMES had a bad day...頻道名稱: Sabado Ballers Official 頻道連結: 簡短敘述:11
[影音] 231006 KCON SAUDI ARABIA 2023 Day 1231006 KCON SAUDI ARABIA 2023 Day 1 KARD - Shut Down (原唱 : BLACKPINK) 8TURN - INTRO + EXCEL7
[問卦] Bad Day 跟 Good Day 哪個比較紅平身 朕 好奇 Bad Day Daniel Powter 唱的4
[情報] 03/24 the daily horoscopeEvery individual has both good and bad habits and traits in them. We all have virtues and vices. We all do good things, and we all make mistakes. But if you see someone on what is a bad day for them, you might see a lot more of the ba d than the good - but that in itself does not necessarily prove that this is a bad person. If you aren't seeing someone in the best light right now, Gemini,4
[情報] 10/17 Daily HoroscopeWhat does the idea of "bad weather" mean to you, Capricorn? Would that be a rainstorm where your shoes fill up with rainwater and slosh around all day? Would it be a snowstorm with bitterly cold temperatures and snow piling up outside your front door? If you were a farmer, and there had been a drought, a rainstorm would mean a great day. If you wanted to go skiing or do another2
[情報] 05/04/2020 Daily HoroscopeWhat's the difference between a good day and a bad day, Moonchild? You might, off the cuff, say a good day is a day when good things happen, and a bad day is when things go wrong. And while those elements can contribute to how your day goes, it is up to you to choose to make a day good, and sometimes it requires real concentration. If you are dreading an upcoming1
[抱怨] 機捷異常三小啦 ….. bad day QQ --- 210930 MU:CON 2021 SHOWCASE DAY 1 表演名單 AleXa - Xtra + Bomb (Korean ver.) Rudals - Intro + BENZ + when i look into your eyez + Sometimes + Domino
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