[問卦] 「質詢是上對下的關係」英文怎麼說?

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 「質詢是上對下的關係」英文怎麼說?作者
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請問一下大家:「質詢是上對下的關係。」 英文怎麼說? 我有想了一些翻譯, 請大家幫忙我看一下怎麼翻譯,美國人比較聽得懂。

1. Interrogation is a top-to-bottom process.

2. In the process of interrogation, there is a top-to-bottom relationship.

3. It is a top-to-bottom process that is involved in interrogation.

4. It is important to understand that interrogation is a top-to-bottom process.

5. A top-to-bottom relationship exists during an interrogation.

6. In the course of interrogation, there is a relationship from top to bottom.

7. An interrogation involves a top-to-bottom interaction.

8. There is a top-to-bottom relationship involved in interrogation.

9. It is a top-to-bottom process when it comes to interrogations.

10. A top-to-bottom relationship is characterized by interrogation.

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dean1990 03/07 20:18I am the boss

MrXD 03/07 20:18I am your father

jerrys0580 03/07 20:19上對下這個姿勢可以69

jerrys0580 03/07 20:19所以英文叫做suck my dick

E6300 03/07 20:19cowgirl

dslite 03/07 20:20i god you dog

holik0123 03/07 20:41Fuck dpp