Re: [爆卦] 澳媒: 王立強夫婦6500萬澳洲資產被凍結

看板Gossiping標題Re: [爆卦] 澳媒: 王立強夫婦6500萬澳洲資產被凍結作者
時間推噓推:290 噓:3 →:27


雪梨晨驅報 The Sydney Morning Herald

Michaela Withbourn

Self-confessed Chinese spy has assets frozen in $3m court battle


A self-confessed Chinese intelligence operative seeking to defect to
Australia has had his assets frozen by the NSW Supreme Court as a former
business associate pursues him for $3 million.


The Supreme Court made urgent orders on January 24 temporarily freezing
the Australian assets of Wang "William" Liqiang and his wife up to the
value of $3.25 million.

最高法院於 1/24 下達了緊急命令,暫時凍結王立強和他妻子的在澳資產,凍結總

The order was extended on Friday until further court order.


Sydney barrister Geoffrey Watson, SC, appearing pro bono on behalf of the
couple, told the court on Friday that they did not contest the continuation
of the order and were being kept in a "secure place" by a federal agency.


"I not only do not know where they are, I’m not allowed to know where they
are," Mr Watson said, adding he had a "means of communication" with
Mr Wang's wife.


The court previously ordered Mr Wang and his wife to provide a list
detailing their assets in Australia, including their value and location.


The list was provided on Friday. Mr Watson said the couple did not have
"massive funds" and there was "something less than $2000" in their bank


Mr Wang caused an international scandal in November when he told The Age,
the Herald and 60 Minutes that he had worked on behalf of a Beijing-directed
foreign interference ring targeting independence and democracy movements in
Hong Kong and Taiwan. He is now seeking asylum in Australia.


The Chinese government dismissed his claims as false and said he was a
convicted criminal, a claim Mr Wang denies.


In documents filed in the Supreme Court, Australian resident Xin "Filip"
Shu claims he met Mr Wang in September 2018 and Mr Wang told him he was
involved in a "profitable business ... transporting luxury cars from
Germany to China for sale in China".


Mr Shu alleges Mr Wang persuaded him to invest millions in the business
and told him that a property he owned with his wife in Shanghai "would
be security for my payments". The trio were later turned away from the
Shanghai property by a gatekeeper, Mr Shu alleges.


Mr Shu claims the Shanghai Public Security Bureau informed him in early 2019
that the couple "are not and never were the owners of the Shanghai property"
and documents purporting to show their ownership were "fraudulent".


Mr Shu said as at December 31 the couple had "failed, neglected and refused"
to pay him $3 million.


He said Chinese police had informed him they would be charging the couple
in China "for swindling me".


Mr Shu is a former staffer to Labor MP Matt Thistlethwaite and previously
worked for Ryde deputy mayor Simon Zhou, a close political ally of exiled
property developer Huang Xiangmo.

舒先生是工黨國會議員Matt Thistlethwaite的前幕僚成員,並且過去也曾替萊德市
副市長周碩(Simon Zhou)工作,周碩是先前被澳洲驅逐的房地產建商黃向墨在政

Mr Huang, a Chinese Community Party-aligned billionaire, is a central figure
in the Independent Commission Against Corruption's investigation into the
source of an illegal $100,000 cash donation to the NSW Labor Party in 2015.
Mr Huang denies he was the source of the money.


Mr Huang has resided in Hong Kong since his Australian permanent residency
visa was cancelled on December 5 last year for reasons including character
grounds, and has declined to give evidence at the ICAC.


The property developer is being pursued by the Tax Office for $140 million
in allegedly unpaid tax and penalties related to the sale of a mansion in
Hong Kong, which is said to give rise to a capital gains tax liability.


Mr Shu's barrister, Garry McGrath, SC, told the court on Friday that the
"pittance" that was in the couple's bank accounts "would be lucky to provide
for a couple of hours of legal assistance".


Mr McGrath asked Mr Watson to obtain verification of the couple's claims
that they were being held in a secure place by a federal agency.


"That’s fair," Mr Watson replied. "Some of these organisations are
secretive – nevertheless I’ll do my best."


The case returns to court for a further preliminary hearing on February 10.

本案將在 2/10 於法庭再召開後續的初步聆訊。





※ 引述《Stunts (時間.空間)》之銘言:
: 今天別人傳給我看的
: 出自the sydney morning herald
: n-3m-court-battle-20200131-p53wgv.html
: 大意是王立強夫婦因為詐欺他人投資,而被控告。目前澳洲法院凍結其名下資產待調查結: 果出爐
: 以下為原文,因時間及能力僅部分翻譯
: ------------------------------------------------------
: Self-confessed Chinese spy has assets frozen in $3m court battle
: 標題: 自稱中國間諜的300澳幣資產已被凍結
: By嗰ichaela Whitbourn
: January 31, 2020 — 12.52pm
: A self-confessed Chinese intelligence operative seeking to defect to Australia: has had his assets frozen by the NSW Supreme Court as a former business assoc: iate pursues him for $3 million.
: 一位自稱是中國情報員在叛逃澳洲後被NSW最高法院判凍結名下300萬澳元資產
: The Supreme Court made urgent orders on January 24 temporarily freezing the Au: stralian assets of Wang "William" Liqiang and his wife up to the value of $3.2: 5 million.
: 最高法院在1/24指示凍結王立強夫婦之325萬澳幣資產(折合台幣約6500萬台幣)
: The order was extended on Friday until further court order.
: Wang Liqiang and his wife are being pursued in court for $3 million.CREDIT:60: MINUTES
: Sydney barrister Geoffrey Watson, SC, appearing pro bono on behalf of the coup: le, told the court on Friday that they did not contest the continuation of the: order and were being kept in a "secure place" by a federal agency.
: 王立強夫婦的義務辯護律師表示王立強夫婦不反對這項命令,並目前在聯邦機構的安全處: 被保護
: "I not only do not know where they are, I’m not allowed to know where they ar: e," Mr Watson said, adding he had a "means of communication" with Mr Wang's wi: fe.
: 辯護律師表示他不知道王立強目前身在何處
: The court previously ordered Mr Wang and his wife to provide a list detailing: their assets in Australia, including their value and location.
: 庭上曾指示王力強夫婦列出在澳的所有資產
: The list was provided on Friday. Mr Watson said the couple did not have "massi: ve funds" and there was "something less than $2000" in their bank accounts.: 王氏夫妻曾表示他們沒有巨額資產 ,帳戶裡只有2000澳幣而已
: Mr Wang氲aused an international scandal in November烀hen he told糍he Age, the?: Herald乸nd?60 Minutes濳hat he had worked on behalf of a Beijing-directed forei: gn interference ring targeting independence and democracy movements in Hong Ko: ng and Taiwan.? He is滢ow seeking asylum in Australia.
: 王搞出的事大家都知道了
: The Chinese government dismissed his claims as false and said he was a convict: ed criminal, a claim Mr Wang denies.
: 中國的反應大家也知道了
: In documents filed in the Supreme Court, Australian resident Xin "Filip" Shu c: laims he met Mr Wang in September 2018 and Mr Wang told him he was involved in: a "profitable business ... transporting luxury cars from Germany to China for: sale in China".
: 控訴人舒先生(Shu)向法庭表示在2018年9月時,王向其兜售一門從德國進口豪華車去中國: 的投資,表示利潤很高
: Mr Shu alleges Mr Wang persuaded him to invest millions in the business and to: ld him that a property he owned with his wife in Shanghai "would be security f: or my payments". The trio were later turned away from the Shanghai property by: a gatekeeper, Mr Shu alleges.
: 舒先生表示王為了取得他信任,告訴他可以他在上海的資產可以作為擔保
: Mr Shu claims the Shanghai Public Security Bureau informed him in early 2019 t: hat the couple "are not and never were the owners of the Shanghai property" an: d documents purporting to show their ownership were "fraudulent".
: 舒先生表示,上海公安局2019年年初告訴他王立強從來沒有擁有這筆資產,並表示他們的: 產權文件是詐欺的
: Mr Shu said as at December 31 the couple had "failed, neglected and refused" t: o pay him $3 million.
: 去年12/31王拒絕向他支付300萬元
: He said Chinese police had informed him they would be charging the couple in C: hina "for swindling me".
: 他聲稱中國警方已告訴他將以詐欺起訴王
: Mr Shu is a former staffer to Labor MP Matt Thistlethwaite and previously work: ed for Ryde deputy mayor Simon Zhou, a close political ally of exiled property: developer Huang Xiangmo.
: 舒先生過去曾在議員或市長手下工作過
: Mr Huang, a Chinese Community Party-aligned billionaire, is a central figure i: n the Independent Commission Against Corruption's investigation into the sourc: e of an illegal $100,000 cash donation to the NSW Labor Party in 2015. Mr Huan: g denies he was the source of the money.
: Mr Huang has resided in Hong Kong since his Australian permanent residency vis: a was cancelled on December 5 last year for reasons including character ground: s, and has declined to give evidence at the ICAC.
: The property developer is毪eing pursued by the Tax Office沲or $140 million in: allegedly unpaid tax and penalties related to the sale of a mansion in Hong Ko: ng, which is said to give rise to a capital gains tax liability.
: Mr Shu's barrister, Garry McGrath, SC, told the court on Friday that the "pitt: ance" that was in the couple's bank accounts "would be lucky to provide for a: couple of hours of legal assistance".
: 舒先生的律師McGrath表示王帳戶裡的少量存款恰可供支付法律資訊
: Mr McGrath asked Mr Watson to obtain verification of the couple's claims that: they were being held in a secure place by a federal agency.
: 舒先生的律師要求王立強辯護律師就王目前被保護進行核實
: "That’s fair," Mr Watson replied. "Some of these organisations are secretive: – nevertheless I’ll do my best."
: The case returns to court for a further preliminary hearing on February 10.: 這宗案件將在2/10進行初審
: ======
: 心得: 法院凍結他6500萬資產,他律師卻說他們沒有這些資產,只有兩千塊。那凍結的資: 產是....?
: 王的詐騙案官司將在2/10進行初審


※ PTT留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (澳大利亞)
PTT 網址
※ 編輯: achernarsw ( 澳大利亞), 02/01/2020 08:37:06

rootpresent 02/01 08:37澳國dalu

squallhung 02/01 08:38打臉前一篇高潮的9.25毛

killloli 02/01 08:40

minipai 02/01 08:41讓專業的來

aarrcc 02/01 08:41專業推!

donkilu 02/01 08:43翻的很不錯 給推

jorden 02/01 08:43專業打臉 XDDDDDDD

fantasyth 02/01 08:43ptt別太認真,別有太多期待

LoseToWin 02/01 08:44推專業,這才是真八卦的實力。

ticy 02/01 08:45

blpapf 02/01 08:46推專業

loveapple33 02/01 08:47推,ptt臥虎藏龍

tassadar1 02/01 08:48

dangerousair 02/01 08:51專業推

doubleperson 02/01 08:51八卦回來了

alex25694 02/01 08:53

YALEMY 02/01 08:54錢真多

cmcmisgod 02/01 08:54另一篇一推高潮 笑死

cmcmisgod 02/01 08:54六萬元能幹嘛

jessicali 02/01 08:56專業推,看來運作的經費消失了

anomura 02/01 08:57

slimfat0202 02/01 08:58有些根本解釋故意誤導視聽

maxmeyer 02/01 08:58

tom50512 02/01 08:59推專業

locdan 02/01 08:59追討三百萬,凍結325萬,所以325萬是法院

locdan 02/01 09:00能掌握到的?因為我實在理解不了,一對要

QuentinHu 02/01 09:00

locdan 02/01 09:00養小孩的夫妻手上只有2000塊?

lovehank1210 02/01 09:00推 難怪翻譯特別有邏輯

otis1713 02/01 09:00

wupaul 02/01 09:00

v64kiu78 02/01 09:02

suir 02/01 09:03

aries406 02/01 09:04八卦回來了!

truthorlie 02/01 09:04

awspo135 02/01 09:05

lin1314x 02/01 09:05

poisonshing 02/01 09:05

abreads 02/01 09:06

swgun 02/01 09:06澳洲法院這個制度也太怪了

gvkuk 02/01 09:06專業推

jack14002 02/01 09:06憨粉五毛早就開始在臉書帶風向 智障

catlazy42120 02/01 09:07

zeroxod 02/01 09:07

gk1329 02/01 09:07其實很簡單 中共說的一律不信就好

lovetaiwan 02/01 09:07

gk1329 02/01 09:08你在台灣拿出一筆錢 一樣可以假扣押

swgun 02/01 09:08假扣押這麼高額卻不釋明?跑到最高法院審理

diadem1122 02/01 09:08前一篇高潮的過來看看啊

NukAnah 02/01 09:09推專業

devilkool 02/01 09:09

MissPigHead 02/01 09:10專業推!最後的提醒非常實際

badruid 02/01 09:11

yui2307 02/01 09:11

iwillwait 02/01 09:12

WTF55665566 02/01 09:12笑死 蔡正元們又被打臉了

WTF55665566 02/01 09:12維穩沒人才啦?先滾去搶口罩啦

q2825842 02/01 09:12幹得好

locdan 02/01 09:13不是沒人能翻,是藍綠支持者都不想翻啦,

locdan 02/01 09:13這篇出在選前一定秒翻,而且一定會po好幾

locdan 02/01 09:14次,然後藍綠各自帶風向,現在沒用了,沒

locdan 02/01 09:14人討論了,看著冷冷的回覆文章數。

ronbaker 02/01 09:14

inlanyu 02/01 09:14王立強現在位置所在連律師都 不知道 不

inlanyu 02/01 09:14就是被移轉保護起來了嘛??

dirtSA 02/01 09:15推專業

chudly 02/01 09:15紅色商人的指控根本工廠一條龍隨他們生

Oolong5566 02/01 09:18感謝專業八卦

LoliconWei 02/01 09:20推翻譯

a032100 02/01 09:21

hsink 02/01 09:21你很棒 專業推

ppc 02/01 09:22

Nerv 02/01 09:22原來是跟黃向墨有關的人,那就是黨的人啦

vivihk215 02/01 09:22推啊

jagotti 02/01 09:22推專業

frozenmoon 02/01 09:22

a1234555 02/01 09:23專業推,五毛不過會繼續造謠

POPOMELO 02/01 09:26

godispower 02/01 09:26這不推爆怎麼可以?

windie 02/01 09:28專業推~~

amothia 02/01 09:28

suckpopo 02/01 09:29真的是「走開,讓專業的來」

jaceda 02/01 09:29五毛不會理這篇,反正噴完就可以跑了

james732 02/01 09:30感謝翻譯

paladada 02/01 09:31IP正確,原po也非常專業

gamera 02/01 09:31推專業

shepherdy 02/01 09:31

walyun 02/01 09:33推推

jcto04 02/01 09:33專業級打臉

jim052 02/01 09:34

booloo 02/01 09:34翻得真的很好

ben1013 02/01 09:34

ab2326764 02/01 09:35五毛又被打臉了

by740327 02/01 09:35這真的是讓專業的來啊

acas6993 02/01 09:36感謝翻譯

velaro 02/01 09:39專業推

abc53 02/01 09:39

brabra 02/01 09:40推一下,超強的翻譯,就像是翻譯報導一樣

goldhana 02/01 09:40翻的很好+1 上一篇根本避重就輕帶風向

tsubasa5566 02/01 09:41啊專業的不一定有空啊也沒有義務啊又

tsubasa5566 02/01 09:41沒有領錢

urmfo 02/01 09:41

CRATA 02/01 09:41專業推

vlin6688 02/01 09:41澳洲沈默的力量現形了

tamynumber1 02/01 09:41

lionet 02/01 09:42PTT臥虎藏龍

aghgna 02/01 09:42中共的小手段

Gorientung 02/01 09:43

b6byc 02/01 09:43真的啥地方有鄉民

urchinchuang 02/01 09:44

PerFrancis 02/01 09:44

qppqqp 02/01 09:45

firecrest 02/01 09:45這篇客觀

Stunts 02/01 09:45推。這新聞就交給你追了!!

lunaX19 02/01 09:45感謝翻譯

mengpo 02/01 09:47專業的來了

handsome2145 02/01 09:48專業

cr5 02/01 09:48推專業翻譯

Drzowy 02/01 09:50強者在民間

AceGuard 02/01 09:50一拳KO

shinkiro 02/01 09:51綠共就只會洗文章,翻譯?笑惹

coolda 02/01 09:52笑死

cpc0908 02/01 09:52推專業翻譯 想帶風向的下去

Stunts 02/01 09:53再推

madcat09 02/01 09:57專業推

coldplay0620 02/01 09:59

erwei 02/01 09:59

duckling4343 02/01 10:00專業推

Sacid 02/01 10:01

darrenboko 02/01 10:02

u9912114 02/01 10:03垃圾五毛死全家

walliswander 02/01 10:03

MidoBanA 02/01 10:03

snowsdream 02/01 10:04等你出示證明我在補推

我的NAATI執照 記得實踐諾言嘿

funnily 02/01 10:05原po專業!

ases60909 02/01 10:05讓專業的來

summer34796 02/01 10:06支那五毛死全家

savishu 02/01 10:06專業推,八卦回來了

leeg 02/01 10:08推專業

luka921222 02/01 10:08推專業

zx2767842 02/01 10:09感謝八卦版!!!

ki0107k 02/01 10:09

ajie128 02/01 10:12推 讓專業的來

ethan30213 02/01 10:13A一下他的發文就知道是來帶風向的啦

momo31 02/01 10:13很專業!

flyingjack 02/01 10:15感謝翻譯

wayne1120 02/01 10:16

justastupid 02/01 10:16感謝

flowersuger 02/01 10:16推翻譯

kids990132 02/01 10:17推專業!

zankuro 02/01 10:17優文必推

matsuwu 02/01 10:18

adsf 02/01 10:20補推一下,五毛被打臉嚇到尿褲子,不敢回了

Harrison1814 02/01 10:20紅蟑螂噁心~不知道有沒有幫腔的本

Harrison1814 02/01 10:21土蟑螂?

Harrison1814 02/01 10:21按到噓...等等補推回來

EggAcme 02/01 10:22

Harrison1814 02/01 10:23

girafa 02/01 10:24很棒 謝謝

yjjia 02/01 10:24另一篇有五毛共諜網軍帶風向

Ryzen1700 02/01 10:25推專業

kids1991 02/01 10:26

jerrylin0112 02/01 10:26推 相信專業

ZXKUQYB 02/01 10:27閃開 讓專業的來 XD

winteryoyo 02/01 10:28聲稱被騙就能求償?還要求被告現在位

winteryoyo 02/01 10:28置?假告人真要地址抓人吧

winteryoyo 02/01 10:28

圖 澳媒: 王立強夫婦6500萬澳洲資產被凍結

yabesoube 02/01 10:29

ssabjm 02/01 10:29行家一出手,便知有沒有

ipan30678 02/01 10:31

greatface 02/01 10:32

lolicat 02/01 10:33IP正確

aww525 02/01 10:33專業翻譯

kevin11tw 02/01 10:33

yfguk6685 02/01 10:34推專業

lablue 02/01 10:34

lolicone 02/01 10:35推正確合理翻譯 五毛去4一4好了

kanisbetter 02/01 10:36推專業

redbeanbread 02/01 10:36專業

H3Cita 02/01 10:36專業

lovecyfen 02/01 10:37推專業

clisan 02/01 10:40推專業,打臉帶風向的

※ 編輯: achernarsw ( 澳大利亞), 02/01/2020 10:44:04

camellala 02/01 10:41IP正確,原po也非常專業,八卦回來了

weithebest 02/01 10:42專業

willieex3 02/01 10:42推 一步一步調查寫得很清楚

illegalmad 02/01 10:42高調,防止五毛亂帶風向

charlly 02/01 10:43push

suhs 02/01 10:43追殺比爾

ibahan 02/01 10:43

faye7601 02/01 10:44專業推

※ 編輯: achernarsw ( 澳大利亞), 02/01/2020 10:45:39

dream6789 02/01 10:45

bibiwei 02/01 10:45專業推

fffffxxxxx 02/01 10:46專業

molom 02/01 10:46

xoy232 02/01 10:47推 真八卦

abel0201 02/01 10:48所以這篇翻譯在講啥?

leo945haha 02/01 10:51推專業翻譯

yutinbabe 02/01 10:53j個猛

kemusi 02/01 10:54八掛回來了!

cccone 02/01 10:55

hhand 02/01 10:55佩服

gn0502900 02/01 10:57專業推

carwho 02/01 11:04太強了吧 專業翻譯

fishV 02/01 11:04專業!!高手就在ptt

zalora 02/01 11:07推專業,五毛想玩假消息

Solonius 02/01 11:09八卦就是臥虎藏龍的優質版

pjason 02/01 11:10

zalora 02/01 11:10簡單來說就是想誣告

dalin59 02/01 11:10推推

berserkman 02/01 11:11感謝!推

berserkman 02/01 11:11五毛快出來洗地啊

cmid05 02/01 11:11

chiuin 02/01 11:15推一下

mokissru 02/01 11:16專業打臉

ilpqvm 02/01 11:17還好啦 我早知道五毛喜歡在半夜發文帶風向

mvpdirk712 02/01 11:22PTT神人一堆,太屌了

tsuruka 02/01 11:22專業的來了!

V9911014 02/01 11:24真神人

uohZemllac 02/01 11:25專業推

bbpe 02/01 11:25專業推

Playorange 02/01 11:28臉都爛了

SUZUKI5566 02/01 11:29專業

wwvvkai 02/01 11:30只能推了

edwardtp 02/01 11:33推專業的

AudiGo 02/01 11:33

colinfeng 02/01 11:34不管在哪都有專業鄉民,Dcard表示:

cindy76118 02/01 11:35專業推

TrunkV 02/01 11:42

ian10911 02/01 11:45推專業

casman 02/01 11:47推專業

flash789 02/01 11:49

cloudwolf 02/01 11:50推專業;充分揭露資訊

newyanew 02/01 11:51推推 打臉一堆廢物藍

abc1212050 02/01 11:52專業

applecc 02/01 11:52專業推

smallbrother 02/01 11:53白話文:借過,讓專業的來

CCfss 02/01 11:55推專業

vgil 02/01 11:57專業打臉智障五毛

Syd 02/01 12:00知識藍可以拿上一篇一直轉傳 目的已到

theta4719 02/01 12:02專業推

BuriBuri 02/01 12:03推專業

minikai 02/01 12:04提告人的親共背景根本就沒翻譯出來,擺

minikai 02/01 12:04明就故意的

paoiest 02/01 12:04這個翻譯超精準,專業的出手就是不一樣

ltw89104 02/01 12:09五毛對事實都無法接受

Seiran 02/01 12:09

st89702 02/01 12:11支那五毛還想帶風向 秒被打臉

ESCADA 02/01 12:11專業

st89702 02/01 12:12看了原來那篇id也就不意外了

luckiness 02/01 12:12推專業

vikingman 02/01 12:14

woods0598 02/01 12:15

bananaduck 02/01 12:16推專業

ronale 02/01 12:19專業

mcucdfeijai 02/01 12:20來不及了一堆低能藍腦已經高潮

tom21128 02/01 12:21五毛被打臉 笑死

ALENDA 02/01 12:23謝謝翻譯

vick6339 02/01 12:23簡單來說 親共的合夥人提告王立強詐騙

s870196 02/01 12:23

xkiller1900 02/01 12:26太專業了

szuning13 02/01 12:27一百分

misthide 02/01 12:28專業的翻譯師耶! 小弟在此向前輩問聲安

cerberi 02/01 12:34推專業

dminor12pm 02/01 12:36

cheerforyou 02/01 12:41ptt真的臥虎藏龍,推

paz1117 02/01 12:43水喔

tsming 02/01 12:44果然是支那人白手套出來了

execration 02/01 12:45這才是我知道的八卦版

TKW5566 02/01 12:51專業推

BoyoChen 02/01 12:52提醒了我:啊蔡正元咧,選前搞一齣奧步

BoyoChen 02/01 12:53被斷法,現在避風頭?

noise5566 02/01 12:55好猛

RockCaveChen 02/01 12:57

JacobSu 02/01 13:01推專業

k920354496 02/01 13:15

ndtoseooqd 02/01 13:16

kenshin333 02/01 13:18ptt臥虎藏龍,但同時也是龍蛇雜處,

kenshin333 02/01 13:18自己要會判斷資訊是否正確啊

opmina 02/01 13:19上一篇根本沒翻譯到提告者與中共的關係

opmina 02/01 13:21控告詐欺、法院已經凍結「資產」,卻還要

opmina 02/01 13:21求對方律師找出保護地點,目的不言而喻

jimmygaygay 02/01 13:24我就覺得奇怪哪有人翻譯翻一半的

goldflower 02/01 13:30嘖嘖 中共洗地人員真的噁心

domon0525 02/01 13:39

dustmoon 02/01 13:56推澳媒 反觀

hsien918 02/01 14:00推專業

tlnrs 02/01 14:02情報員好有錢,拿麼厲害。

cyc114 02/01 14:24

hakosaki 02/01 14:26

zooeybones 02/01 14:33感謝翻譯!!

mra2284 02/01 14:44

scoutpioneer 02/01 14:52推猛猛

mio1987 02/01 14:58推專業

eknbz 02/01 14:59專業推

aric8847 02/01 15:03好猛喔

seraph01 02/01 15:05結果那位也沒補推啊

su4ej3 02/01 15:13在中國的房產 當然都是黨的啊

ian90911 02/01 15:13推專業文

TF00207374 02/01 15:14

samuraibin 02/01 15:23專業推

neve11 02/01 15:31真。讓專業的來 上篇黃向墨那段直接跳過

Ghate 02/01 15:40推~但最高法院應該翻成高等法院較合適喔!

Ghate 02/01 15:41澳洲的最高法院是High Court

Ghate 02/01 15:41Supreme Court是指各州的高等法院

不,Supreme Court係屬州司法體系最上級法院,故譯作最高法院而不是高等法院。 聯邦體系的High Court則多加聯邦二字,譯作聯邦最高法院,來和Supreme Court區別。 澳洲本身是個聯邦國家,各州的司法體系和聯邦的司法體系是分開但有關聯的。 雖然Supreme Court的裁決可以再上訴到High Court, 但必須滿足相當多條件才會被受理。 因此大部份州內司法案件由Supreme Court終審定讞。 簡單說,澳洲的聯邦與州關係,並不等同台灣的中央地方關係。 各州Supreme Court並不能單純地看作High Court的下級法院。

arue 02/01 15:50專業推

ukuk666888 02/01 16:01推個

thumbb85784 02/01 16:31推專業!

kinomon 02/01 16:32居然釣到在職翻譯師 另外也推備註

Triad 02/01 16:44專業推

mingxian 02/01 16:59閃開!讓專業的來!這不是來了嗎!

※ 編輯: achernarsw ( 澳大利亞), 02/01/2020 17:50:42 ※ 編輯: achernarsw ( 澳大利亞), 02/01/2020 17:56:20

s98091028 02/01 19:44推 專業

tio2catalyst 02/01 19:48釣到神人了

winter0723 02/01 20:00

fromwilda 02/02 01:27

cococolor 02/02 01:59那以後就交給你了

dog990999 02/02 09:59專業打臉

meericme 02/02 11:25專業

atwin0613 03/04 01:49推 超專業! 辛苦你了!

superkb04/02 13:42太多柯韓粉帶風向

kenco04/22 16:33你應該不敢翻譯其他後續相關報導吧?