Fw: [經驗] Unication Bullying Gary Su Event

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※ [本文轉錄自 Employee 看板 #1WGKMo6L ]

作者: taipoo (要成功要積極) 看板: Employee
標題: [經驗] Unication Bullying Gary Su Event
時間: Fri Mar 5 04:40:12 2021

This is an event in Taiwan, Unication company bullied Gary Su from 2018/8 to
2018/12. Now Gary Su is fighting for his own labor rights through judicial
litigation in Taiwan. Unfortunately, the first instance & Second judge
colluded with Unicatin and Unicatin's lawyer team, which led to the loss of the first & Second instance Gary Su, and Gary Su made everything public on Taiwan’s Internet for his own labor rights. You can read Taiwan's Mobile01 forum,
where #34, #35, #36, #37 contains significant For the issue of national defense and security, netizens all over the world are invited to protect Gary Su’s
labor rights and interests. Thank you!

1. Mobile01 Forum:

2. Unication Bullying Gary Su Event’s Dropbox data download:

P.S. all is in Chinese. I hope some netizens who can read Chinese can help,
thank you!


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※ PTT留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ※ 轉錄者: eduishappy ( 臺灣), 03/05/2021 04:41:44

super131415903/05 04:45太嚴重了八挖

lupefan4eva03/05 04:46??

nikewang03/05 04:48看不懂

Orisinal03/05 04:50就是一個難搞的員工不聽直屬主管 搞到被炒了又認為公司

Orisinal03/05 04:51違法解雇去打官司 結果一審就輸了

L1ON03/05 05:05他都要彈劾總統了 腦袋真好

Laverda03/05 05:44噓你應該 不噓你悲哀

pponywong03/05 06:23錢奴喔

bbflisky03/05 07:52看不懂。

CIDgreen03/05 11:36滿手證據何不直接去爆料公社或壹集團?

CIDgreen03/05 11:36沒有同溫層在 PTT 炒不起來的

kuo5603/05 11:42建議去看心理醫生