[問卦] 哪裡有寫到疫苗的有效性??

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 哪裡有寫到疫苗的有效性??作者
時間推噓 4 推:4 噓:0 →:5



試驗藥品名稱 / 成分 :MVC-COV1901 vaccine (暫定) / SARS-CoV-2 S-2P棘蛋白
以評估SARS-CoV-2候選疫苗MVC-COV1901 對老年人之安全性、


試驗目的:評估大致上健康或既有醫療狀況穩定的65 歲以上受試者,施打高劑量 MVC
COV1901 疫苗相較於中劑量 MVC COV1901 安全性和免疫生成性。

試驗藥品名稱 / 成分 : MVC-COV1901 vaccine (暫定) / SARS-CoV-2 S-2P棘蛋白
SARS CoV 2候選疫苗 MVC COV1901 之安全性、耐受性及免
疫生成性 。


評估受試者施打兩劑 MVC COV1901 疫苗後之安全性 、 耐受性 及免疫生成性 。
至第二劑後 28 天
評估 受試者整個試驗期間之安全性、批次間一致性及免疫生成性 。

A Study to Evaluate MVC-COV1901 Vaccine Against COVID-19 in Elderly Adults

Study Description
Brief Summary:
The purpose of this study is to assess the safety and immunogenicity of
MVC-COV1901 vaccine in two different dose forms in participants who are
generally healthy or with stable pre-existing health conditions.

Outcome Measures
Primary Outcome Measures :
Incidence of Adverse Events(AEs) [Safety and Tolerability] [ Time Frame: Day
1 to 28 days after the second vaccination ]
To evaluate the incidence of Adverse Events(AEs) of MVC-COV1901 from Visit 2
(Day 1) to Visit 6 (28 days after the second dose of study intervention) in
terms of the number and percentage of participants with the occurrence of:

Solicited local AEs (up to 7 days after each dose of study intervention)
Solicited systemic AEs (up to 7 days after each dose of study intervention)
Unsolicited AEs (up to 28 days after each dose of study intervention) AE of
Special Interest (AESI) Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease(VAED) Serious
adverse events (SAEs)

Immunogenicity of MVC-COV1901 [ Time Frame: Day 1 to 28 days after the secondvaccination ]
To evaluate the immunogenicity of High-dose MVC-COV1901, as compared to
Mid-dose MVC-COV1901, in terms of neutralizing antibody titers.

Secondary Outcome Measures :
Incidence of Adverse Events(AEs) [Safety and Tolerability] [ Time Frame: Day
1 to 180 days after the second vaccination ]
To evaluate the Incidence of Adverse Events(AEs) of MVC-COV1901 over the
study period in terms of the number and percentage of participants with the
occurrence of:

>= Grade 3 AE AE of Special Interest (AESI) Vaccine-Associated Enhanced
Disease(VAED) Serious adverse events (SAEs)

Immunogenicity of MVC-COV1901 [ Time Frame: Day 1 to 180 days after the
second vaccination ]
The antigen-specific immunoglobulin titers and neutralizing antibody titers
at Visit 4 (28 days after the first dose of study intervention), Visit 6 (28
days after the second dose of study intervention), Visit 7 (90 days after thesecond dose of study intervention) and Visit 8 (180 days after the second
dose of study intervention) in terms of antigen-specific immunoglobulin
titers and neutralizing antibody titers



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hsuehhm 05/30 22:15據說「免疫生成性」與保護力有高相關

MDCCLXXVI 05/30 22:16neutralizing antibody titers

hsuehhm 05/30 22:21

ChoiceH 05/30 22:28有效性就在你沒貼的那段 Other Outcome M

ChoiceH 05/30 22:28easures:

ChoiceH 05/30 22:28Incidence of confirmed COVID-19 cases

ChoiceH 05/30 22:53不過以台灣之前那麼少確診數,我猜這有

ChoiceH 05/30 22:53效性很難達到顯著差異,二期最終恐怕還是

ChoiceH 05/30 22:53以疫苗能打出抗體當全民施打的依據