[問卦] 「我扛我負責」怎麼翻成英文?

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※ PTT留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
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DOOT 07/24 13:41Who cares

tyrande 07/24 13:41i go to school by bus.

sxy67230 07/24 13:41DPP

johnwu 07/24 13:41Clark

shino95995 07/24 13:42who car

bullace 07/24 13:42my bad

MrZiXu 07/24 13:42

圖, 「我扛我負責」怎麼翻成英文?

McKen 07/24 13:42I M DPPer

uco330 07/24 13:42you shut up

neil0611 07/24 13:42Bullshxt

peiring 07/24 13:43costco

a0986188522 07/24 13:43i don't give a fuck you guys will

a0986188522 07/24 13:43vote me anyway

fir191938 07/24 13:43I dot car

louisnan 07/24 13:43I am dpper, fuck you

kathypig 07/24 13:43I am your father

Dreamlgw 07/24 13:43costco be costco ikea do ikea

Netherland 07/24 13:44

圖, 「我扛我負責」怎麼翻成英文?

castlewind 07/24 13:44I am watching you

leocean9816 07/24 13:44vote for me

Neptunus 07/24 13:45no pain no gain

qwejoezxc33 07/24 13:45美寶冰飲 紫薯冰好吃

wake7078 07/24 13:45I don’t care

joyeszhang 07/24 13:45Just shut fucking up

rommel1990 07/24 13:45Go f**k yourselves

qozxcv 07/24 13:45green can you can’t

willieliu 07/24 13:45Fxxking DPP

NotUniqueSol 07/24 13:45I ... is the 9th alphabet.

Xaymaca 07/24 13:45No more Chinese

gtcb 07/24 13:45Shut the fuck up, bitch.

dbjdx 07/24 13:46what are you shouting at???

abbjesper 07/24 13:46Taliban

hatsuha 07/24 13:47Green can you can't

gawoolala 07/24 13:47responsibility duck unnecessary

alchemist106 07/24 13:47I am a DPPer.

kklighter 07/24 13:47my bad so what

lmf770410 07/24 13:47I said I would be responsible for t

iwinlottery 07/24 13:47Shut up

lmf770410 07/24 13:47hat

Seals 07/24 13:47I run for the mayoral election

Osmium 07/24 13:48Shut the funk up

kklighter 07/24 13:48I lock my paper 30years as secret

proletariat 07/24 13:48RUN AWAY

nexusX 07/24 13:48

圖, 「我扛我負責」怎麼翻成英文?

kklighter 07/24 13:48Fight china for formosa

kklighter 07/24 13:48I copy and i run

jiayuan 07/24 13:48

圖, 「我扛我負責」怎麼翻成英文?

aloneatrip 07/24 13:49Chen Shizhong or Lin Zhijian

kklighter 07/24 13:49Its time to vote , my dpper

david086t 07/24 13:49I dot car

weath 07/24 13:49O lie count ~

somefatguy 07/24 13:49My anal my responsibility

don323 07/24 13:49WA CAN WA FOOD

kklighter 07/24 13:49China fuck us, i need youe vote

wax1201 07/24 13:49Wow~gun!

jackhg 07/24 13:50Luo pao

kklighter 07/24 13:50Green head and dpper i need your stu

kklighter 07/24 13:50pid vote

don323 07/24 13:50I can I food

klwei 07/24 13:50Vote for me

LoveMakeLove 07/24 13:51Bullshit

t72312 07/24 13:51show me money

tiltheday 07/24 13:51I don't care

kklighter 07/24 13:51Give me your vote otherwise kmt

vntlu 07/24 13:51 Tsai EE

max9527 07/24 13:51I bull shit!

toyni 07/24 13:52we dogs

stayforever 07/24 13:52green can, you can’t.

wiesley1029 07/24 13:52Vote me

ccococo 07/24 13:52I can cum

somedayborn 07/24 13:53I don’t fxxking care

fantasy14 07/24 13:53Green can, you can't

organ63521 07/24 13:53tasi EE

uniqlo5566 07/24 13:53I'm DPPer,and you?

z2wen 07/24 13:54kmt is bad

ChenYenChou 07/24 13:54EE Tsai is GOD

aincrad0212 07/24 13:56It's not my job

vesia 07/24 13:57want to be a mayor

zckater 07/24 13:57My name is Clock

meowchen 07/24 13:57I'm sorry but nothing with me

kklighter 07/24 13:58I grant who xar

lsslu 07/24 13:59I don’t care

b2305911 07/24 14:00I cum I fu zer.

molsmopuim 07/24 14:00DPP will fuck you up.

jaxjax 07/24 14:01go fuck yourself

jim543000 07/24 14:02i hav shoulder

kybay 07/24 14:02i get off.

pantakill 07/24 14:03DPP's attitude

kybay 07/24 14:03i have nothing to do with that!

xnmomnx 07/24 14:03i dont care u care

RLH 07/24 14:04I cum I go

hwc 07/24 14:04責任來 我就肛

tonyian 07/24 14:05 It's not my business

mrcat 07/24 14:07You complain and you vote for DPP.

northwater 07/24 14:07plz in my asshole

jayway1983 07/24 14:07Not my fucking business

retrud 07/24 14:09I don't give a shit

mikechang829 07/24 14:09Wo Gon Wo Fu Zer

mikechang829 07/24 14:09我肛我負責

Yatta 07/24 14:10I don’t give a shit

darkholy 07/24 14:10I got promotion!

BaGaJohn5566 07/24 14:11Green can you can’t

towierc 07/24 14:11I ass my response

ausome 07/24 14:13it's all kmt/tmd's fault

cheng399 07/24 14:13I'm your father

ptta 07/24 14:15i quit ! M**r F**k !

hotfeer 07/24 14:15I am out

shellback 07/24 14:16shut up peasant

dOnG4fU 07/24 14:16full of hot air

yylin3266 07/24 14:16it's electing time!

sendow 07/24 14:18You are so stupid

dangercat5 07/24 14:18Fuck you all night 我肛我負責

hippo130 07/24 14:18icon

Boasoul 07/24 14:18DPP CAN YOU CANT 淺顯易懂

jujubobo 07/24 14:19green is can for anything

VirgilAeneid 07/24 14:21DPP can others not.

roso4258 07/24 14:21

圖, 「我扛我負責」怎麼翻成英文?

joeduck 07/24 14:22ho ar

junthink 07/24 14:24My dreams will come true.

roroccc 07/24 14:24I had got 1200 million, idiot.

babyalley 07/24 14:24Fxcking ass my response

PussySucker 07/24 14:25Fuck off

sean5236921 07/24 14:25I don’t car

guaiacol 07/24 14:26i cum i put jizz

Arkadas 07/24 14:26I'll run for mayor electipn.

dodoro1 07/24 14:26n

slimu0001 07/24 14:26dpp is ok ,you get out

dodoro1 07/24 14:260

mynewid 07/24 14:29人家都辭職下台負責了還想怎樣

giantwinter 07/24 14:30Dpp

pov 07/24 14:30I am responsible for cum

sulunpas 07/24 14:31I don’t give a shit

befound 07/24 14:32who cares

threeyuan 07/24 14:33DPP Clark

CIDgreen 07/24 14:34I Already Said.

perseus419 07/24 14:34i am時鐘 you are 死忠

taipeiliu 07/24 14:35I'm so gay

rb79 07/24 14:38先說你問的是哪一國的英文?

rb79 07/24 14:38台灣的英文是沒有負責這個字眼的

qut510140 07/24 14:39With great DPP‘ conviction comes

qut510140 07/24 14:39great responsibility

glmkk 07/24 14:40Go to Taipei

L2N 07/24 14:40who care

kevin8203 07/24 14:42Damn shit on his mouth,fuck

kevin8203 07/24 14:47*is

fcz973 07/24 14:48None of my business.

jiaming86 07/24 14:53hahaha

Cefilos 07/24 14:56No vote no car

newlly 07/24 15:03I'm DPP, the king of the world

ringohejia 07/24 15:04It’s not my business

fun791128 07/24 15:04DPP FIRST

josephchen08 07/24 15:13anal me

chingming0 07/24 15:14I come, I food.

atticsalt 07/24 15:16i come

catvsdog 07/24 15:19who car

jay16814 07/24 15:21you don't know me

iamdahiphop 07/24 15:25I don’t CAR

XseraphimX 07/24 15:27Who cares

s1044482 07/24 15:37fxck my duty

runedcross 07/24 15:38free money

zhenglack 07/24 15:42你是講林志堅還是陳時中啊?


psypoorer 07/24 15:49Dpper

sxbear 07/24 15:53DPP can

littleredhat 07/24 15:56網軍全家確診死光光

feichai5566 07/24 15:59be quiet

tony3366211 07/24 16:06Is not my business

supahotfire 07/24 16:15Taiwan can help

michaellee76 07/24 16:20I cum I swallow

jacklin2002 07/24 16:21Show DPP the money

s942816 07/24 16:23better cakl suel

blackstyles 07/24 16:34I C I FZ

protoss666 07/24 16:36Go fuck yourselves

rickpto 07/24 16:41DPP

smallkop 07/24 16:43shut up ,money

alpacaHong 07/24 16:47I will win the mayor

chunyee 07/24 16:55shut up just vote me

iceman198410 07/24 16:58I got promotion.

Asucks 07/24 17:08Not my fucking shit

monkeydpp 07/24 17:17Fuck you

anyu0805 07/24 17:28World Come! World Food Der !

cully 07/24 17:39I am green

sunhear 07/24 17:40Hsinchu stadium

BILLBADY 07/24 17:49I can't I full jail

cain123 07/24 17:51I take responsibility and credit

rufugy 07/24 18:19fuckink asshole green shit

maticsakura 07/24 18:20DPP PEROPERO

opop1133 07/24 18:43Taiwan can help

bonbon789852 07/24 18:56I dot car!

dcdrkim 07/24 18:59i am ddp

ysbh 07/24 19:07DPPer Push

darkangel119 07/24 19:08DPPer

changefly 07/24 19:17DPP style

jkl456 07/24 19:17I don't give a shit

Lydia66 07/24 19:20I come from DPP

kukokuka 07/24 19:31i will rich

Instru01 07/24 19:32Shut the fuck up U dumbass

G12134 07/24 19:38Suck my dick,b***h

imtlow 07/24 19:59I don't car

kingofcs 07/24 20:09DPP can do anything you can't

Fukker 07/24 21:08fuck u all

pttouch 07/24 21:55hi, nerds

yukiinsummer 07/24 21:58DPP right

kshtainan 07/24 22:58DPP first

finalhome08 07/24 23:25Ubadbad

PeikangShin 07/24 23:40Give me money bitch

vb128252 07/24 23:51I'm clock

Workshy 07/25 00:13wo kun wo fu ze

ChenDotQ 07/25 00:25war come war future

qqqaz9527tw 07/25 07:16Everybody say Kung Fu fighting

kirisame 07/25 12:30take a dose of your own shit