[問卦] 「注意還動啊?!」英文怎麼翻?

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 「注意還動啊?!」英文怎麼翻?作者
時間推噓19 推:20 噓:1 →:11

我知道「注意!」是 Attention!


「注意還動啊?!」 英文要怎麼翻?





※ PTT留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
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qt359101 10/24 10:07attention still move?

showdoggy 10/24 10:07樓下被肛時 都喊什麼助興

Insania 10/24 10:08you are terminated

a069275235 10/24 10:08Attention is also moving, right?

lindviorair 10/24 10:09may show gun more

andyher 10/24 10:10you loss 10 k twd

pigking75 10/24 10:10Pick up the soap

basara30 10/24 10:11I like moving moving

hihimen 10/24 10:12kiss my ass hole

kabor 10/24 10:12喊attention 每個人都會回attention


linjoe0913 10/24 10:13You like move it move it

dean1990 10/24 10:13

圖, 「注意還動啊?!」英文怎麼翻?
※ 編輯: HisVol ( 臺灣), 10/24/2022 10:14:01

Dcwei 10/24 10:13U motherfucker r still moving after I

Dcwei 10/24 10:13said fucking attention

seal998 10/24 10:15attention! losers

lats 10/24 10:20attention ! high don't ?

share8426 10/24 10:24Attention means don't move your butt

maximu 10/24 10:45attention please

alpeti258 10/24 10:49Attention! Why you fucking pussy st

alpeti258 10/24 10:50ill moving?

gn01693664 10/24 10:54you stupid dpper

Howard61313 10/24 10:55I like to move it move it

Howard61313 10/24 10:55You cannot move it move it

Justkiding 10/24 11:01Ass hole ,please

im33024 10/24 11:09How do you turn this on

ted8833000 10/24 11:30costco ikea

Raphael7725 10/24 11:50FuckDPP

F04E 10/24 12:02FuckKMT

matuser 10/24 12:07

圖, 「注意還動啊?!」英文怎麼翻?

sniperex168 10/24 12:11attention ! high don't ?

kickflip 10/24 12:32Attention! Don't move!

barry1027gg 10/24 13:01看讀稿機寫什麼 英文就說什麼阿 簡單